Chapter 11

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We're ready to go

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We're ready to go. All three trucks are loaded with every weapon, explosive, and person that we need. The six people staying here have all wished us luck, and are standing by with brooms and plant offcuts, ready to make the driveway look unused the minute we leave.

Attempting to stifle the nerves inside my body, I smile at the four people sitting in the back of the truck before stepping around the edge and sliding into the driver's seat. I greet the two people inside the cab with an encouraging grin.

After all, isn't that the job of a leader? To motivate? To keep the morale high? So, that's what I'll do. Even if I am doubting my every move...

"We ready to go, boss?" Carl's voice comes crackling through the walkie talkie that's slotted against the dashboard.

Reaching out, I pick it up and press down the button to respond, "Yes. Let's do this."

The walkie gets placed back on the dashboard and then I'm turning the key, allowing the engine to roar to life. Lifting my hand, I curl them around the dog tags and close my eyes. Riley's face fills my mind, smirking encouragingly at me. He would have loved this plan. I almost feel guilty for enacting it without him. It would have been a great gift for him — waiting until he returns.

But unfortunately, it's an Enforcer stronghold. The leader in me wins over the... lover.

The truck in front of us starts inching forward. I shove the dog tags beneath the high neck of my black top and drop my foot onto the clutch.

My hand shifts the truck into gear, following the others as we head for the prison.


I swing my truck through the gates, following the other before any of the Enforcers know what's happening.

The sky on the horizon is lit up with the same orange hue that I saw two weeks ago today when we helped them journey South. Only today, I left the distraction to one of the other trucks.

So now, we're here.

Mine and Carl's vehicles pull to a stop just inside the gates. There's no time to waste, and I'm shoving the driver's door open, jumping down and lifting the gun in my hand, aiming at the remaining brown-uniformed Enforcers that run towards us.

My finger curls around the trigger and I press down, releasing a bullet into the chest of the guard nearest to me. My attention turns behind him, efficiently killing three more before reaching back inside the truck for the walkie.

"Billy!" I call out to one of my passengers, just as he shoots a guard. "You forgot this!" I chuck the device towards him with a glower. I get an apologetic look in response before I slam the truck door closed and step around the front of the vehicle.

Carl is inching back towards me at the same time, lifting his weapon and aiming it at the Enforcer to his left. They're down within seconds.

"Everyone's splitting off," he yells at me. I nod in response before shoving my gun inside the waistband of my trousers and sidling up beside him. He continues to shoot, and I hand him more ammo as my eyes survey the area.

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