John Marino (Fluff)

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Requested by: rydderwho

Comment more requests bc this is the last one in line :)
Word count: 1111

The name I'll be using for this is Elle.

No warnings pure fluffy fluffiness. Also sick John.

John rolled to his side facing a very beautiful Elle. She was still sleeping peacefully as he got out of bed. He winced as an ache went throughout his body as he stepped out of bed. He also noticed that he was burning up for some reason. He walked into the bathroom turning on the light. His eyes were slightly swelled and his nose was red.
He let out a soft sign and turned on the water for a shower. He turned it a little warmer then he normally would. He knew the hot water would clear his stuffy nose. He stepped into the water lightly winching as the water hit his back. He eventually got use to it and started to enjoy it. Now he knew why Elle liked to bath in lava.
By the time he got out he was able to breath. He promised himself he would never take breathing for granted ever again. He got dressed making sure to go downstairs very quietly not to wake up his girlfriend. If Elle knew that he was sick ,even if it was just a cold, she would go full mom mode and baby the hell out of him.
He slowly tied up his shoes grabbing his car keys. He thought that he had gotten away with it till he got to the front door seeing Elle leaning against the frame. She had her arms crossed and her eyes were narrowed. "Do you think I didn't hear you wheezing all night? I know you are sick John." She said softly walking up infront of him. She took the keys out of his hand. "Go get back in your pjs. I'll make you some tea."
"But baby I have an early practice I promise when I get back you can baby me all you want." He compromised putting his hands up. She shook her head not taking it. Not even a little bit. "No you are going to get in your pjs and lay on the couch so you can be close to the car incase I need to take you to the doctor."
She smiled patting his chest. He knew he had been defeated once she patted his chest. He let out a sigh walking to the bedroom. He changed into sweats and a devils t-shirt. He rubbed his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
"Here's Tylenol for the body aches." She said kissing his cheek as she handed him a bottle of medicine and a bottle of water. She lead him to the couch putting a pillow down. He knew what she wanted and crawled on the couch laying his head on the pillow. His body relaxed a bit as she out the blanket over his body.
"If it gets hit just take it off. We might need to break the fever." She said gently walking back to the kitchen. She put on a thing of homemade noodle soup that she keeps frozen in the freezer for when one of them gets sick.
She put some in a bowl and brought it to the living room. She knelt down beside of him stroking his head. "Come on sit up a little so we can feed you." She whispered softly her fingers running through his hair.
He pouted shaking his head. "I'm not really hungry." He said looking at her. In honesty he was starving but he wasn't about to let her know that. He was also afraid of throwing up.
"Baby you haven't ate anything all day. Besides you were about to go to practice with no food?" She said raising an eyebrow. He really drove her crazy 90 percent of the time. He let out a soft sign and moved himself up a little but not fully sitting up. She held the bowl of warm soup in her hands. She held the spoon up to his lips.
He ate the soup and let out a groan. "That tastes good and it soothed my throat. You are a magician." He said grinning at her through blurry eyes. She let out a giggle shaking her head. "Someone is a suck up." She laughed feeding him the rest of the soup.
She was cleaning in the kitchen when he called for her. She peaked her head in going to him making sure he was okay. When John saw her he held out his arms. "Come cuddle," she let out a laugh giving him a small kiss on his lips.
"I have cleaning to do my love. I'll come lay with you in a bit." She said softly pulling the blankets back up to his chin. She went back to the kitchen putting the rest of the soup in the microwave incase he felt like eating more.
She turned on the sink softly singing to herself as she did the dishes. She wanted to put in a thing of laundry but she kept hearing John sigh very loudly every few minutes. She let out a laugh cleaning off her hands before walking in the living room. She saw him watching an action movie that she wasn't familiar with.
John saw Elle walk through the door and grinned like an idiot knowing his little sighing plan worked it's magic. She let out a soft giggle crawling over top of him laying her head on his shoulder. "Hi baby." He whispered wrapping his arms around her waist hiding her against him making sure she wouldn't try to get up.
  "Hi there. How are you feeling?" She whispered leaning up just enough where she could look at his face. She was always so worried for him.
  He let out a soft laugh. "You worry to much. I'm feeling so much better. I think the soup healed me." He whispered kissing her temple. She smiled moving her head back down laying on his chest.
  There was nowhere else in the world she would rather be then in his arms. She closed her eyes nuzzling her nose in his neck wiggling till she got comfortable. She felt him pull the blanket up around her, the warmth of his body and the blanket made it hard for her to stay awake but she fought it incase he needed her.
  It was halfway into the movie when she heard his breath even out. She knew he was asleep. She gently kissed his jaw before closing her own eyes falling asleep in his arms.

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