Chapter 8

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The next day went very well, although Lion Queen did have to hide the bite mark Pennywise made on her. She didn't want to scare Beverly or her friends if they saw it, so Lion Queen did her best to cover the bite mark up. However, it was different as there was a fair going on at the park in Derry. Beverly was hoping Lion Queen would take herself and her friends there, since it lasted only a week.

"Lion Queen, can I ask you something?" Beverly asked.

"Sure Bev, what's up?" The Lion Queen asked.

"I am wondering if you could take me and my friends to the fair in Derry? It's at a park not far from here. Bill is bringing his brother Georgie since he wants to go." Beverly replied, asking Lion Queen.

"Sure, I can take you and Bill along with Georgie. What about the rest of your friends?" Lion Queen asked.

"They'll meet us there, Bill is told by his mom to bring Georgie since he wants to go. However Bill didn't want to, so Bill's mom and dad made him take him or he's grounded for a week." Beverly explained.

"That sounds a bit of a harsh punishment, but yeah I mean I have a brother myself, so that is relatable." Lion Queen stated as Pennywise showed up with balloons. Since he had shown up this morning, he made breakfast for Lion Queen and Beverly. They both enjoyed his cooking at breakfast, and he would always be by Lion Queen's side for protection.

"I'll go with you all to the fair, in case Ms. Vixen and her gang were to appear." Pennywise stated.

"Don't forget Henry and his goons too, they may try to attack us if we wander off alone." Beverly added, just then the door can be heard knocking. The Lion Queen got up to answer the door, and she saw Bill with Georgie at the door.

"Hey Bill, and this must be your brother Georgie." The Lion Queen said as Georgie was hiding behind Bill.

"H-H-He's a little s-s-shy." Bill stated.

"Is that who she is?" Georgie asked Bill.

"G-G-Georgie, this is L-L-Lion Queen. She took B-Beverly in as her g-g-guardian." Bill replied while stuttering.

"Woah, and she owns a car? Can you drive?" Georgie asked.

"Yep, that I can." Lion Queen said, she grabbed her stuff as she along with Pennywise and Beverly headed for her Chevy Cruze. Pennywise sat in the front with The Lion Queen, while Beverly sat in the back with Georgie and Bill.

On the way to the fair in Derry, Georgie did have some small talk with Pennywise and Lion Queen, while Bev and Bill cuddled up together. Since the two of them had crushes on each other, Beverly has the biggest crush on Bill Denbrough.

When they got to the fair in Derry, The Lion Queen parked her car and everyone got out. Pennywise scanned the area carefully, only to make sure Henry and his gang along with Ms. Vixen and her butt buddies were nowhere in sight. Since they were nowhere to be seen, the coast was clear.

"The fair grounds are clear, I don't see anyone we know that are after you." Pennywise said as Mike, Stan, Eddie, Ben and Richie showed up.

"There you guys are." Ben began.

"We were wondering what took you all so long?" Eddie added.

"M-My parents told me to take G-G-Georgie or I-I would've been g-g-grounded for a week." Bill answered.

"And I said to Bill that it is no big deal, bringing a brother along is not a big deal. I like Georgie, and so does Lioness." Beverly added, ruffling Bill's hair.

"Before we head in, let's stay as a group. That way Henry and his gang or Ms. Vixen and her gang don't find us, because if we are alone, they may take us on without knowing." The Lion Queen stated.

"I really wanna fucking kill Ms. Vixen, she is a stalker and a psycho by the sounds of it." Richie said.

"Dude she is just as bad as Henry, maybe worse than Henry." Eddie replied.

"Whatever matters, we must stay together and have fun." Beverly said, and if we need to use the bathroom, we go in twos while Georgie gets to be with us so let's keep him safe too."

"Good plan." Mike agreed as they all headed inside the fairgrounds.

"And we'll have a fun time." The Lion Queen added as they all entered the fairgrounds.

The Derry fair was a great event being held in Derry, there were rides, games, food, clowns, etc. It was such a fun time, The Lion Queen hadn't had this much fun in a very long time. The last time she had that much fun, must've been before Ms. Vixen and her gang started picking on her.

After their day at the Derry fair, it was closing around 9PM. However they left by 7PM and everyone headed home, when Lion Queen along with Pennywise and Beverly pulled into the driveway. They all headed up towards the door of the house, Beverly headed inside first carrying the stuff. The Lion Queen and Pennywise helped Beverly carry prizes and stuff inside the house, after that, Pennywise and Lion Queen were outside of the house.

"I wanna thank you for coming with us to the fair today Pennywise, I had a lot of fun with you." Lion Queen said.

"I had a lot of fun with you too, Lioness, and I did keep you all safe." Pennywise replied as his ruffles jingled.

"I appreciated that Pennywise, and will you continue to protect me for as long as you live?" The Lion Queen questioned.

"Always." Pennywise answered as the two of them both shared a lip-locking kiss. Beverly watched them kiss from the front window on the front door, although they didn't mind her watching them kiss. Lion Queen and Pennywise were dating after all, and the Losers Club were well aware of this.

As soon as they broke the kiss, Pennywise smiled at his girlfriend. Lion Queen did the same, ruffling his hair playfully as he did the same.

"I love you Pennywise." The Lion Queen said.

"Love you too, Lioness." Pennywise replied as Lion Queen headed inside her house.

As Lion Queen headed upstairs, she went to the bathroom to have a shower and pretty much get ready for bed. While she was showering, Beverly was getting ready for bed herself. As soon as Lion Queen came out of the bathroom, she went ahead to shower herself, the night time routine went well as planned.

In the middle of the night, The Lion Queen woke up to use the bathroom. Beverly was in bed asleep, so she wasn't up when Lion Queen got to the bathroom. However as The Lion Queen was washing her hands, she looked at herself to see something weird was going on with her. When she looked into the mirror, she was a clown like Pennywise is, with a skirt on the clown suit she was wearing. Same makeup as Pennywise, but she still had her green eyes and brown hair.

Not wanting to scream or wake Beverly up, she kept quiet and headed back to her bedroom and shut the door. She had no idea how this happened, but then she remembered the bite mark on her wrist that Pennywise gave to her on her date night. That mark must've caused that to be a side effect, she now knows that she cannot allow anyone to see her like this. She didn't want to scare anyone about it, hopefully she will be back to her human self in the morning.

"No one needs to see me like this." Lion Queen said to herself quietly as she remained in her room for the night.

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