This chapter will be in Arabic and English.
Everyone loves flowers and takes care of them because they improve our mood only from their wonderful look and smell.
الجميع يحب الزهور ويعتني بها لأنها تحسن مزاجنا فقط من خلال شكلها ورائحتها الرائعة.
The meanings of flowers are classified into many meanings, the most important of which are color, number, type and their names.وتصنف معاني الزهور إلى معاني عديدة أهمها اللون والعدد والنوع وأسمائها.
We'll start with the color first.
سنبدأ باللون أولاً.
The most popular color for people is red.
اللون الأكثر شعبية بين الناس هو اللون الأحمر.
The World .
Ficção HistóricaDive with me in this vast world and delve deeper into the creation of the God . Every trip you take you will learn more. In every letter you know, your insight will open to things you didn't even notice.