Nico Hischier (smutt & Fluff)

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Requested by rydderwho

Since a name wasn't given to me I will use Rylee. And if I missed anything from the prompt I'm sorry.

Final word count: 2550

Containing; breeding, trying for a baby, fluff and uncle Jack.

Rylee stood in the kitchen looking down at her little girl. One hand was on her hip and the other one was holding a spatula she was just flipping eggs with. She was in shock. Her little girl. Her two year old just came up to her and asked for a baby brother. She took a small breath quickly getting over her shock. "You sure Bon? I thought you said you didn't want to share your daddy or your uncles?" She asked with a small grin on her face.
Rylee and Nico had been talking about possibly having another child for a few months now. The only reason they didn't get was so that they could ease their first born Bonnie into the idea of having a baby sibling. But hearing that little Bonnie already wanted a sibling, preferably a brother, made her happy.
She kneeled down and tucked the girls light brown hair out of her eyes. "Go get daddy for breakfast and we will tell him about how we will get you a baby brother or sister." She said softly placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. She grinned watching the little girl get excited and run to her daddy. She turned back to the stove turning it off and putting the food on the table.

"Daddy! Daddy! Mommy agreed!" Little Bonnie giggled running into her fathers arms. The little girl was in a complete fit of giggled as she laid her head on her dads shoulder after he picked her up. Nico held the girl close rubbing her back, a giant smile on his face. "I'm so proud of you baby. Thank you for helping daddy out. But remember you can't let mommy know that I know okay?"
Bonnie nodded her head as Nico carried her to the kitchen. Nicks face lit up as he seen his beautiful wife. They had been together for years even before Bonnie and Nico still thought that she was breath taking. He set Bonnie down in her chair next to him before walking over to greet his wife.
Nico grabbed her hips and pulled her close to him when she tried to move away, to focused on cleaning up. "Come here and give me a kiss before I die from lack of affection." He said softly sticking out his bottom lip. Rylee let out a laugh turning around wrapping her arms around his neck. "You are a bigger baby then the actual baby." She teased before placing a gentle kiss on his lips. "Now go sit."
Nico listened to his wife but not before smacking her butt making sure Bonnie didn't see what he hit. He laughed turning to the table looking at a very pouty Bonnie. "No hit mommy." She said pouting out her finger like Rylee does when she is upset. Nico held his hands up is surrender. "I'm sorry Bon but your mommy is okay with it. Right mommy?" Nico said shooting a grin at his wife.
Rylee rolled her eyes at him, "don't worry baby, daddy didn't hurt me." She said softly ruffling her girls curls. "Now go sit down or you won't get bacon." She said pointing to the girls chair. Bonnie giggled doing grabby hands wanting Nico to put her back on the chair. Which Nico did.
Rylee sat down on her side of the table wiggling her eye brows at Nico. "So, Bonnie tells me that she wants a baby brother. So what do you say about that?" She asked Nico softly tucking her hands under her chin looking at him through her eye lashes. Nico grinned looking down at Bonnie like he didn't come up with the whole thing. "You want a baby brother Bon?" He asked smiling down at the little girl. Bonnie pretended to be bashful, Nico made a mental note to get that girl acting classes one day. She could be big one day if she could pull that off. Nico licked his lips pretending to be in through. "Yeah I think we should. Give Bonnie someone to play with to keep her distracted while I'm on the road." He said honestly looking over at his wife.
"Oh hey Bon, I think today is the day you and uncle Jack are suppose to play hockey together." Nico followed looking down at his little girl. Bonnie gasped and nodded. "He promised to teach me his celly." She said her eyes wide. Nico laughed picking up his phone. "I'll call him. Be right back." He said softly placing a kiss on his wife's head.
Rylee smiled pulling Bonnie into her lap cuddling the girl as she ate her food.
Nico sat on the porch as he waited for Jack to pick up. He let out a sigh of relief once he answered. "Hey man! Some last minute errands popped up that Lee and I have to take care of. Do you mind taking Bonbon for the day?" He asked putting the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he fixed the plant he knocked over.
"Hey sure! I never mind taking in the tiny Hishier. Will Rylee kill me if I put her in skates?" He asked sounding worried that Rylee would kick his ass over the baby.
"Nah she is more open to the idea of her skating now that she can actually walk." Nico teased remembering how Jack got Bonnie skates for her first birthday. "We will start with skating only then work up to hockey okay?"
He heard Jack groan on the other side of the phone but did end up agreeing to it. He walked back into the kitchen seeing Bonnie trying to steal his eggs. "Excuse me miss Bon. Those are mine." He said putting his hands on his hips looking down at the little girl.
Bonnie shook her head and put another piece of egg into her mouth. Nico grinned putting her into his lap as he sat back in his chair. "Jack is on his way to get her so after she eats we should get her ready." Nico said to Rylee looking over at the women who was munching on her own eggs.
Rylee nodded wiping her mouth. "Yeah we can do that." She said softly as Bonnie grabbed her hand ready to go get ready. "So sweetie what dress do you want today?" Rylee asked the little girl as they walked up stairs. "Red." She grinned. Rylee knew she meant the dress that had the New Jersey devils logo on it that the NHL gifted her for her birthday. "Okay fine you can wear it. It will be very fitting since you will be skating with uncle Jack today."
Bonnie's eyes lit up again. "You mean it? You let me?" She gasped covering her mouth with her tiny hand. Rylee nodded. "Only if you make sure you listen to every word uncle Jack tells you and you behave. If you don't, I'll take the skates back okay?" She said giving her a 'I love you but I mean it,' look. Bonnie nodded her head giving her mommy a kiss on the cheek. "I promise mommy I'll be good for uncle Jack."
Rylee smiled as she dressed the girl. "I know you will baby." She said softly. She was finishing getting her things ready to go when she heard the door bell knowing that was Jack at the door. And Bonnie knew it too. "Uncle Jack!" She screamed bouncing on her feet hurrying her way down the stairs. She tan into the man's arms giggling the whole time.
"Ya the baby is repping the team." He laughed throwing her in the air and catching her. "Jack careful!" Rylee scolded walking to him with the girls bag. Nico laughed wrapping his arms around Rylee from behind holding her against him.
"Don't worry miss's I got her." He laughed grabbing the backpack with his free hand. "I'll have her to you without a scratch pinky promise." He said as him and Bonnie waved goodbye.
"Now you want to tell me why you got rid of our daughter today?" Rylee asked with a small grin already knowing the answer but wanting to hear him say it. A smirk instantly appeared on his lips. He gently stroked the side of her face while the other hand slipped under her shirt and gripped her hip. "Well, I don't want to upset Bonnie when I bend you over the couch to put a baby in you."
The sentence caused Rylee to smirk. "Awh poor baby. To bad you won't be bending me over the couch." She whispered walking forward causing Nico to tumble back into the couch. Nico seemed surprised by the sudden tone in his wife's voice. But he wasn't going to complain.
"Well this is new. But by god it's hot." He whispered his voice deep and his accent thicker then normal. He grabbed the back of her head taking a fist full of hair pulling her face to his causing her to moan. "But maybe another time. We are making a baby today, we aren't playing." He whispered softly putting one arm under her to support her as he carried her to their bedroom. He gently lowered her to the bed kissing her jaw as he did.
  "You are such a good women, being selfless enough o give me another child I'm going to treat you." He whispered softly his hands going under her shirt, his finger tips brushing over her nipples. She bit her lip trying to clench her legs together but not being able too since he was between them. She heard him let out a small click of his tongue.
  "Don't be trying to shut those pretty legs my girl." He whispered softly his hand slipping into her pants easily rubbing her clit. "I just started and you are already so wet. That's a good girl."he smirked taking the same hand and removing her underwear and pants in the same motion causing Rylee to gasp. "Jesus Nico can you go any faster."
  "Oh don't challenge me. I can and I will. So place nice." He warned narrowing his eyes at her for a moment. Rylee knew he would so she just chuckled leaning forward to kiss him. "I love you." She whispered softly wrapping her legs around him pulling him against her.
  She could feel how hard he was against her core. She went to reach for his belt buckle when she felt his fingers push inside of her causing her to gasp. "Shit Nico." She whimpered  her legs just opening for him.
"That's me." He grinned. Cocky asshole. She moved to remove his shirt her nails gently scratching down his back. "How about you just go ahead and fuck me instead?" She whispered pushing her hips against his hand basically riding his fingers.
Nico let out a soft hum letting her take off his shirt. He slowly, painful slowly, took off her too leaving her completely naked in-front of him to devoter how he wanted too. "Oh I will." He whispered finally removing his fingers. He made taking off his pants the longest minutes of her life. She was begging and whimpering for him to hurry. Exactly how he liked it.
He laced his fingers with hers slowly pinning them above her head. "I'll be gentle this time baby." Hr whispered as he pushed himself inside of her. He just sat there for a moment. His eyes closed his forehead against her neck. Just taking in the feel of him and how amazing she was. How perfect of a wife and mother.
"Are you okay? Can I start moving now?" He asked his voice just above a husky whisper. Rylee didn't trust herself to speak so she just nodded. She whimpered picking up her hips to help get her point across. And Nico understood perfectly. He pulled back just a little over half way and pushed right back in. Started to thrust his hips in a slow and deep manner.
His lips attacked her neck leaving marks and bites everywhere. Even though everyone knew she belonged to him it was still nice to leave reminders, not to them but to her and to himself. Nico got great pleasure from looking at the hickeys form as he made love to her.
"Baby please." Was the sentence that snapped him out of his thoughts. He pulled his face back looking into her eyes. "Yes my love? Are you okay?" He asked softly gently kissing the corner of her mouth. "Should I stop?"
Rylee let out a noise of protest. "No. Faster. Please." She begged slightly clenching around him singling that she wanted more. He looked at her face to make sure that was what she wanted before he started to do exactly that. He held to her hands gently making sure not to hurt her as his bottom half thrusted at the paste she demanded.
   He chewed on his own lip, he never liked to make to much noise during sex but Rylee always brought out the loudest moans from him. He could help but let out a moan as he slipped in deeper this time. He let out a soft grunt flipping her over. He sat up on his knees pulling her back on his cock. His head tired to the side as he looked down at her. Her back arched pushing her ass against him as he thrusted. He put both hands on her hips keeping her in place as he worked to find that spot that made her scream.
  Rylee has her face pressed against the mattress. her head just a mess of tears and hair. She had been crying from pure pleasure. Nico never failed to satisfy her. But when he hit that once spot that drove her crazy, she couldn't help but let out a cry of pleasure. Nico knew from the sounds he had found it. He aimed his hips up as he thrusted slamming into the same spot over and over again. His hand reaching down and rubbing her clit gently but fast. Fast enough to bring on her orgasm as fast as his was coming.
   "Come on baby. With me." He groaned digging his nails into her hip as he felt himself cum, two thrusts later Ryker came just has hard as he did. Nico let go of her slowly pulling out. He gathered what fell out of her pushing it back in with his fingers. "Can't waste it." He whispered gently to her. Once he was finished making sure everything stayed inside of her he got up. He went to the bathroom and got a wash cloth wet coming out to clean her up.
  "I'm a throw some sweats in the dryer while I go get you some water so they will be warm when you wanna get up and get dressed." He said softly kissing the top of her head as he walked out of the room. She really did marry the right man.

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