Chapter eight

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Cody's pov

Amelia knocks on the door. I couldn't help but look at her. She is so fierce. Should I kiss her? Wait, why I am having thoughts about Amelia? She is nothing like Dakota. I don't even think that I like Dakota anymore. Her wavy brunette hair is in a ponytail. "What are you looking at, Cody?" she asks once she catches me, staring at her. 

I snap out. "Uh, nothing," I say as I look at the door. I clear my throat. Ben opens the door. He looks like a mess. His hair is shriveled. He looks like he hasn't taken a bath in days. His clothes are in a mess. 

"What you want?" Ben asks while looking at me with anger as if he doesn't want to see me in his sight. I start to back away. But Amelia takes my hand. 

"We need to talk. So do you mind if we come in?" she asks. Ben sighs and walks inside. We walk inside. I give Amelia 'You can let go of my hand now. it's not like I'm going to escape' look. Amelia lets go of my hand. 

Ben's house is a mess. The trash is everywhere. The empty pizza box is on the table. The beer is on the ground. He hadn't cleaned the mess in days. We need to help him get back on his feet. How long has he been like this? 

"Whatever you want to say, say it quick," Ben said. "After that, you leave," 

"Ben, me, and Cody are going to stop Louis De Galle. If you hadn't learned, he forced the king to abdicate. We need your help to stop him," Amelia said. Ben scoffs. 

"Oh really?" Ben said. He turns to look at us. His look is full of hurt and rage. I think it's at Amelia because he may have figured out that she is Louis' niece and worked with him to make his plan come to fruition. "Why did you work with him?" 

Amelia sighs. "I saw how power-hungry Louis was. I left him. I regret working with Louis. I didn't know that he will go this far. We need you to help us out. Please Ben," 

Ben stares at both of us. He looks like he is unsure of whether to say yes to us. I was just like that. When Amelia unexpectantly showed up in my hotel room. "I'll help you," Ben said. Me and Amelia look at each other victoriously. We both smile at each other. Ben mumbled something that caused Amelia to blush. 

Wait, why is she blushing? I'm so confused. "We will help you clean the mess in the house," I say to Ben. 

"Cody, you don't have to..." I cut him off mid-sentence. 

"I'm helping you. Just like you helped me when I was lonely," I said. "I'm making it up to you," I start to clean the trash that was in the house. Amelia helps me. It takes us 30 minutes to clean the house. We all sit on the couch. 

"Shall we go?" Ben asks. I nod my head. We leave his house. We go to Amelia's car. Ben sits in the back. Amelia starts driving. I have so many thoughts in my head. Can we able to stop Louis? I stare out the window to get my mind off. Did Louis kill my dad? Why he killed my dad? I start to feel that rage again. I want to punch the wall or something. 

I knew that I couldn't. I couldn't let my anger out in front of Ben and Amelia. I will confront Louis if I see his face. "Where are we going?" Ben asks out of nowhere.

"To his fortress," Amelia says as she stares at the road. "We need to gather more evidence to make people believe us or else they will laugh at us for making the whole thing up. Trust me, people are blind in these days," 

"True," Ben said. "What do you think, Cody? Should we follow Amelia's plan?" 

I snap out of my thoughts and nod my head. "Yeah, I think it's a good plan. People will see us as insane people if we don't have proof. Wait a second, we do have proof. The voice recording. Why don't we use that against Louis?" I asked. 

Amelia's pov

Cody seems off during the car ride. He barely says a word. He has always been like that all day. I'm worried about him. To be honest, I do like Cody. I like him since I met him. I still regret helping my uncle. I wish I hadn't helped him. Cody goes back, looking out the window. He will never like me back. 

We eventually reach Louis' fortress. We get out of the car. "Shit, it's too tall for us to get in," Ben says while looking at the fortress with awe. Cody is shocked. I can tell. 

"Is there a way for us to get in without getting noticed?" Cody asked, looking at me. I walk up to him. My face gets closer to his. Cody's cheeks turn red. We both end up looking into each other's eyes. 

"Hello, lovebirds. We have to get in," Ben snaps us out. 

"Lovebirds?" Cody says chuckling. I feel my cheeks getting red. This is awkward. "We are not lovebirds," 

"Oh really? You two are making it obvious you two have feelings for each other. I have eyes too. Amelia, please show us the way," Ben says. I roll my eyes. I open the tunnel. I gesture for them to follow me. We go in the tunnel. 

"Ew, the tunnel is dirty. I think it will lead us to the restroom section," Ben says to me. 

"I was the one who found the tunnel. I know it will not lead us to the restroom section. That's for sure, Ben," I said confidently. I hear Ben scoff behind me. I knew Ben doesn't trust me. Does he have trust issues? Cody trusts me. We get out of the tunnel. It leads us to the kitchen. "Told you it wasn't the restroom," 

Cody smiles. Ben shook his head in shame. "I guess I was wrong about you," Ben said, looking down.

"Actually, you came at the right time," A voice said. We turn to look around. Much to my horror, it's Louis and his men. They hit us with the bat, knocking all of us down. 

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