Chapter 1

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There was once a woman named The Lion Queen, she was 19 years old in 2017, she lived with her parents and her younger brother named Jordan. The Lion Queen was in grade 12 for the second victory lap, mainly since when she started high school in 2012 in September, she was in the learning center. While in the learning center up until she was in grade 12, the teachers thought she was so ready to be in regular classes to get credits.

While in regular classes throughout grade 12 and her victory lap year, she still didn't have enough credits that she needed to graduate high school. So she had to stay at school for a second victory lap, where her life there went from awesome to hell for her. But school for her wasn't always like that, from Grade 9 to her victory lap; she made a lot of friends as well as some teacher friends. Everyone never had an issue with her being autistic, because doctors did say she wasn't gonna get anywhere in life, but she sure proved the doctors wrong.

The parents and everyone were proud of The Lion Queen, even with her autistic, she pretty much tackled any obstacles in her path while growing up. Sadly her friends sadly drifted apart as her high school years went by, some graduated, some dropped out, some went their separate ways and some even moved away. However, The Lion Queen still had her two best friends; Alice to whom she's known since her elementary school years, and Vanessa who is one of her close friends. They have been friends since they both started riding at the same riding stable, so they both had shared something in common along with Alice.

While the girls were being best of friends, there were 2 mean EA's and a teacher who seemed to have a hatred for The Lion Queen and her best friends. There was one EA who is very overweight and she looks like a female version of Nikocado Avocado, her name was Mrs Float and she always started spreading rumors. Then the 2nd EA was Mrs. Marsh, she always likes to pick up fights and abuse some students in the school, mainly the ones she picked on where the ones she didn't like.

Then the teacher was Ms. Vixen, she was like a wicked witch since she always like to pick on her just as much as Mrs. Float and Mrs. Marsh does. The Lion Queen always avoid them, even with her best friends defending her from the bullies of the school. WHenever her parents report it to the principal, he and the VPs will look into the issue, but nothing else came up with no updated info. The parents have came to the conclusion that the Principal and the VPS were being manipulated by Ms. Vixen, only to keep their reputation from being damaged.

Well one way or another, those EAs and the teacher will get their karma. When The Lion Queen was back at school for at least 2 weeks, there were no problems whatsoever. But on the weekend before the 3rd week of school, Alice who was already out of high school, and is a year older than The Lion Queen was moving away. The Lion Queen was seeing Alice at a park, where Alice was gonna say goodbye to her since she was moving the next day.

"Alice, do you have to go?" The Lion Queen asked.

"Yes I have to Lioness, my parents and I have to move with my parents to a town 20 minutes from Barrie." Alice replied sadly.

"Can we still hang out?" The Lion Queen questioned.

"Of course we can Lioness, even if it is on the phone, I promise to come and visit you and Vanessa." Alice answered. "Here, I made this bracelet with your name on it."

Alice handed The Lion Queen a bracelet that she made with her own name on it, it made The Lion Queen smile.

"When did you make this? I love how my name is carved on it." The Lion Queen said as she put her bracelet on.

"Remember when I was in grade 8 and you were in grade 7?" Alice began, questioning The Lion Queen. "Well I made that for you so you can remember me by, I have waited til the time was right to give it to you. And now is the time to give it to you, you will always have a part of me with you."

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