5. Clumsy Girl (Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy)

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(Published August 10, 2023) 

   I had always thought life in space would be exciting.  Something different from the boarding school I had spent most of my childhood in and the gated property I had spent the other part of my life in.  With my dad being a genius scientist and my mom bouncing around in government roles, they didn't have as much time for as they had hoped.  They did take extra precautions to make sure I'd be safe, hence the gated yard, but for a child...  I wanted to escape.  
   Now I was cruising around exciting space in a huge ship!..  That I was stuck in most of the time.  I didn't hate it, since I was used to the lifestyle, but it certainly wasn't the escape I had dreamed of.  Still, I was allowed off of the ship on restocking days, so those little adventures kept my imagination full of hope. 
   It was my imagination, however, that often got me into trouble.  Like when I had completely overlooked the staircase in front of me a half hour before and had fallen down the entire flight because I had been day dreaming.  My mind had created a two story farm house within walking distance from a quaint town where I could go whenever I pleased.  I just didn't realize the road to town included a staircase. 
   "Well, you've definitely broken the bone," Dr. McCoy stated as he examined my sore left arm. 
   "At least it's my left one this time," I pointed out.  Half a year back, I had broken my right arm and it had been miserable to try and do my job one handed, let alone with my non-dominant hand.  I had gotten pretty good at writing with my left, though!
   Dr. McCoy sighed and brought his gaze to mine.  "Senna, you realize that you're in this Med-Bay at least every two weeks, right?"
   "I figured it was something along those lines."
   "And you realize that you've broken two arms and a finger since you've come on board?"
   "Yep!  And a toe, don't forget that." I grinned, trying to make a joke out of it. 
   He simply raised an eyebrow.  "I'm about ready to stick you in an inflatible suit."
   "I can't help that I'm clumsy!"
   "Are you clumsy?  Or are you day dreaming?"
   "Uh...  Both?"
   Now it was my turn to sigh.  "I am sorry I bug you so often.  I don't mean to get hurt.  It's not fun, ya know."
   He didn't respond, so I kept talking as he started working on my arm. 
   "Today it was my fault because I was day dreaming, but when I broke my pinky, that wasn't my brain's fault.  That was pure clumsiness."
   He gave me an unamused look so I just grinned cheesily at him in response.  I thought I saw the corner of his mouth twitch, like he was fighting a smile, but it was so quick that I had probably imagined that, too.  Which wouldn't surprise me.  I had tried to imagine him smiling several times before, but it wasn't an easy task.  I could only mange to picture what looked like a grimace.  He was one grumpy doctor, and even my imagination couldn't help him out of it.  
   "What were you day dreaming about?" He asked in a gruff tone. 
   I was a little surprised that he wanted to know.  "Uh...  Just a house near a town.  I was walking into town when I fell."
   He looked up at me with one eyebrow raised. 
   "What?" I asked innocently. 
   "You were day dreaming about walking into town?" He didn't sound like he believed me. 
   "Yep!  Haven't you ever day dreamed about that?" I inquired, knowing he prpbably hadn't.  His incredulous look confirmed my suspicions.  "Well, for a city girl, country roads make for very peaceful walks."
   "Until you hit the stairs?" He said very seriously, only the twitching at the corners of his mouth gave away that he was teasing.  This time I knew I hadn't imagined it and my heart skipped a beat.  He had just almost smiled! 
   "Yes, well...  Life often has unexpected twists." I laughed a little.  "My life's twists just seem to be a bit brutal."
   "You don't say."
   "Oh, cheer up," I poked his shoulder with my finger, knowing he wouldn't.  He was always on the edge of grumpy.  But since he was a man who hated space, I guess you couldn't really blame him. 
   "I am cheerful," He grumbled. 
   "I don't see a smile," I observed. 
   "I smile, on the inside.  Otherwise it ruins my reputation."
   "You like being known as a grumpy doctor?"
   "It has its perks."
   Suddenly, he straightened up to look me in the eye.  I smiled at him once again, unsure of what was going on in his handsome head.  Before I could come up with a guess, he leaned towards me and his lips brushed over mine in a brief, soft kiss.  To say I was shocked was an understatement.  I barely had time to process what had happened before he pulled away and looked me directly in my eye once more.  Taking a slow breath, I stared right back at him.  He seemed to be examining my gaze, looking for something in my hazel irises.  My brain wasn't quite back on it's track yet, though, and I couldn't even guess what he was thinking.  
   Then, he went right back to work on my arm.  "You have to be more careful."
   "I know," I murmured, completely flummoxed. 
   Did Dr. McCoy like me?  Nah, not a clutz like me...  Although his action spoke very differently.  I glanced at him, watching as he seemed to be completely focused on his work, more focused than usual.  Looking away, I raised an eyebrow as I let my brain rerun what had just happen.  A kiss.  A kiss was what had just happened.  It took all my might not to giggle like a teen girl as excitement bubbled in my chest.  I hadn't been kissed, well, ever in all honestly, and now the last person I would've expected to (actually Spock never would either) had done just that!  It had been my very first kiss! 
   Maybe this ship would give my life some spice after all!  
   "I, uh, have to get a sling," He spoke up, interrupting my thoughts.  
   Without looking at me, he spun around and started heading towards the supply closet.  As he did, he clumsily bumped into his tool tray as if he was nervous.  I let a small smile spread onto my face as he vanished around a corner. 
   "He does like me!" 

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