Nate Bastian (smut & fluff)

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Could not find him on PINTREST so I stole this from Instagram. He Fr hiding from me. Anyways
Requested by rydderwho

Word count: 1901

Since a name wasn't given to me I will use Aster

Mentions; babies, and will have baby making in it.

Aster leaned her head against the glass. Nate was finally coming home today. Aster loved being a hockey wife but there was one thing she hated and that was being alone. Aster never liked being alone. The first few times Nate went away it was just for a day or two but the more he goes away the longer he is gone. Especially if it's a Canada game.
On day two of Nate being gone aster was tagged in a picture on Instagram. A picture of Nate talking to a kid who was a fan of his and it made her heart yearn as well as her uterus scream. She had always wanted to be a mom. That was one thing that she knew for a fact. And now she knew a second fact. She wanted Nate to father that child. And after dinner she is going to bring it up to him.
  She fidgeted with her hands as she stared at the steak that was searing in the pan. A thousand thoughts warts going through her mind. What if he didn't want a child with her? What if she couldn't have a child and he left her?
  The door opening pulled her out of her thoughts. She decided to stay quiet till he ventured into the kitchen. Nate walked in seeing his girl cooking. He smiled dropping his bags walking over to her. He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek wrapping his arms around her waist from behind her. He let out a soft sigh into her neck. "Hi baby." He whispered his deep voice sending a rumble through Aster's chest.
Asters whole body relaxed as she felt his arms go around her. She leaned back into his chest smiling yo at him. She noticed an upset face. She placed the steak in a plate and turned around to him. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asked her finger tips grazing over his jaw and down his neck.
Nate let out a sigh looking down at the space between then for a moment. "It was a close game but we lost. And I got a hot minute in the box because I got into a fight." He admitted knowing how much she hated when he got into fights.
Aster frowned standing on her toes to kiss his lips gently. "Baby. It's not your fault that you guys lost. Besides that just gives you a chance to see what you did wrong so that you can improve for next time." She said resting her chin on his shoulder gently kissing his cheek. Nate lowered his head connecting his lips to her neck leaving a dark mark. "They faded since last time." He whispered mainly to himself. Aster moaned softly at the action.
"Yeah bruises heal my love. But don't worry you can replace them with new ones." She said softly her fingers tangling in his light colored hair. She let out a soft gasp as Nate's hands went right to her ass pulling her against him. "Nate. We can do this after dinner. There's something I want to talk to you about." She said softly her hands resting on his chest.
Nate pulled back his eye brows furrowing. "A serious talk? I didn't fuck up did I? If I did I'm sorry."
  "You didn't do anything. I've just missed you. Sit down dinner is almost ready." She said softly placing a kiss on his lips. "Go go sit. You must be tired." Nate let out a soft chuckle taking his coat and shoes off before sitting down at the table.
She grinned sitting his plate in-front of him. "So I've been thinking. While you are gone during the season I get real lonely." She said softly leaning into her hand as she watched him. She hadn't touched her food yet. Nate automatically stopped eating looking up at her.
"I'm sorry baby. I try to call and send flowers so you feel loved. Is there anything else I can do?" Nate asked moving over to sit next to her, just wanting to be closer. Aster let out a soft breath. "I think it's time to think about having children. If that's okay with you. I want a little you, I want to be a mom. Plus it will make you being away easier since I'll have a tiny you clinging to me." She explained softly fiddling with her fingers.
Nate let out a breath. "Well if we get you pregnant within the next few weeks. I'll miss the first month of pregnancy give or take but that means the baby will be born in the off season so I can help you and won't miss the big moments. I think we can." He said gently trying to word his thoughts but his mind was working so fast. He smirked looking down at her. "We can try now."
  Aster looked up at him. The look on his face turning her face bright red. "What's with you and wanting to sleep with me after you lose?" She asked shaking her head with a giggle. Nate chuckled himself wrapping his arms around her body. "Well I need to be cheered up and nothing makes me happier then seeing you riding me." He smirked kissing along her neck.
  Asters face just got darker. She had been on a thing recently. She has just been obsessed with being on top. Not exactly in charge because she didn't like that exactly but being on-top just made the pleasure so much better to her and Nate never complained.
  She turned to face him her eyes scanning his face, "okay. Let's go make a baby." She whispered softly gently kissing his lips. She planned on getting up and running to the bedroom herself but Nate has other plans. "Fuck the bedroom. The couch looks comfortable enough at the moment." He muttered against her lips. She let out a giggle tangling her fingers in his hair. He sat her down on the couch looking down at her. Admiring how beautiful she was.
  He let out a chuckle as aster quickly undressed herself. She couldn't wait. She hasn't touched herself since the last time that they had been together so she was aching. She threw her clothes to the ground reaching up to his belt. Nate stood there knowing exactly what she was doing.
  Aster gently kissed his stomach as he pulled his belt off. Nate did her a favor and just went ahead slipping his shirt off. "How come you always taste so sweet?" She asked him licking her name on his v line as she pulled his pants down his legs. When he felt his clothes hit his ankles he stepped out of them.
  Aster grinned wrapping her fingers around his length slowly pumping him as she looked up at him her lip between her teeth. "Sit down pretty boy. I want you inside of me." She whispered pointing to the couch. Nate didn't hesitate to sit down and ankle his hips up. She crawled into his lap kissing his lips slowly. Earning a very low groan from Nate. "Come on doll you know I don't like when you go slow." He complained softly his fingers digging into the flesh on her ass.
  Aster laughed bitting his bottom lip and very slowly pulling on it. "Oh but you don't have a say in it. I can ride you as slow or as fast as I want." She whispered to him slowly leaving wet messy kisses along his neck. "And you wouldn't be able to do anything about it." She said softly reaching down holding his very hard length in her hand. She smiled holding it in place as she pushed her hips down sinking down on him.
  She let her eyes flutter shut for a moment just trying to get use to the size of his man. She let out a breath rocking her hips forward quickly then going back very slowly. Her actions caused a moan to slip from his mouth. She didn't warn him before she started bouncing. Her pace wasn't very fast but it wasn't necessarily slow either. It was just enough to catch him off guard. Nate's hips bucked up causing aster to be the one to moan this time.
  Her hands settled on his shoulders letting out a soft breath. Nate grinned kissing along her breast slowly taking one of her nipples into his mouth and pulling on it. "We are both so sensitive to each other. It's like we were and two pleasure one another." He whispered as he left marks along her breast in places only he would see.
  Aster didn't disagree. Any touch of his would be enough to set her skin on fire. "I have no doubt about that Nate." She whispered softly her head titling back briefly. Nate took that as an opportunity to attach his mouth to her other nipple thrusting up into her meeting her bouncing. Aster cried out each time their hips met because of the shock of pleasure that was sent through her body.
"Fuck. Keep doing that. I'll cum." She gasped her back arching as he took the nipple between his teeth pulling on it. Aster couldn't help but clench around his length. Nate detached himself from her breast moving his mouth up her body to her own mouth. "Cum for me Aster." He whispered against her mouth his hands sliding up to her waist then slamming her down on his length.
Just a few more minutes of this action and Nate would cum as well. Aster could tell from how inconsistent his thrusts were. Her breath hitched in her throat her whole body was frozen as Nate held her up, fucking her deeply. She let out a loud cry as her orgasm was released. Once Nate was sure that she was over her orgasm he let his own release shoot up inside of her.
Aster froze for a moment just relishing in the moment. She slowly pulled off of him curling up in his lap. "Good god that was great." She whispered softly laying her head on his shoulder. Nate smiled wrapping his arms around her lifting her up. He carried her to the bedroom gently laying her down on the bed. She smiled curling into the sheets once he laid her down. He pulled a hoodie out of the closet handing it to her. "I'll go get our food and we can eat in here. Stay in bed and rest."
Aster decided to listen to him one time and stay in bed. She smiled seeing him being the plates in. "You know, I never know how you have the energy for all the home cooking you do." He said his eye brows furrowed, obviously deep in thought.
Aster giggled laying on her back, her plate on her stomach. "I just enjoy it. It's kinda like art in its own way." She said taking a bite of the potato's.
Nate laughed sitting down next to her putting on her favorite show on the tv just cuddling his wife

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