Lukas Reichel (smut)

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Hey y'all, I'm back with the requests! This one was requested by imaslut4many

Name used is Bella :)

Warnings:mentions cheating and heavy smut! Also no hate to Corey Perry but for the plot I needed a teammate and I just googled the lineup and picked one that caught my eye.

Bella did a little spin as she looked at herself in the mirror. She was going out for the first time since she caught her boyfriend and her best friend in the same bed. She didn't want to be the type of person to sit and pout after breaking it off. It was his loss for cheating on her.
She was wearing a short white dress with strappy heels. Her hair was curled and laid on her back nicely. She sprayed her favorite perfume before leaving for the party. She knew she would be drinking so she decided that an Uber would probably be the best bet for her.
When she arrives at the party the first thing she saw when she walked in was her ex with her ex best friend in his lap. She rolled her eyes trying to brush it off acting like it didn't bother her when it did. They weren't even ashamed of the fact that they broke her into pieces. She turned toward the bar and saw Lukas. Her and Lukas has been friends even before her and Corey got together.
She smiled walking up to him placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. "Hey there good looking." She flirted lightly not wanting him to get to large of a hint that she was flirting with him. Lukas looked up and smiled seeing Bella. His beautiful Bella. He grinned standing up wrapping his arms around her hugging her tightly.
"Hey there beautiful. Was the ride here okay?" He asked his voice thick making Bella's legs weak. She nodded her hand resting on his chest. "Yeah. I ordered an uber and came here that way." She explained after a minute of taking in the feeling of being in his arms. She eventually pulled away and sat down.
"Hey can I get a Pepsi and vodka please?" She asked the bartender clasping her hands together. The bartender wondered off getting the order ready for her. She smiled turning to Lukas. She opened her mouth to start talking to him again but was cut off my Corey coming up to talk to Lukas. Lukas let out a low growl pushing his teammates hands off of his shoulders.
"Go away Corey. You aren't wanted here." He said his voice dead. Not wanting to get to angry knowing he was already on the edge of beating the shit out of him for hurting Bella. He wondered if she knew.
Corey gave Bella a look before walking away. Bella let out a soft sigh taking a drink of her drink. "Your boyfriend is a dick. No offense." He whispered softly putting a hand on her arm. "I need to tell you something but I don't want you to get angry with me."
Bella's head snapped up looking over at him. Her mind automatically jumping to the worse. She let out a soft whimper. "Corey has been cheating on you with Kim. I'm sorry. It's been going on for a few months but I found out last week." He said quickly not wanting her to get to upset but knowing that she had a right to know.
She let out a soft laugh. "I know Lukas. I caught them in bed together. But I do appreciate you telling me." She whispered softly leaning forward putting a kiss to his lips. "But I'm over it. Why would I want him when I could have you." She said simply. She stayed silent for a moment hoping that she didn't just ruin their friendship. But she knew she made the right choice when he shit forward smashing their lips together again.
"I've been waiting so long for you to want me like I wanted you." He whispered softly his hands holding to her waist tightly. She smiled biting at his lip. "Come on. I will show you exactly how much I want you." She whispered softly grabbing his hand basically dragging him down the hall.
  She let out a frustrated growl when she couldn't find any empty bedroom so she pulled him into the bathroom instead. Before she could open her mouth to say anything Lukas was already in action pulling her against him. His lips dancing across her jaw. She bit her lip titling her head back letting him have as much room to her neck as he wanted.
  "What are your plans for this? I don't want to cross a line." He asked his face showing how much he wanted to touch her. She let out a breath her hands resting on his belt. "I want you to make me scream. I want you to fuck me and be inside of me. Whatever you wanted me to do." She whispered softly looking into his eyes. He grinned his hands slipping under her ass putting her right on the counter.
"I want to fuck you. Can I please fuck you?" He whispered his hands still on her hips but not moving an inch till he got her consent. Her breath hitched in her throat. She licked her lips and nodded. "Yes please fuck me." She whispered softly wrapping her legs around his legs.
He let out a soft groan pulling her agaisnt him. He let out a growl when his movement caused her hips to smash into his. His growing cock pressed right against her soaked underwear. His hands slipped up her dress grabbing the underwear and tearing it off. Before Bella knew what was happening he had pushed two fingers inside of her. Her hips lifted off of the counter as she moaned. "Fuck Lukas." She moaned her hands grabbing ahold of the sinks counter top.
She could tell he was smirking. He was very happy with the reaction he was getting from her with each pump of his fingers. Her hands went down to his belt quickly undoing the buckle. He looked down at her hands smiling at her eagerness. "So impatient aren't we?" He smirked his free hand moving down to help her. He pulled his pants down just enough to bring out his length.
Bella bit her lip wrapping her fingers around him. She spit on her hand starting to pump him quickly. Lukas mouth fell open but he forced himself to swallow the moan. "Fuck babygirl." He whispered removing his fingers from her. "As good as your hand feels I want to be inside of you." He said softly grabbing her hips pulling her close. "May I? Please?" He asked softly his eyes searching her face for any sign that she didn't want too.
He wanted to make sure that she wanted this as much as he did. Her hands slid up cupping his face. "I do. I want too." She whispered softly nodding her head. He nodded his head with her lowering his head to connect their lips. She smiled against his mouth but that smile turned to a moan as soon as he pushed his hips forward slipping inside of her easily.
He fit inside of her perfectly. Both of them getting overwhelming pleasure. Bella's hands tangled in his hair pulling each time that he flexed his hips. "Lukas. I can't take it. The pleasure it's so much." She whimpered her legs jerking. "You can take it babygirl. You can take it. I'll make this feel so good." He whispered softly. His mouth right against her skin. His head lowered as he moved his mouth to her jaw leaving very dark marks.
He was going to make sure that everyone knew Bella was his. That he was the one making her feel that good. He knew he was doing his job when he felt her clench around him, seconds later her legs started to shake.
"Cum for me baby. I want to feel you. Don't hold it." He praised softly his hands lifting under her ass bringing her closer. Bella's nails dug into his shoulder. "Lukas! Fuck. I'm close." She whimpered arching her back pushing her chest against him.
Her head titled back laying her head against the wall. Her whole body was over stimulated and shaking. It wasn't to long before she felt him bite down on her neck as she hit her orgasm. A few more thrusts later she felt him cum inside of her.
"Shit, I'm sorry I didn't realize I was cumming. I'll buy you a plan B," he said quickly worries that she would be mad at him. She smiled and shook her head. "Don't be sorry. We definitely need a plan b because we don't need a child yet but I did enjoy that." She whispered softly placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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