Chapter 11

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The next day at the kissing bridge of Derry, Lion Queen along with Pennywise were there with the Losers Club. They all had been hanging out near that area, that is when The Lion Queen looked at Pennywise.

"There's something I need to confess, Penny, I really love you so much." Lion Queen said while hugging him.

"I love you too, Lioness, you say it all the time and it makes my heart happy." Pennywise replied.

Just then, Henry Bowers and his gang showed up, seeing everyone together. Seeing Henry and his gang made Bill frustrated while Pennywise was growling with anger, they hurt Lion Queen when she moved to Derry, and it wasn't gonna happen again.

"Well now, we have the whole gang together." Henry stated.

"Yeah, you are not hurting her again Henry. So don't even try it, with all of us band together, we can take you all down." Beverly warned.

"And I love her." Pennywise stated, this made Henry and his gang shocked to hear the news.

"Isn't this just peachy," Henry chuckled. "The monster clown has fallen in love with a human." As Henry said that, his gang began to laugh at this, as if it was some joke.

"Why don't you mind your fucking business." Richie retorted, to which Lion Queen looked at the sky to see the sun was setting.

"THe bite mark you made Pennywise, it has an effect on what happens to me at night. I don't understand why it does it, but now I want to show you what happens." The Lion Queen said as she stepped into the sun setting.

Since Beverly, Georgie and Bill already know about Lion Queen's secret, she was taking the risk at this in front of the rest of the Losers Club. Although Pennywise was at first confused, as he wasn't sure what she was talking about. When Lion Queen's body as human form began to glow around her, her form from human began to change.

This was a shocker to the rest of the Losers Cub, but Pennywise started to understand what Lion Queen was telling him. He forgot to tell her that the mark he left on her wrist was a side effect of the day and night change. The Lion Queen was in her clown form, well monster shapeshifting one like Pennywise is. The Losers Club who didn't know about it were surprised, even Henry and his gang were just as surprised.

"I forgot to tell you Lioness, the bite mark I made has that effect that by day you're a human, and by night you're an eldritch like me." Pennywise said.

"Is she gonna eat us?" Richie asked.

"She's not gonna eat us, we're safe." Beverly answered.

"How will this day and night change end?" The Lion Queen asked Pennywise.

"I will have to bite into your wrist again in this form, and then you will be a shapeshifting monster clown like me. But this is permanent, so it is your choice." Pennywise answered.

"Now that you're a monster Lion Queen, see if you and your clown friend can take us all down." Henry taunted as he and his gang got ready to fight.

"You losers gonna help?" Lion Queen asked, turning her attention to her friends who nodded.

The fight with Henry and his gang were going well smoothly in the forest away from the public view. They were near The Barrens, and Lion Queen was taking forms of anything she can think of, and then everyone was fighting Henry and his gang.

Victor was the first to go down, he was thrown hard into a tree by Lion Queen with her force. In her shapeshifting monster form, she was twice as strong as how she was as a human. Belch was the second to go, Beverly and her friends drowned him by having his face underwater for a long time. Patrick was about to try and set Lion Queen on fire, although she shapeshifted into a dragon, setting Patrick in flames.

Patrick ran around in flames until he was burned alive, he was dead within a couple of minutes. Henry was stunned, and left that he lost due to his enemies winning. Just as Henry turned around to leave, Pennywise grabbed him and sank his teeth into his neck, killing him within seconds. The battle went on for a little while, but thanks to Pennywise and Lion Queen in her shapeshifting clown form, Henry and his gang were no more.

'Wow, the battle..We won!" Beverly cheered as everyone else did the same.

"Pennywise, you're gonna do the bite again?" Lion Queen asked.

"Lioness, are you sure you wanna be an eldritch like myself? Like forever being a shapeshifting clown? This is a big choice, because once I do this, there is no going back." Pennywise said. "This change is permanent, so this is a BIG decision."

"Yes, I am sure Pennywise. I would like to stay in this form, I can see how powerful I am in this form, I wasn't this powerful as a human." Lion Queen answered, then held her wrist that had the bite mark from before. "I'm ready."

Pennywise took her wrist and gently bit into her wrist again, since Lion Queen was in her eldritch monster form, it didn't hurt as bad as it did when she was a human. The change began to happen as she formed her own deadlights inside of her, they formed as Lion Queen went through the change. The Losers Club watched as Pennywise let go of Lion Queen, she was now an eldritch clown for good, she was grateful to make this decision.

"Woah, she's now a clown for the rest of her life?" Eddie questioned.

"Yeah, I can shapeshift into anything." Lion Queen states as she shapeshifts into a dog and licks Beverly's face as she giggles.

"You are still my guardian, and sister figure to me, eldritch or not." Beverly said as Lion Queen hugged Beverly in her clown form.

"T-This is gonna be a change t-t-to get used to." Bill said.

"I like it, we like how you are, even if you're not a clown." Ben added.

"I am still Lioness, now let's go celebrate our victory for defeating Henry Bowers." The Lion Queen suggested as everyone nodded.

While Henry and his gang were defeated, Lion Queen and her friends along with Pennywise headed for a restaurant in Derry to celebrate. However near the restaurant called; "Sweet Tea's", Ms. Vixen and her gang were in the alleyway near where the butcher shop was.

"Am I dreaming, or is that Lion Queen now a clown like Pennywise?" Mrs. Marsh questioned, she along with Mrs. Float and Ms. Vixen soon took notice.

"She does look like Pennywise, except her eyes and hair color stay the same. And her clown costume is like Pennywise's, only with a skirt on it." Mrs. Float said.

"Tomorrow or the next day, we will take them down. I will explain the plan to you ladies in the morning, they have to go sooner or later." Ms Vixen smirked evilly.

"What is the plan?" Mrs. Marsh asked.

"Shut up! I will tell you tomorrow, now be quiet Mrs. Marsh." Ms. Vixen snarled as she along with her 2 butt buddies disappeared off into the night.

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