7. Tree Hugger (Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy)

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(Published August 22, 2023)

   A soft knock sounded on my door, jolting me awake from my light slumber.  I rubbed my eyes with the heels of my hands, hoping it was just the doctor again.  I didn't really feel up for visitors.  Clearing my throat, or at least attempting to, I brushed my fingers through my hair to hopefully make it presentable.  It was as good as I was going to get, anyway. 
   The door opened slowly, revealing Dr. McCoy.  He had apparently been told by the other doctor that I couldn't speak loud enough to tell him to enter, and was wisely following the advice.  I gave him the nicest smile I could manage.  He closed the door softly behind him and nodded a polite hello to me. 
   "Ms. Orveld, how are you doing today?"
   He paused, distracted by my room.  I glanced around as well, wondering how he saw it.  Artificial ivy vine curtains hung on each wall with a few strands of flowers or lights woven in here and there.  There were flower arrangements or rock towers on every counter and table.  Two large aloe plants sat on either end of the couch and every lamp had a crown of some kind of flower or plant.  Even my bed spread was a forest pattern.  It was an explosion of nature and it was completely against the Federation's code.  However, after being forced off of Earth, I didn't really care.  I wondered if McCoy would, though. 
   Finally, he turned his gaze back to me.  In response to his question, I shook my open hand in a teeter totter motion.  I wasn't awful, but I wasn't well, either. He nodded again and walked over to my bedside.  Pulling up the chair that the last doctor had left near my bed, he sat and set his medical bag down on the mattress beside me. 
   "Sore throat still?"
   I nodded. 
   I nodded again. 
   "Stomach ache?"
   I shook my head. 
   "Still tired?"
   I nodded once more. 
   He sighed and began pulling syringes and medicines from his bag.  I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see the needle enter my flesh. 
   "You miss Earth?"
   My eyes opened quickly.  He was still looking at his medical equipment, but now one eyebrow was slightly lifted.  I hadn't expected him to try and make small talk, especially with me not really talking yet.  When he glanced up at me a moment later, I nodded in reply. 
   "Me, too.  I hate space," He grimaced before gesturing to one vine covered wall.   "This is refreshing."
   I grinned, dropping my gaze.  It was refreshing.   I loved my room. 
   "I used to go on hikes and camping trips with my family," He spoke in a softer tone.  He had returned his focus to his work, so I kept my eyes on his face.  I had never seen this side of him before, but I liked it.  It was nice to see the typically cranky doctor open up.  
   "I've always liked nature," He admitted.  "My ex-wife was big into developing Earth.  She started calling me a tree hugger near the end.  I didn't take it like an insult, which was how she meant it."
   I winced as he inserted the needle.  His gaze flickered up to mine and he cleared his throat almost nervously. 
   "Sorry, didn't mean to ramble.  I don't typically, uh...  You're just easy to talk to.  Even when you're not sick, I mean."
   He removed the needle and I gently patted his forearm.  He looked back up at me and I smiled again as happily as I could.  I wanted him to know that it was okay.  He seemed to get the message, giving me a small smile back.  Then he packed up his bag and sat back in the chair.  His gaze swept the room and I could tell he really did like the décor.  My heart squeezed happily at finding another nature lover. 
   "You're a lucky and brave women," He commented softly.
   I cleared my throat once again, managing to remove some of the build up so I could try to talk.  My words came out scratchy and slowly, but they were audible at least.  "You can visit when you need a breather."
   His gaze met mine and he quirked an eyebrow again.  Then, his expression softened to hold a hint of a smile.  "If it doesn't bother you."
   I shook my head.
   "Thank you, Ms. Orveld."
   I mouthed my first name, correcting him.  It felt weird to be called by my last name.  He fortunately took the hint. 
   "Get some rest, Avery.  You can't lay around in bed forever."
   I playfully saluted him, earning another grin.  Then he gathered up his bag and made his way out of my pretty room. 
   I had the feeling I'd be seeing a lot more of him in the future!  That thought made my heart skip excitedly. 

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