chapter twelve

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"What do you mean Phil?"

"You and Nicole," he takes a breath "You guys have to die, but at the same time."

I'm speechless, I open my mouth, but then close it again. I sit there feeling dead, heartbroken. I feel the hot tears burning behind my eyes, threatening to fall. I try to hold them back but they still flow, like water from a rotted dam. I lightly sob to myself as Phil tries to comfort me, "patting" me on the back telling me every thing will be fine. I just can't help but to cry though. I finally get to be with my love but I have to give her right back, just for my wings.

"There's more to it," Phil finally speaks up. "You have to die at the same time, but it cant be by suicide, it can be by natural causes or murder. If either one of you dies before the other, you will both be expelled to hell."

"Oh god." I moaned running my hands over my face into my hair.

"The higher ups said that you're lucky they didn't expell you as soon as they found out, because that's what they usually would have done."

"Shit what have I done?!" I yell into my pillow.

"Don't worry mate, it'll be alright." He says giving me a light smile.

I return the smile and give him a "hug" "Thanks." I say.

"Its no problem." There's a short pause

"Should I tell Nicole after her birthday?"

"Why not?"

You hate me don't you?! Ugh I felt like you guys needed an explanation of what's going on and well there you have it. I know you probably want to kill me buuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttt it'll be a good. I love you guys so much thank you for reading! Bia!❤❤❤❤❤

There will be a sequel fyi!

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