Trevor Zegras (smut & fluff)

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Sorry I can't not use that picture. It's too perfect.

Requested by zegrasqx
Name requested is Lila

Not much of a warning but there will be some bad sayings in this, as part of the plot is Trevor receiving hate. There will be soft smut.

Word count: 2061

Lila stood on the ice taping up a stick for Jamie Drysdale. "You know damn well you can do this yourself." She huffed as she pulled out scissors from the bag to cut the extra tape off. "There. I'm not doing another once so if you 'accidentally' break this one you get a baby stick." She said putting the scissors back in the bag. She skated over to the bench putting it on the bench.
  She looked over at Trevor doing a few warm ups. She grinned sitting on the wall in-front of the bench pre-taping sticks for Trevor. He normally doesn't need them but she likes to keep a few spares taped just in case. He does get worked up sometimes.
She felt someone looking at her causing her to look up seeing her boyfriend standing in-front of her. Trevor's face lit up with his normal goofy smile as his eyes caught hers. "Hello there my wonderful beautiful girlfriend. How are you doing today?" He asked hiding his hands behind his back making her suspicious. Her smile dropped and was replaced with an annoyed look.
"Who broke their stick now? Boys it's practice there's not going to be enough left for the game tonight." She said rolling her eyes. "So who was it?" She asked raising her eye brows.
Trevor gave her a small kiss before disregarding the broken stick. "Leo." He laughed out causing her to groan. "Poor dude can't keep a stick to save his life."
"If he keeps breaking these stick I'll break his personal stick." She grumbled causing Trevor to throw his head back and laugh. She reached out and wacked him in the stomach with the stick she started taping for Leo.
Trevor slowly sat on the board next to her. His eyes not leaving her face. There was nobody on this planet as beautiful as her. He felt so incredibly lucky to have her. He had no idea why she wanted him but he wouldn't ever do anything to change her mind. He loved her. So much.
"Do why didn't Leo come over here?" She asked looking over at him snapping Trevor out of his trance. He let out a laugh to cover up his moment. "I think he is scared of you."
She shook her head a smile appearing on her face. A smile so bright only Trevor could bring to her face. "I'm literally to most harmless person on this team." She said as she finished the stick. "I can do no harm."
"You can do the most harm. Besides if any guy here has the guts to try to punch you there will be a line up ready to have their turn to kick his ass. You might know it but you are the princess of his team my dear." He said softly kissing her once more before standing up. "You staying for the game?"
She laughed biting his lip lightly making his eye brows raise. "Of course. I love watching you play." She said softly patting his helmet handing him the stick for Leo. She watched him skate over to Leo handing him the stick. She saw Leo look over at her then quickly skate in the opposite direction. She laughed shaking her head getting off of the board and shaking over to Jamie helping him warm up like she always did.
Before to long the other team had arrived. She noticed a few looking towards her but she didn't really pay attention. She was to busy standing as a barrier between the boys and the goalie so they could do some warm up shots. She noticed Trevor was a little upset, she gave him a look and he shook his head. She would definitely ask him about it later.
  It came time for the game to start. She changed out of her skates and went to her spot behind the bench to take pictures of the boys. Which was her actual job. Everything else she did because she enjoyed taking care of the boys because lord knows they couldn't take care of themselves.
  She noticed that the other team was definitely chirping Trevor more then they normally would. She could also tell the other teams fans were saying shit but she couldn't make out what it was. By the end of the game Trevor was pissed. She decided that she would address it at home. Sometimes Trevor would get handsy when he was upset after a game so she thought best for it to wait.
  She raised her eye brows in surprise seeing Trevor grab her car keys from her bag. "I'm driving." He stated gently kissing the top of her head. That's one thing she lives about him, no matter how mad he was he always treated her gently. She smiled and nodded. Normally she drove home after games so Trevor could relax but she wasn't going to say no if he wanted to drive.
   She got in the car, he was holding the wheel tightly. When he placed his hand on her thigh she laid her head on his arm. "I love you trev," she whispered simply just letting him know that she was there and that she cared about him greatly. She felt him relax a little bit and that made her smile.
  She rubbed her eyes grabbing her phone as she got out of the car. She looked down at the notifications. And she knew exactly then why Trevor was upset. She rarely got on Instagram so her notifications were backed up. She got in and saw months of hate mainly going to Trevor. How he didn't love her and that he was a shit player.
   Normally Trevor was good at avoiding hate but even the strongest person breaks after a while. She went into the house seeing Trevor laying face down on the couch. She knew he was crying. She walked over and kneeled in-front of him. "Baby. Tell me how I can help?" She whispered rubbing his back. He turned to look at her. Eyes swollen with tears.
   "They are right. You deserve better." He whispered his thumb rubbing her cheek as his hand cupped her face. She shook her head. "No. Don't you dare break up with me over those idiots. I love you. I want you." She whispered her heart dropping.
  Trevor sat up pulling the girl into his lap. He buried his face in her chest as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm not breaking up with you. I'm not leaving till you tell me to get lost." He whispered into her shirt. He wasn't crying anymore but he has a heavy heart.
   Lila smiled kissing his neck. She felt Trevor's hold on her hips tighten. Neck kisses were his weakness. She placed an open mouthed kiss on his jaw smiling as she moved her lips to his. "I know a way to show you I love you." She whispered softly moving out of his lap sitting in-front of him with a grin.
  Trevor let out a laugh his hand reaching out tucking some hair behind her ear. "That's my girl." He whispered placing a kiss on her lips. While Lila's hands went to work untying and pulling down his joggers. She heard Trevor let out a soft grunt. "Are you sure?" He asked looking at her wrap her fingers around his length that was already solid. She nodded.
  "Come here so I can reach you." She said motioning for him to move forward which he did. He moved his hips closer to the edge of the couch. She smiled pumping him a few times. She licked her lips as she looked him straight into his eyes. She could tell he liked it from how his cock twitched in her hand. She let out a small laugh lowering her head. At first putting only the tip into her mouth her eyes still on his face.
  Trevor's face was full of pleasure. His mouth open as he watched her. His breathing was uneven, how was he so lucky to get a girl like this to love him he would never know. He threw his head against the couch as Lila took his whole length in her mouth. That girl always took him by surprise.
  "Fuck- you are going so good Lila. So fucking good." He praised his hand resting on the back of her head as she bobbed her head up and down. He wasn't going to last to long. She skill of her mouth inched him further and further forward till he curled up forcing Lila's head down for the first time ever as he came in her mouth.
  "Shit I'm sorry babygirl. Are you okay?" He asked seeing the tears in her eyes as she pulled up. Confusion set in as she started to laugh,
  "I gave you a spas-gasm." She teased booping his nose chasing Trevor's mouth to fall open. "You are seriously quoting shameless right now?" He asked shaking his head pulling her into his lap.
   She laughed pulling her shirt over her head "Absolutely, now can I ride you or are you going to pout instead of fucking me?" She asked putting her hands on her hips. Trevor grinned pulling her forward smashing his lips against hers.
   "Calm down babygirl, I'll fuck you." He whispered against her lips with a deep chuckle. She smiled removing her pants quickly before being pulled back into his lap. She laughed moving to help him get undressed. She got on his lap once more. He smashed his lips up hers once more moving to lay her on her back.
"I thought I was going to ride you?" She asked wrapping her legs tightly around him. Her fingers playing in his hair. He smirked pushing his entire length inside of her with one thrust.
  "Well, I changed my mind." He whispered behind this head leaving marks on her neck. Lila tilted her head back her nails scratching down his back. "Fuck Trev!" She cried out. She could feel him smirk against her neck. Great she added to his ego. "Don't get cocky just keep going." She panted running her finger tips down the scratches she added to his back.
  "Why not? I have a beautiful girl screaming my name. That's enough to make any man on top of this world." He whispered his hips snapping forward once again. Just like a clockwork, Lila's body jerked with each thrust. Her body giving off a whole new reaction then when she did this stuff alone.
  She rolled her eyes at him titling her head back just letting him have his fun. The pleasure only heightened when she felt his finger tips reach to her clit. Her back arched off of the couch as his thumb found it's place rubbing in gentle fast circles. "Tuck trev- fuck I'll cum!" She warned her lower stomach cramping with the orgasm that was surely on its way.
   "That's the plan baby. I want you to cum so hard we have to buy a new couch." He whispered to her pulling her right leg up higher. She could tell he was holding his orgasm till she came. "Come on baby, cum for me." He whispered in her ear breaking everything she was holding back. Her legs shook like crazy her chest pushed right against his. They both were in their own world of pleasure.
  They both went limp. Trevor pulling out and flipping them over laying her on his chest. "Okay we might need a new couch." He said after a second. "My ass is wet,"
   "Well no shit it's your fault. Now carry me to the bed because I'm 90 percent sure that my body doesn't work." She said slapping at his chest. He let out a loud laugh scooping her up in his arms. "You know I love you Trevor." She whispered looking up at his face. Now completely happy and no evidence of any sadness.
   "I love you too Lila,"

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