Chapter 9

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When Lion Queen was up the next morning when the sun was out, she was back to her human self. She was by herself in the bathroom when she looked at herself in the mirror, and can only put together what she was the night before. She then realized that by day she will be a human and by night, she would be a monster clown like Pennywise. She looked at the bite mark, and came to the conclusion that Pennywise leaving a bite mark had an effect of her changing from human to monster. She was afraid of having people be scared of her, because she's close to the Losers Club, especially to Beverly.

When Lion Queen walked out, she saw Beverly left a note on the kitchen counter. It was her saying she's biking with her friends today, and if she wanted to catch up she could. That is when Lion Queen got ready to see if she can find Beverly and her friends, however her secret, what she found out last night, will remain a secret for a long while.

While Lion Queen isn't sure how long she can keep her night clown form a secret for, she will do her best to keep it hidden from everyone. After she got ready, she went on a walk since she decided to take her bike. She pulled it from the garage and hadn't used it since she was a kid. It wasn't a small bike either, it was a decent size bike. It was a pink and purple bike and it had a horn that sounded like an air horn, perfect for pulling pranks with it.

While biking down the streets of Derry, she saw the Losers club on their bikes. However she wondered where Pennywise was, but she figured he must be hunting or making sure Ms. Vixen was nowhere in sight. However she sped past them as Beverly recognized her on her bike, she was surprised that Lion Queen can ride a bike that good.

"You have a bike? Since when?" Beverly asked.

"Had it for a while, just haven't ridden it in a long time." The Lion Queen answered.

"Your bike looks so cool, the colors are vibrant and stand out." Mike stated.

"Can I honk the horn?" Richie asked, getting close to the horn.

"Richie I wouldn't..." Eddie started, but before he could finish, Richie honked the bike horn and it was loud as an air horn.

"Ah!" My ears!" Stan cried out as everyone covered their ears.

"My horn has the sound of an air horn, it's very loud." The Lion Queen stated.

"Now you know never to touch it again Richie." Eddie scolded.

"That air horn idea was my dad's, I was a prankster in my younger years." The Lion Queen stated.

"We were all pranksters too, I once stuck a hornet down Eddie's pants." Richie chuckled.

"Dude, that was not funny! I was stung so many times that I nearly had an allergic reaction." Eddie scolded as he punched Richie in the shoulder.

"G-Georgie pranked me on April fools day once. H-H-He stuck a fake s-s-snake in the toilet, i-i-it was plastic though." Bill said.

"We were all little shits as kids, even our parents were once." Beverly added, then Lion Queen can see Henry Bowers's car on the side of the road, and they were confused as to why the car was there.

"Is that Henry's car?" Stan asked nervously.

"It looks like it, I think I got a plan to get back at him for hurting me. Are you with me on this?" Lion Queen turned to the Losers Club as she smirked, they all did the same and were in with her on the plan.

Henry Bowers and his gang were in the ravine being dumb as usual. They were destructive as always, they liked to break stuff in Derry because it was fun for them. Since Henry's dad yelled at him over damaging his TV, they had taken some of Henry's things that belonged to his dad outside away from the house.

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