Chapter 2

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After a couple of hours of sleeping, Lion Queen was knocked out into her dream world. She woke up to see her clock read 8AM, and realized that her parents would have a bit of a freak out for her over sleeping on a school day. But Lion Queen didn't seem to care at this point, she got up, did her hygiene and got ready for the day.

However while awake, she realized that the atmosphere seemed to be odd to her. SHe didn't see any sign of her brother or her parents around. However the stuff she had in her house back in Canada was the same, although it was mostly her things that were there and not anything of her parents or her brother. She looked around each room on the 2nd floor, calling out for her brother and parents, but there was no reply to her calls.

The Lion Queen then headed down stairs to the living room, but saw no trace of life anywhere. She looked in the kitchen and even looked in the backyard, the backyard wasn't small like it was back in Barrie. It had a pool along with a shed, a grill and even a garden of berries and some fruit trees.

"This is weird, it doesn't feel like I'm in Canada or Barrie." The Lion Queen said as she headed down the basement, upon getting to the basement, she saw that stuff in boxes, her dad's tools and her mother's stuff was all like a playroom area. However, there were safes that held lots of money and this amazed the Lion Queen.

She saw that the washer and dryer in one small hallway of the basement was left untouched. Was she dreaming? This was all odd and unusual for her, so she headed back upstairs to see her living room, kitchen furniture was untouched as well. So she looked outside of her front door window through the blinds, it didn't look like the street in Barrie in Canada she remembered.

"I don't think I'm in Canada anymore." The Lion Queen said to herself as she still had her bracelet on her wrist from when Alice gave it to her. She decided to call her parents to let them know where she is, although she did try her mom's cell number, but no one answered.

She left a message on voicemail for her mother, before she called her dad but got the same thing, no answer but she left a voicemail for her dad. Feeling alone, The Lion Queen put on a rain jacket and headed out of the door to her house, it was raining outside as the rain poured down.

Not knowing what city or where she was, she saw that her car to which it is a Chevy Cruze in the color of purple was in the driveway as it was before she mysteriously disappeared from Canada. She walked down the sidewalk from her house looking around, most of the people on her street were inside to get away from the downpour of the rain.

She looked to see that only a few of the people that were out in the rain were people in cars, driving to work or other places they had to do. The kids were inside their houses mostly getting ready for school, but Lion Queen kept walking down the street only a couple of houses down from her house.

After a few minutes of walking, she came across a storm drain where she accidentally dropped her bracelet into the storm drain. She realized that it slipped off of her wrist, probably due to the fact that it wasn't tight enough securely around her wrist. Lion Queen crouched down to peek inside the storm drain, but it was very dark as there was no light inside.

"God damn it, I dropped my bracelet." The Lion Queen muttered as she kept peering inside the storm drain. Wondering what to do, she had considered calling to see if anyone could fetch her bracelet for her. But just as she was about to do something, a pair of blue eyes flashed before her eyes, making Lion Queen jump.

"Hiya Lioness." The voice said, as whoever talked stepped closer towards the storm drain, it was a clown who appeared inside the storm drain.

"What a nice bracelet you have, do you want it back?" The clown asked.

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