Chapter 6

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The next day was a very hot day in Derry, The Lion Queen along with Beverly had the air conditioner on inside the house. But even then, it was still very hot.

"It's very hot today Bev, I wonder what we should do to keep cool?" The Lion Queen asked. "Besides that we have the ac on."

"Why not we both go to the Quarry today, it's a private place where me and my friends go swimming." Beverly suggested.

"Sounds good to me, can you show me the way as I drive?" The Lion Queen questioned as she grabbed her car keys along with her stuff.

"Sure, let's get changed first and put our clothes on top of our bathing suit. So that way, we don't have to change when we get there." Beverly suggested an idea.

"That saves us time, let's go change into our bathing suits underneath our clothes so we can take our clothes off and be in our bathing suits." The Lion Queen stated.

After getting changed into their bathing suits, both of the girls put their clothes on over top of their bathing suits before leaving the house. After they headed for the Chevy Cruze, they headed off towards the Quarry to which Beverly gave Lion Queen directions to that place.

While following Beverly's directions, The Lion Queen always checked her surroundings, just to make sure that Ms. Vixen or her 2 butt buddies were not around. After a couple of minutes of driving, they eventually came to a forest path that led up to the Quarry, so the girls walked on the path to get to the Quarry. When they came across the cliff of the Quarry where to jump from, The Lion Queen and Beverly placed their stuff down and got out of their clothes and into their bathing suits.

"This is the Quarry?" The Lion Queen questioned looking around.

"Yep, it sure is. This cliff ahead of us is where we jump. I have been here many times with my friends." Beverly stated as she ran ahead of The Lion Queen, and then jumped at the edge of the cliff before plunging towards the water below.

The Lion Queen walked over towards the cliff, then looked down to where Beverly landed in the water. It did look like a long way down, but Beverly poked her head from the water to see her guardian still up on the cliff jump.

"Come on Lioness! It's great down here!" Beverly called as The Lion Queen got a running start and then she jumped from the cliff and plunged herself down to the water below.

As The Lion Queen splashed into the water, she and Beverly began to splash each other and play in the water. As the two girls were splashing each other, they were both having a great time. WIthout having to worry about danger, or anything for that matter, what mattered to them is that they were having a lot of fun.

After playing in the water for a while, both Beverly and The Lion Queen were suntanning on shore not far from the water. Both of them were lying in the sun on their towels. The Lion Queen stood up when Beverly sat up to see a spot of blood on her friend's towel.

"Uh Lioness, are you on your well on your time of the month?" Beverly asked, that is when Lion Queen turned around and noticed the red stain on her towel.

"Oh my, I knew it was coming at one point but didn't know when." The Lion Queen wrapped a towel around her waist.

"We can change and get you cleaned up when we get home, I'm sure this has happened before." Beverly said as she began to pack up her things.

"Yeah, I've had it many times, so I've had it since I was 10." The Lion Queen replied as she packed her stuff. After their things were packed up, they both left the Quarry and headed back the way they came. However in the forest in the Quarry were where Ms. Vixen and the 2 mean EAs were hiding in, only spying on Beverly and The Lion Queen.

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