Jealousy (7)

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Karan started pressing more of his length into Teju after several more moments of holding still.

Teju tightened her eyes shut and sunk her chin to her chest, trying to keep calm and not give anyone the slightest hint about what he was doing behind her.

Teju moved her legs closer to the lounger as he continued, attempting to block the view of anyone who might look their way and resisting her urge to bounce on his erection.

Karan finally pulled out, but halted at the tip and thrusted in again, this time more deliberately.

Teju clung to him, feeling like she was being drawn inward by every inch of his hard erection.

Karan drew his length back before lifting his hips again, this time hard enough to smack them against Teju's ass cheeks.

Veer, who had been pretending not to watch them, couldn't help but turn his head to follow the sound.

Teju didn't seem to see him looking over; if she did, she didn't respond to it. She instead drove her hips up and met his thrust. Karan continued to slap her ass cheeks with his hips.

Teju had finally been self-conscious enough to stop this and collapsed back against Karan, burying his erection inside her.

She leaned to her left and then to her right, acting like she was going to look for something in her bag while teasing him even more.

When Veer eventually caught himself staring at them, he returned his attention to his phone.

Teju's only intention was to remain mounted on Karan's erections for a few minutes to enjoy the sensation before getting off so they could get back home.

However, Teju's desire for him to slut her out right then and there increased the longer she remained locked on him, and his hands roamed over her body.

Instead of getting off and stepping away from Karan, Teju leaned to her left, feeling him almost slip out of her.

"Baby... can you please give me my phone?" Karan murmured as Teju continued to tease him.

They were both aware that Veer was watching them and that he had a clear view of Teju's lips wrapped around Karan's erection. Yet they didn't care at this point, and he didn't matter.

Teju sat up straight after rummaging through her bag for his phone.

Karan groaned as she sank back onto him.

"What's that, babe?" Teju asked over her shoulder as he handed Karan his phone.

"Nothing...I was just thinking about...umm...something else." Karan's voice sounded as though he had just finished jogging a few laps around the shore of the ocean.

"Don't do it," Veer stated forcefully.

"Don't do what?" Karan tilted his head towards him. Was he going to scold them for an innocent, heavy make-out session at the beach?

They weren't troubling anyone else, and if he had minded his own damn business, he wouldn't have noticed anything.

Veer motioned to Karan's phone. "The internet is really slow here..." he declared.

Karan raised the phone in front of him. "No, I was just...," he stammered.

To be honest, he had no intention of doing anything on his phone other than pretending to use it until he had calmed down enough for them to leave.

"Well, I have the data on my phone plan," Veer stated, "so I don't have to worry about slow Wi-Fi. Because I travel around the world so frequently, it just made sense. But I can see why someone like you would refuse to spend the money."

Karan was rendered speechless for a little while. Was he really that desperate to outdo him that he bragged about a phone plan?

"No, I don't need that, the closest I've been to international travel within the last year was as my girlfriend was riding me in my Range Rover in the airport parking lot."

"Karan!" Teju exclaimed. She was shocked not just that he'd tell that story to a stranger, but also that he told him he owned a Range Rover.

"British, eh? Okay, well...I just got back from London earlier this year." Veer wanted them to be impressed, but he was deflated himself after learning that Karan owned a luxury vehicle.

Knowing that Veer was melting in the tropical sun not just after being outdone but also while his girlfriend rode on his cock. A fact that he was already envious of made Karan's erection grow harder.

Teju rewarded Karan by squeezing her core muscles around his girth. He tried to pull out and thrust himself into her.

Teju lightly rotated her hips, hinting at what was to follow when we returned home.

"What other places have you travelled to lately?" Teju asked Veer. "We're making plans for our next trip, but London is a little overrated."
Almost done! Would you like one long part after a week? or two parts within the week??

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