Jamie Drysdale (Smut)

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It is time for my personal favorite of any team ever besides Quinn Hughes. My love for this man is out of his world so be prepared for some shit my fellow horny little fuckers. Love you all

Word count: 2345

Name used: Haley once again because I'm to lazy to get on Pinterest and look at girl names

Warnings: daddy jamieeee. He will be teaching Haley how to skate so it will also be kinda fluffy but the smut will be smutty

Haley put her hands on her hips as she started down at her feet. She was an inch away from the ice. She let out a huff looking up at her boyfriend who was grinning at her. "If I bust my ass, tonight you are kissing it." She said softly reaching her hands out to him, which he gently grabbed. With one tank he pulled her to his chest and on the ice.
"I'll be doing a lot more then just kissing it." He said wiggling his eye brows. She smacked at his chest while scolding him but definitely to scared to pull away. "Oh shut up. Keep talking and you won't kiss anything." She said rubbing her hands down his arms to grab his hands.
  "Just push forward." He said gently starting to skate backwards. "No if I push forward imma fall forward." She said gripping his hands tightly. "Jamie I'm scared." She whimpered to him seconds before her feet flew out from under her sending her to the ice only behind held up by his hands. He quickly pulled her back up putting his hands on her hips holding her in place.
  "Listen. If you fall just go. Don't stop it. If you try to stop it you will hurt yourself more." He said gently starting to skate backwards. Her hands rested on his biceps. Immediately noticing how well defined his arms were. She always loved running her hands up his arms as he fucked her. She never had a man's body turn her on as much as Jamie's did. She was so caught up with her nasty thoughts about Jamie that she hadn't noticed they were all the way across the rink now.
  She looked up at him blinking a few times. Trying to pretend that she wasn't thinking anything bad. But she knew she was caught when she saw the blush on Jamie's cheek and his signature smile. "Your eyes were glazed over and you were biting your lip. You were having a nasty party up in there wasn't you?" He asked with a slight smirk.
   She laughed shaking her head. "No way. I was thinking of a million different ways to murder you." She said nodding her head going with that excuse.
  He let out a laugh of his own. His grip slipping down to grab her ass making her bite her lip once more.        "Hm. I know you better. Which time were you thinking about? Hm? Me face down between your legs? Bend over the kitchen table? Or me fingering you during dinner? Come on, tell daddy what you were thinking."
   She let out a soft whimper. "I was just feeling your arms and it got me thinking how I always catch myself running my hands over your arms during sex. Or really any time. How much they turn me on," she whispered the last part looking into his eyes. The blue in his eyes automatically darkened hearing the last part.
  "My arms turn you on? Now that's a first." He whispered trying to keep the little control he had over his penis. He willed himself not to get hard right there. Not in the middle of the rink. If he had any sexy memories on the rink then he would get hard Everytime he got on the ice and he didn't need that happening during a game.
   But he couldn't help himself. Imagining stripping her of her pants holding her up against the glass as he fucked her so hard her screams echoed through the rink. This time it was him completely zoned out. Haley took his opportunity to look around. Nobody was here. The lights were off when they came in. They were completely alone.
She bit her lip noticing how Jamie was still in his head. His eyes occasionally farting around to different spots on the ice. That gave her an opportunity to lower herself to her knees. When Jamie got into his own head it was nearly impossible to get him to come out unless he wanted too. So she had an idea.
She lifted up his shirt pulling down his sweats gently kissing his stomach. Waiting and watching for him to notice at any moment. She licked her lip pulling his underwear down him still not noticing but his dick noticed. She smiled watching as he got hard in a matter for seconds.
She kissed the tip a few times as she wrapped her fingers around the length. She kept her eyes on him waiting for him to notice. It wasn't till she put the tip in her mouth that his eyes found their way down to her. Jamie grinned her hand creasing her cheek.
"Want to tell me what you are doing love?" He asked softly his thumb trailing down her cheek. She pumped him with her hand as she pulled off of him. "Didn't you give me permission to touch you when I wanted? Shall I stop?" She asked softly moving her head to lick down his shaft. She could tell he enjoyed it from how his cock throbbed in her hand.
  "I gave you permission. You just never did it before so it had taken me by surprise." He whispered gently. She could visibly see him struggling to stay calm, to stay gentle. She smiled looking up at him. "I want you to fuck my mouth." She whispered softly licking his tip. He grabbed ahold of the top of her neck pushing his hips forward shoving his dick down her throat.
  She let out a soft noise of surprise but relaxed her throat taking it. Her main focus was to not throw up. Second to pleasuring him. She let out a soft breath through her nose letting him go at it. She put her hands on his thighs digging her nails into the back of his thighs as he fucked her mouth hard.
  He pushed her head all the way down as he came into her mouth. At the same time she heard a big laugh and a scream. She looked over seeing Trevor and a few other team mates watching them. Some looked abused and others looked like they had seen a ghost. Trevor however was laughing his head off. She quickly pulled away but still making a point to swallow everything in her mouth. She quickly wiped her mouth getting on her feet skating towards the door.
   She ended up in the hall. She finally took the time to stop and take off her skates. She put her shoes on and held her skates to her chest. She couldn't believe she was a stupid enough to try something like that in a public place. Even if they were alone at the time. She took a few deep breaths trying to calm herself down.
  "Haley? Hal- oh there you are. Are you okay?" Jamie asked as he popped out of the hallway. Looking half scared probably thinking she left him there.
  Her heart sunk, she knew he was embarrassed and she was as well. "Baby I'm so sorry! If I knew that they were gonna show up I wouldn't have don't any of that." She said softly chewing on her lip. Her nails dug into her arm as she stared at the floor.
   She heard him let out a laugh and looked up seeing him with a wide grin on his face. "I don't care that they saw you sucking me off. Now Mason knows who's name you moan. Who you belong too, let them remember that." He said his eyes still very dark. She could tell he wasn't going to stop anytime soon. She hoped her mouth to say something but moaned instead as his hands squeezed her ass.
   "Jamie. How are you taking this so lightly? Some of your best friends just saw you getting head in the middle of the damn arena." She said her hands laying on his chest.
  "I don't care. Trevor thought it was funny, the other guys are not important. You are important." He whispered softly pulling her closer. "Let's get out of here. I want to do some very bad things to you."
  Haley let out a breath and nodded. "Fine fine we can go," she agreed letting out a giggle when he let out a a excited noise. She smiled shaking her head. She grabbed both of their skates putting them in the bag. She tried to grab the bag but Jamie beat her to it. She let out a huff and walked out with him following.
  She climbed into the car kicking her shoes off like she normally does before getting settled. Jamie out the skates in the trunk before getting into the driver side his hand automatically latching to her thigh. At first Haley didn't notice how Jamie's hand slowly went up till her pushed his hand into her leggings. She bit on her lip feeling his fingers settle between his legs.
  His thumb grazed over her clit causing her to whimper. She knew he was in a hurry but didn't realize it was this bad. She titled her head back feeling as he sunk two fingers inside of her causing her to moan. She chewed on her lip not wanting to make a single sound but knew if he added anything at all that plan would come right down.
  And it did, the moment Jamie curled his fingers she gasped. She could see Jamie smiling out of the corner of her eye. "Fuck Jamie, more please." She begged her legs spreading a bit more. She heard him let out a laugh, normally she would have scolded him for that but she was busy focusing on other things at the moment.
  She didn't even realize that the car had stopped till she felt her belt slip off of her. She looked over seeing Jamie quickly push the seat back as far as it could go. She knew what what going to happen. They both were to needy to make it home. She picked up her hips pushing her pants off of her hips before climbing over the console onto his lap.
  Within seconds she was sinking down on him. Both of them let out moans as he bottomed out inside of her. "I should have made you cum before doing this. But I just needed you so bad." He whispered before Haley leaned down connecting their lips.
  "Don't worry. I'll be cumming soon anyways." She whispered softly biting down on his lip pulling on it. She sat up starting to rock her hips forward. She knew she was doing something right when his hands shot out grabbing her hips tightly.
  "Fuck princess, right there." He groaned out throwing his head back moaning once she started bouncing. She put her hands on his shoulders holding tightly as she bounced up and down occasionally rolling her hips.
  "Jamie you feel great. So fucking big." She whimpered biting down on her hip hard enough that she was surprised she didn't draw blood.
  Jamie reached up removing her lip from between her teeth. "Don't hurt yourself love." He whispered moving his hand to cup to back of her neck pulling her down to kiss her. Jamie quickly flipped them over leaning the seat all the way back against the back seats. He grabbed hold of her hips thrusting his hips forward.
  She let out a loud moan not expecting him to flip them over. At least not in the car. She ran her hands from his shoulders up his neck tangling her fingers in his hair kissing him deeply. She bit down on his lip very gently, earning a moan from him.
  Her own moans got even louder when his finger tips found their way to her clit rubbing in a way that made her whole body quiver. "Fuck Jamie! I'll cum to quick." She whispered trying to push his hand away.
  "That's the point princess. I want you to cum with me." He whispered in her ear. She could practically feel the smile that was for sure on his lips.
   "Fuck Jamie! It's to much, I can't." She whimpered almost crying from the pleasure. Her back arching off of the bed as she pled with him.
  "I want you to cum so hard I have to carry you in the house. And I will not stop till you do alright princess?" He said grabbing ahold of her chin forcing her to look at him. She nodded a few tears slipping from her eyes. The pleasure was so overwhelming. Jamie leaned down kissing away her tears gently moving down making marks on her neck.
   Eventually her body had enough. Her body with ridged as she hit her orgasm feeling Jamie follow not to long after. She let out a soft groan not even being able to fully extend her legs. She felt Jamie let out a laugh and dressed her before moving her over to the passenger side.
  She curled into a ball still panting heavily. "I think that was the best orgasm I ever had." She whispered looking over at him.
  Jamie smiled leaning over kissing her forehead. "I'll clean you up once we get back home okay? I'll run you a bath and eat up your left over Chinese." He said smiling at her. He grabbed her hand with his as he pulled out of the empty parking lot. She smiled laying her cheek against his hand as he drove, closing her eyes just relaxing into his hold.

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