11. Handshake (Spock)

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(Published February 19, 2024) 

   It was not my luckiest day so far.  The Enterprise was parked near a new planet that we were about to go explore, and I had somehow gotten picked to be part of the observation team.  So, here I was, gadgets tested, hands shaking, and pack loaded for a trip to a planet that we knew nothing about!  No training on what we needed to do, no clues as to what the planet would be like, and no inkling of what would take place once we hit the surface. 
   Did I mention that I was nervous?
   "Ensign Kennedy, it is surprising to find you accompanying us on this exploration."
   I turned to find Spock standing directly behind me.  He liked to sneak up on me that way, I noticed.  This wasn't the first time, and I had a feeling it was definitely not the last, either.  I gave him a small smile, knowing my nerves showed very clearly on my face. 
   "It was not my idea," I assured him. 
   "Nor mine.  However, I think you will be a valuable asset to the mission.  Your knowledge of vegetation should be most helpful."
   I blushed at the complement.  I was no expert on plants, but I had taken some classes on them when I lived on Earth just for fun.  I was even bringing the little handbook I had bought for one of the classes.  Not that this planet was likely to have Earth like plants, but it was better to be safe than sorry. 
   "Thank you, sir," I replied. 
   "I would much rather you refer to me simply as Spock."
   "Alright, but you'll have to call me Jeni." I held out my hand to him.  "Deal?"
   He looked at my hand as if it was covered in glue.  His face tinged green, so I quickly withdrew my hand and tucked it behind me.  I was not familiar with Vulcan culture yet. 
   "Sorry, it's just a habit," I apologized. 
   He shook his head.  "No, I am sorry.  I am not accustom to the human handshake.  It is still uncomfortable for me, I'm afraid."
   "Does a handshake mean something besides greetings and deal sealing in Vulcan?" I inquired. 
   Green tinted his skin again as he cleared his throat.  "In a way, yes."
   At that moment, more members of our exploration team wandered in to prepare their packs.  It was the typical group, red shirts and scientists.  I kept an eye on Spock while they were gathering supplies, and he seemed to be doing the same to me.  I wondered if he had been about to expand on it.  I wished he would.  I wanted to understand the odd, logical man better.  He intrigued me.  
   The team started filing out of the room, on their way to get beamed down.  I moved to join them, but was stopped by Spock calling my name. 
   "Jeni," He began in his flat Vulcan tone.  "Could we attempt that handshake once again?"
   I shook my head.  "Not if it makes you uncomfortable, sir-I mean, Spock.  It's nothing too special to us humans."
   "But I wish to practice it with you.  If you are willing."
   I watched his face for a moment, trying to decide if he was serious or just being nice.  He simply gazed back, his emotions completely hidden from me.  So, I stuck out my hand and smiled politely at him. 
   Slowly, he took hold of my hand.  He had no idea how to shake a hand, I realized.  His large fingers curled around my hand, so every inch of his was touching my own.  His grip was soft yet firm, not at all what I had been expecting.  As his palm met mine, his eyes closed for a brief moment as if he was trying to push away a thought or emotion.  Following his example, I pushed away my surprise and gave his hand a firm shake.  Then, I released his hand.  He took a second longer to release mine, seeming a little shaken up by the simple gesture.  I wondered what it meant to Vulcans.
   Silently, we followed our team to where Scotty was waiting.  Once we were in line, I peeked back at him.  He caught my gaze with his, giving me a small, tight smile.  A polite smile.  I returned it.  He was better at human style interaction than he thought. 
   The next few minutes went by in a blur.  The butterflies in my stomach made it hard to focus and I barely knew what was happening as we prepared for our little adventure.  I was not ready for this.  Plus, I had never been beamed anywhere before!  I was very, very not ready!
   Someone stepped up beside me.  I glanced over (and up) to find it was Spock once again.  He was staring straight ahead, as if he had simply taken a position in an army line up.  My nerves made it almost impossible to mimic him.  My hands were fiddling with my pack, my heel was bouncing rapidly against the rubber mat beneath us, and I desperately wanted to say something, anything really.  Nonsensical talking was one of my worst nervous habits.  Since he chose to stand next to me, he kind of asked for it, though, right?  I searched my brain for something smart or logical to say, but nothing came to mind in my current nervous haze. 
   "Do you have everything?" I finally blurted out. 
   He glanced down at me, his dark eyes holding some emotion that I hadn't seen there before.  My heart skipped a beat, wondering what was going through his attractive mind that would reveal this emotion so clearly.  Slowly, he reached over and took my hand in his own. 
   "Now I do." 

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