12. Early Morning (Leonard 'Bones' McCoy)

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(Published April 7, 2024) 

   Rubbing my eyes for probably the twentieth time that morning, I glanced at the clock on my PADD.  It informed me that it was only eight o'clock.  I still had four hours left of my boring shift on the Bridge, and then I was scheduled to work another six in the Med-Bay.  Normally I wouldn't mind covering for a sick co-worker, but being forced to start my day at four am wasn't fair in my opinion.  They could've split this long shift up between two people or something a little kinder.  This is why I didn't get along with the leadership on the ship.  
   Frowning, I watched as Kirk began messing around yet again  He was shooting rubber bands at every wall surrounding the Bridge.  I reached for my coffee, grateful that I at least had that perk.  It was my third large cup, and I was definitely going to need another one before the day was done.  
   Suddenly, Kirk shot a rubber band into a button of some sort over by Chekov's seat.  The navigator jumped two feet out of his chair, eyes darting around to find the object that had struck too close for comfort.  He was quickly distracted by trying to turn off whatever Kirk had started up with the red button, his fingers flying across the keyboard before him. 
   "Bullseye!" Kirk shouted with a laugh.  
   "Kirk, you can't just do that," Uhura chided him.  
   "Did you see that aim, though?  You've got to be a little impressed." 
   I groaned into my coffee cup, which magnified the sound and was far more satisfying than I had expected it to be.  Tuning out their argument, I pulled my legs up under me and curled up in the large chair I had been assigned to.  It was going to be a long four hours.  I tucked my PADD into my lap so no one else could see it and pulled up a Mahjong game.  At least they allowed us to play some games while on the clock.  
   Finally, noon approached.  My replacement was two minutes early, and I thanked her for that as I quickly left the Bridge.  I had one minute to get to the Med-Bay on time.  I figured I would be late, but I ran anyway just because it felt good after being stuck sitting for so long.  I skidded to a stop in front of the Med-Bay, taking a few seconds to catch my breath.  Then, I marched in and headed straight for my locker to change into my nurse outfit.  
   "Hailey, what are you doing here?" 
   The familiar gruff, annoyed sounding voice made my heart skip a beat.  I turned to face my boss, lifting an eyebrow as I did.  
   "I'm three minutes late to my shift," I admitted.  It wasn't really an answer to his question, but I figured I'd be honest with him up front.  
   Bones frowned at me.  "Didn't I see you on the Bridge this morning?" 
   "Yes sir, that's why I'm late." 
   "You were there at six am." 
   "Four, actually." 
   "Why didn't you call in sick for this shift?" He crossed his arms, his expression resembling the feeling of trying to put together a pictureless puzzle.  
   "Because I'm not sick," I replied slowly.  
   "Take a mental day." 
   "I'm not mentally ill." 
   "You are if you're planning on working fourteen hours today while there's a virus making it's way around the crew!" 
   I rolled my eyes.  "I'll be fine." 
   "I'm calling in someone to cover your shift," He stated, turning on his heels.  
   "What, no!  I'm here and healthy," I argued as I followed him from the locker room.  
   "For now." 
   "Bones, stop it.  I want to work this shift." 
   He stopped, turning partially to look at me.  "Why?" 
   "You know why," I blushed a little.  
   His frown vanished as he eyed me closely.  I looked away, a little squeamish under his dark gaze.  He finished his turn, facing me now.  I let my gaze focus on the royal blue shirt he was wearing, following the lines in the fabric.  After a moment, I let my eyes flicker up to his just because I was curious.  He was still watching me, a fondness in his irises.   
   "I like to hear you say it," He murmured gently.  
   My cheeks flamed, likely as red as the engineer shirts by now.  "I like to spend time with you, Bones.  I like you." 
   He wrapped me in his arms, pulling me a bit closer to his chest.  I smiled up at him, my own arms finding their place around his waist.  He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead.  Shivers shot down my spine, making him grin.  He knew just how I felt about him from my reactions, and part of me was glad.  It was hard for me to put feelings into words.  The fact that we both could be sure about how we felt about each other without using too many words was something both of us were grateful for.  
   "Alright, but don't work too hard.  If I catch you doing everything, you're getting stuck on inventory." 
   I scrunched up my nose at the thought.  That would be the worst job to give someone who woke up before the crack of dawn.  He chuckled at my unenthusiastic response.  
   "I'll be good, I promise." 
   "I'm holding you to that, doll." 
   Pulling away before my face could react to the nickname, I began walking backwards towards the lockers.  "I'll be on the floor in a minute." 
   He simply nodded, that smirk that never ceased to send butterflies into my stomach present on his lips.  I spun around, pressing my cool palms against my hot cheeks.  This shift should go by a lot faster!  Shifts with Bones always did because I enjoyed them.  But how could I not?  He was my favorite person in the whole universe.  


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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