Chapter 10

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The next night when Lion Queen was inside her bedroom, Beverly had asked her if she was ok but Lion Queen insisted that she was fine. The Losers Club were camping out in the backyard of Lion Queen's house, they had a bonfire going with roasting marshmallows and even being in the backyard. Sure it wasn't how camping works, but it was in their backyard.

Beverly came out to join the Losers Club by the bonfire, she had sat beside Bill.

"My own tent is in the living room, while you boys get to sleep in the tent outside." Beverly said.

"Isn't Lioness coming out?" Stan asked.

"She's not feeling like coming out tonight." Beverly answered.

"Is she ok?" Eddie replied.

"Is she sick?" Richie added.

"If something is bothering her, why won't she tell us?" Mike questioned.

"S-S-She's babysitting Georgie tomorrow, at the same time Beverly and I are hanging out that night at m-my house." Bill said.

"Maybe you and Beverly can ask her." Ben suggested.

"I'll convince her to come out, and maybe she can talk to me about it." Beverly stated.

From a window not far from the backyard, The Lion Queen looked through the curtains from her parents' bedroom. Or what was her parents bedroom, to see the Losers Club and Beverly having fun. She was nervous about showing her monster clown form to them, even though Pennywise wouldn't be afraid, she's afraid that the Losers Club would be afraid of her clown form.

The next evening when Beverly slid a note under the door, it was telling her to come to Bill's house to babysit Georgie. Since she and Bill will both be hanging out at the house, she and Bill will also help Lion Queen with Georgie. An hour after Beverly left the house, Lion Queen walked out of the bedroom to see it was sundown, she was in her clown form.

"Should I go?" The Lion Queen asked herself, but then she was scared that Georgie would be frightened by her clown form. "Screw it, I'm gonna go, I cannot hide this all the time. Everyone including Beverly is concerned, I can't have them worry anymore." Lion Queen added to herself as she grabbed her stuff and drove over to the house of where Bill and Georgie Denbrough lived.

At the house where Georgie and Bill Denbrough both live, Georgie was watching TV while Bill and Beverly were both cuddling together on the couch. While they were cuddling, Georgie heard the knock at the door.

"I'll get it!" Georgie said, running up to get the door, just as he opened the door however, he was frozen. Standing in front of him was The Lion Queen, but she was in her form of a clown like Pennywise. Georgie began to scream as Bill and Beverly, alerted by Georgie's screaming, rushed to the scene.

"G-G-Georgie, what's wrong?" Bill asked, sounding worried.

"That clown Bill!" Georgie replied.

"Georgie, it's me!" The Lion Queen stated.

"What has this clown done to Lioness?!" Georgie panicked.

"Georgie, I'm Lioness. It's me, in this form." Lion Queen stated, trying to get it through his head.

"Oh my god, what happened to you, Lioness?" Beverly asked, shocked to see her guardian as a clown.

"Oh my god, Pennywise ate her." Georgie said. "Someone help, this clown ate Lioness!"

"Georgie!" The Lion Queen said with firmness in her voice.

"Help!" Georgie cried out.

"No!" Bill added, trying to calm Georgie down

"Someone help!" Georgie cried out again as Lion Queen placed her gloved hand over Georgie's mouth to quiet him down.

"This is me Georgie." Lion Queen stated as Georgie whimpered for a bit, before realizing what Beverly and Bill along with Lion Queen were trying to tell him.

The Lion Queen is in her monster clown form, just like how Pennywise is. Beverly can see how the bite mark was connected to all of this, by day she's a human, and by night she's a monster clown. As Beverly explained to Bill what she can see being connected, Bill and Georgie both began to understand.

"Sorry for freaking out." Georgie said.

"Y-You looked different, are y-you..." Bill began only to be cut off by Lion Queen entering the house.

"I'm ugly, that is one way of putting it. I'm a clown like Pennywise, and have had this change from day to night since the bite mark he made on my wrist." The Lion Queen said.

"I don't see you ugly Lion Queen." Beverly reassured her guardian.

"You don't? I'm just afraid you would be scared of me in my monster clown form." Lion Queen explained.

"We wouldn't be scared, we were all concerned when you started to lock yourself up in your room at night. But we also were confused as to why, but you could've told us." Beverly said.

"And I think you're cool as a clown, even if you look almost like Pennywise. Minus the eyes and hair color being the same as you were as a human." Georgie added.

"You really think so?" Lion Queen asked.

"Of c-course." Bill answered. "Y-You're our friend, hell the b-b-best friend we've ever had."

"You guys have been awesome since I came to Derry, you're all like family to me." Lion Queen said hugging Beverly, Bill and Georgie in a group hug.

"You and Pennywise are a great couple, if you confess your love for Pennywise, then I am sure you may stay as a clown shapeshifter." Beverly suggested.

"I think that is what I'm gonna do, when the time is right." Lion Queen said as she made a red balloon appear and handed it to her friends.

"T-Thanks." Bill said, thanking Lion Queen for the balloon as Georgie and Beverly did the same.

"You guys are not scared of me as a clown?" Lion Queen asked.

"Not anymore, now we know it's you." Georgie said.

The rest of the night with babysitting Georgie went well, although Lion Queen would have to show Pennywise what form she becomes in at night. However there was still time to think, so she had to tell Pennywise something. Maybe before she battles Ms. Vixen and her gang, or even before her battle with Henry Bowers and his gang. WHatever it may be, she will think of something.

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