Chapter 10

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They're back from York the day after

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They're back from York the day after. It's New Years Eve.

And despite his initial reluctance, Pete is absurdly smug about the entire thing. They've brought back eighteen people with them, and have further plans — like Manchester — to return and fight. There's nowhere near as many Enforcers up there, clearly too far for Gia to stretch her influence.

Pete tells me everything with his chest puffed out, proud and smug. At the end, he even thanks me before disappearing out of the room to go and shower.

I blink at Carl. "Did that really just happen?"

He grins, sliding onto the chair beside me. "It sure did."

"Riley's head might just fall off when he comes back," I mutter.

Carl laughs before shrugging. "Pete's always been fickle. He changes his ways so often, Riley probably expected this."

I just hum under my breath before noting down the York group's success next to the others. And then I stare at the page. My eyes widen. My mouth drops open, and then slams closed. I look up at Carl in disbelief.

"That's it," I exclaim.


"Every single group has returned! Some of them may be off already on their next mission... but they all returned. And we didn't lose a single person!" I'm beaming.

Carl's smiling at me. "You did well, Kayla."

"I haven't even left the farm." I scoff.

Carl furrows his brow and shakes his head. "You literally went on a supply run to Nottingham last night."

I roll my eyes at him. "You know what I mean! It's hardly like I've done anything big," I pause, looking down at my map and studying the area around us. My eyes fall onto one location and a small smile spreads across my lips. "Yet," I finish.

Carl disappears to help the York group unload everything from the truck they returned with and I grab a new ream of paper, fiercely jotting down everyone who's still here — not up in Manchester — before drafting a load of new plans.

It takes me eight hours this time, and it's pitch black outside by the time I'm happy. Reaching up, I rub the back of my hand over my eyes and groan. They're dry, and exhausted.

"You finally ready for dinner?" Pippa asks from the corner of the room. I smile at her, and nod. She lifts the black saucepan over the top of the small fire on the stove before stepping towards me. "I can't believe how long you take on these."

I shove all the pages into one pile and push them away. It's too late to gather everyone now. Plus, I want to run most of the plans past Carl again.

"I doubt every single idea that crosses my mind," I tell her. "Re-write them about fifty times."

She hums, smiling at me. "Well, last time they all made sense."

"You were okay staying here?" I ask her.

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