Midnight Desires (2)

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They lie silently for a few minutes, relishing the bliss of feeling their naked bodies wrapped together as one.

Karan sits up suddenly and stares at her. She could tell by the look in his eyes that he had something planned in his mind.

He leans down and whispers in her ear before gently kissing her cheek, "Let's try something different tonight, baby; are you ready to get wild?"

Teju agrees right away, not just because she loves his wild side but also because, like him, she doesn't want the night to end either.

Karan smiles while getting off the bed. He turns on the lamp and searches for something in the nightstand drawer.

She quickly stands up, fixes the bedsheet, and moves the duvet off the bed before lying back down.

Teju looks at him confused. "Sunny, what are you looking for? Do you need help?"

Instead of answering, Karan just smirks in response.

Teju pouts, making him laugh.

"Kya hua fomo ho gaya mere Laddoo ko?"

Teju nods her head

"Close your eyes my love and put your arms above your head."

Teju quickly follows and does what he asks her to do.

Suddenly, she feels something soft sweep across her breasts. She opens her eyes to see what it is, causing Karan to growl.

"No cheating allowed darling, if you look it'll spoil the game."

"I'm sorry Karan..." Teju starts before Karan interrupts her.

He flicks her nipple harshly, making her groan in pain. "What did you say, darling?" He snarls and continues to pinch her nipples.

Teju gulps when she realizes her mistake, "I mean I'm sorry, I'm sorry Daddy..."

He stops pinching her nipples and rubs them softly to soothe the pain. "Good girl."

He picks up the silk ribbon that he was playing with earlier and ties it over her eyes to stop her from peeking.

She then feels him tie her wrists to the bed frame, with the soft silk rope that they keep in their nightstand's drawer.

Karan can tell that this is exciting for Teju, so he leans closer to her ear and whispers.

"Don't get too excited darling, this is just the beginning..."

Teju bit her bottom lip in anticipation of what Karan was going to do next.

"Let's get that beautiful pussy of yours wet..."

"Yes... please!" she exclaims interrupting him.

He grumbles in a low voice, "I wasn't done yet sweetheart, but because you like interrupting me, I think you might need a punishment for being such a naughty girl."

"I'm..." she starts to say something but shrieks when he slaps her mound.


"Someone doesn't want to listen today, if you're going to be bad then let's start your punishment before anything else."

Teju nods her head quickly, not wanting to make her punishment worse.

Karan kneels on the bed and crosses her legs over each other. He bends her legs before pushing them up to her chest, so her ass is up in the air.

He holds her legs beneath her knees with his left hand and caresses her ass cheeks with his right hand.

He starts with a gentle spank in-between the caressing, and then as soon as she gets too comfortable, he gives her a harsh spank on her ass, causing her to scream.

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