Chapter 4

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When the sun rose the next morning, The Lion Queen woke up to the sun glare through the window of her bedroom. She woke up at the same time Beverly did on the top bunk, both of the girls had messy hair so they sure did have a good sleep.

"Morning Lioness, did you sleep well?" Beverly asked as she sat up on her top bunk.

"Yep sure did, it looks like you also slept well too." Lion Queen said, seeing Beverly had messy hair as well as herself.

"I can tell because of the messy hair." Beverly giggled as she saw how messy Lion Queen's hair was.

"Yeah, so let's get dressed and then I'll get started on breakfast. Want pancakes with bacon?" The Lion Queen asked.

"Sounds good to me." Beverly replied as she got down from the top of the bunk bed, and then got ready with Lion Queen for their day.

When the girls were all ready for the day ahead of them, The Lion Queen got started on making breakfast while Beverly was looking at the game consoles that her guardian owned. They arranged from the PlayStation 2 all the way to Xbox Series X, and it seemed that she owned a lot of games for her consoles.

"You're a gamer I see, you own a lot of games." Beverly commented as Lion Queen was making breakfast.

"Yep, I've been a gamer since my dad introduced me to video games as a kid." The Lion Queen answered.

Once breakfast was ready, The Lion Queen and Beverly were both enjoying the hot breakfast. As they were finishing up, there was a knock at the door so Beverly got up to answer the door.

Once Beverly opened the door, she was greeted to see her friends, who were also known as The Losers Club. The Lion Queen looked at the door as she and Beverly saw that it was a group of boys, they were Beverly's friends.

"Hello, who may you boys be?" Lion Queen asked.

"These are my friends, Lioness. That is Bill, Ben, Mike, Stan, Eddie and Richie." Beverly answered.

"Nice to meet you." Mike said, greeting The Lion Queen.

"How did they know where we live?" The Lion Queen asked Beverly.

"I-I-I was on my bike yesterday, a-a-and I told e-e-everyone about where B-Beverly is." Bill said while stuttering.

"That's how we know, and nice purple car." Ben added.

"Thanks boys, what brings you here today?" The Lion Queen asked.

"We were all just wondering if Beverly would like to come to the beach with us." Stan replied.

"Sure she can, why don't you get your bathing suit and towel and head to the beach with your friends, Bev." Lion Queen said to Beverly as she grabbed her bathing suit and towel along with her other things.

"Thanks Lioness, We'll be back in a while." Beverly replied, hugging The Lion Queen.

An hour or so after Beverly went with her friends to the beach, The Lion Queen decided to explore Derry on foot to see what everything is like not in a car. While walking by the same bridge she passed by a day ago, she was suddenly grabbed and attacked by a gang of 4 teenagers.

While The Lion Queen tried to fight back, the 3 boys overpowered her by holding her tight so she couldn't get away. They were none other than Victor, Belch and Patrick who were holding her down. But little did they know that Pennywise was hiding in the bushes watching them, he was ready to protect Lioness if they tried anything.

"Let me go!" The Lion Queen shouted as she struggled to get free.

"So she's the new girl? She isn't as tough as Beverly Marsh, am I right boys?" The voice of a teenager said.

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