4. Hiding From Comfort (Montgomery Scotty)

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(Published August 10, 2023)

   "Aye, who's there?"
   My dripping eyes snapped to where the voice had come from. I quickly quieted my sobs. The reason I had come down to the engineering level was because I knew no one was here and I could cry in peace. Unfortunately, Scotty had come back and would try to find me now that he heard someone breaking down.
   "I heard ya cryin'. C'mon out, lass."
   He walked nearer to my hiding spot and from the way he was carefully examining the dark crevasses, I knew he'd find me. So, after giving the tears on my cheeks and eyes a good swipe, I clambered out of the safety of my hiding spot. With a small sniff that couldn't be helped after my tears, I walked a bit nearer to him. Stopping a few feet away, I clasped my hands behind me and kept my gaze on the floor.
   "Sir," I greeted, my voice still scratchy.
   "Maggie, what are ya doin' down here?" His voice was filled with concern and he took another step towards me.
   "Hiding," I admitted.
   "Hidin' from who?"
   "I just needed to be alone for a while, s'all."
   "But why here? Wouldn't your quarters be more comfortin'?"
   I shook my head, keeping my eyes lowered. "I have a roommate."
   "And? I'm sure she'd be willin' to hear what's wrong or give ya space."
   He seemed genuinely concerned. I shuffled my feet a little, unsure of how to lessen his worries. He didn't need to fret about me, I'd be fine.
   "I don't like to tell people that I'm not okay because it's hard to- to watch them not know what to do," I paused, taking in a shaky breath. "Usually I end up comforting and reassuring them even though..."
   He didn't skip a beat, knowing exactly where I was going with it. "Even though you're the one who needed t' be comforted."
   I nodded, blushing. "I know, it sounds selfish."
   "Not a bit. I know exactly how ya feel, lass."
   Glancing up at him, I found him gazing at me with thoughtful eyes. I gave him a small smile, suddenly glad that he had walked in on my breakdown. I felt a little better now, talking to someone who could listen and relate to me. We stood there for a moment, eyes flicking from each other to the floor. He was the one to break the silence.
   "A'right, c'mere you," He stated, opening his arms like he wanted a hug.
   My eyes widened and I wasn't sure what to do for a moment. I stared at him, wondering if he meant it or if he was just pitying me. He raised an eyebrow at my hesitation, tilting his head slightly.
   "Ya gonna leave me hangin'?" He inquired, a hint of teasing in his tone.
   Well, why not? I closed the distance between us and slowly wrapped my arms around him. His curled around me, hugging me firmly against him. I couldn't help but let out a small sigh. It had been a long while since I had gotten a hug. My roommate and I weren't terribly close and I really wasn't close to anyone in the Med-Bay. I didn't have many friends on The Enterprise.
   "I hope this is helpin' ya feel better, lass. Because I really needed a hug today," He murmured.
   I pulled back to glance up at him and found him blushing. I smiled again as I moved back into his embrace.  He must've had a long, trying day, too.  
   "I needed one, too."
   "I know ya did." 
   After another minute, we pulled away from each other.  I went back to my former stance with my hands clasped behind my back while he rubbed the back of his neck in a nervous manner.  I wasn't sure why he'd be nervous, though.  The breakdown was over and it was just me.  I was probably one of the least scary people on this space ship.  I was just a short nurse with dimples and thick rimmed glasses.  Not that I wanted to be scary!  It was just very obvious that I wasn't.  
   "Ya know what I do when I've had a bad day?" He asked, bringing his gaze to mine.  
   "What?" I replied with a small shake of my head.  
   His lips pulled up on one side into a half smile but his eyes were still nervous.  "I grab a bottle of scotch and watch a comedy. " 
   "You have scotch?" My eyes widened, surprised that he had been able to sneak some on.  
   "Ya really think a Scotsman would survive three years in space without a drink?  C'mon, ya know better than that." He nudged my arm with his elbow as he chuckled.  
   I laughed with him.  "True, I should've known.  How'd you smuggle it on?" 
   "We all have our secrets."
   He wiggled his eyebrows at me and I laughed again.  
   "So you're saying I need to steal the code to your room for when I need a mood lift," I joked.  
   "Ya don't have to steal the code, lass.  I'll give it to ya." 
   I frowned at him, confused.  "Why would you do that?" 
   "Because I've got a good shoulder for cryin' on.  With that, comedy films, and scotch?  I can't think of a better place to hide and breakdown while avoidin' drama, can ya?" He said softly, rubbing his neck again.  
   I couldn't help but just stare at him for a moment.  "But why?" 
   "Why what, lass?" 
   "Why would you share your scotch with me?  Don't you know we Tennessee folk put the hurt to liquor?" 
   He cracked up laughing at that.  "So you're sayin' you can hold your liquor, ey?" 
   "I can hold some," I bobbed my head side to side.  Well, at least back in college, I could.  "I was never a champion at it, though." 
   "Well, lassie, if ya let me check the fuel reserves a minute, I'll gladly share a drink with ya afterwards." He told me, his eyes showing his excitement at having a fellow scotch lover on board.  "I could use a good comedy about now." 
   I nodded with a grin.  "There's no way I'd turn that offer down, not after today." 
   "Good.  Don't ya disappear now, ya hear?" He stated before jogging off further into the dark room.  
   Smiling to myself, I dropped my gaze to my feet.  A date with Scotty and a comedy film?  That was something I wouldn't miss, especially after my rough day.  And I knew the scotch would just make the movie that much funnier!  Plus, this might be a way to finally make a friend.  I could really like being friends with Scotty... just as long as my brain didn't get any silly romantic notions... 

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