Quinn Hughes (smut & fluff)

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He whimpers and you can't tell me I'm wrong because I won't listen. Also if any of the brothers are allergic to cinnamon let's pretend they aren't lmao. Also why is spelling vibrator?? So hard  

Word count: 2550

Name to be used in this is Haley

Content: a lot of teasing, Quinn is mainly the dom in this but there's moments where Haley takes control. A lot of cuteness.

Haley let out a gasp as Jack smacked the container against the table sending bits of unbaked bread against  her face. Jack looked down at the pile of dough against the table and on the floor. Which was also all over his hand.
  "Well what did you expect to happen Jack?" Haley exclaimed taking off her glasses to get the dough off of them. "Really Jack I told you to do it in the sink incase it explodes." She scolded lightly trying to to laugh at the very surprised Jack who was still looking at the floor.
  She walked over to the cabinet getting a thing of paper towels. Since Jack was to shocked to actually clean up she decided she would before Ellen got home and killed them both. "Well at least we can eat the good ones you make." Jack said with a shit eating grin.
Haley threw away the remains putting her hands on her hips. "Jack Hughes- did you do that on purpose so that I would have to make cinnamon rolls from scratch?" She asked titling her head to the side her eyes narrowing.
  "Well- I- don't look at me like that. You know for someone who looks like a nerd you sure are scary." He said backing up with his hands up shaking surrender.
  "At least this nerd knows how to cook broccoli." She shot back shaking her head as she turned to the shelves to grab a mixing bowl. She heard Jack gasp and a slap. Must have put his hand over his heart like the dramatic man he is.
  "I know how to cook broccoli!" He gasped wacking the back of her head with the paper towel roll. She turned around looking him straight in the eye. "Another hit and I'll tell Quinn." She said taking a step closer. "Or, I might just beat you up myself."
Jack took a moment to ponder his doom. "I think I'll just take on Quinn. If I fight you then I'll get beat from you, then Quinn, then mom." He said taking a step back as he watched her get closer. "I'm sorry for hitting you. I pinky promise it won't happen again." He said quickly holding up his pinky.
  Haley took a breath and nodded wrapping her pinky around his. "Fine. It's a truce today but try it again. I dare you." She said softly patting his head. She turned back to the bowel. She was halfway through making the cinnamon rolls when she felt arms go around her. She looked down seeing the hands that drive her crazy. She smiled looking up and behind her.
  "I didn't hear you come in." She said softly smiling as Quinn held her tighter gently kissing the crook of her neck.
  "That's probably because Jack was telling me a tell of how you threaten him with bread." He chuckled his face still buried in her neck.
  "That liar. He hit me with the paper towels so I threaten to tell on him or beat him up. And we called a truce so no real damage." She laughed shaking her head as she added the cinnamon to the batter. She heard Quinn laugh as he pulled away.
  She worked the dough and out it in the oven walking into the living room. She saw all three boys watching a rerun of the two teams playing each other. She smiled sitting on the arm watching as Jack and Quinn got into teach others faces.
  Quinn looked up seeing her there, he reached over grabbing her hips pulling her into his lap. He silenced her giggles by giving her a very gentle kiss on her lips. Her hands tangled into the hair at the bottom of his neck as she kissed him. She pulled away smiling widely. "What was that for?" She whispered trying to keep the other two boys out of their conversation.
"I just missed you and wanted a kiss." He whispered softly going in for another kiss when they heard giggling. They both looked over seeing Luke teasing them and Jack videoing it, no doubt sending it to Ellen.
She shook her head ruffling Quinn's hair as she got up. "Where are you going?" He whined grabbing her hips trying to pull her back down. "I have to go watch the cinnamon rolls. I don't want them to burn." She said softly kissing his lips once more. He reluctantly let her go.
She walked into the kitchen looking at the timer and opening the door a little to peek in at them to see how they were doing. It wasn't too long before they were done. She let them cool down a little bit so that the icing wouldn't be to runny. She out them on a plate and took them to the living room. She saw him sitting with the boys while Ellen was talking on the phone.
Haley smiled at them and set the cinnamon rolls down on the table sitting in the chair closest to Quinn. He gave her a look that said come here but she shook her head. She wasn't about to be pulled into his lap and coddled in-front of his parents. She knew they most likely wouldn't mind but she wasn't about to do it anyway.
  A few hours later Haley woke up in a bed with arms around her. She sat up not realizing how she got there. She turned and saw Quinn's face. "Babe- when did I fall asleep?" She asked softly laying down facing him.
  "Half way through the game I saw you were asleep so I told them that I would take you upstairs. They are out for dinner. I told them to bring your favorite back." He said gently moving to kiss her neck. She let out a soft noise as he moved overtop of her.
  "Really Quinn? Here? In your parents house?" She giggled running her fingers through his hair. He let out a chuckle and nodded. "Yes. I am serious. I've wanted you all day babygirl but Jack is a turn off."
  She smiled easily flipping them over. Quinn's hands automatically went to her hips. She grinned slowly raising her top till it was pulled off of her. She leaned down lips barely over his. "Then you should have said something. I would have kicked Both of your brothers out of this house."
  She kissed down his neck her hands starting to  work on his pants. She stopped once she heard him let out a soft whimper. She titled her head to the side. "Did I tell you to make sounds?" She asked her hand landing right on his now growing cock. She saw Quinn bite down on his lip knowing she wasn't going to stop anytime soon. He also knew that if he didn't listen she would make him regret it.
  She watched his face living for the faces he made as she slowly pushed his pants down his legs. "Behave my love." She whispered softly as she tossed the pants behind her hearing them land on the floor. She kept watching as she wrapped her fingers around him slowly pumping him.
  Quinn's mouth flew open from the pleasure that shot through him as Haley touched him. He dared not make a sound, instead choosing to just throw his head back. Haley's eyes slowly traveled down his body watching as his thighs flexed at each pump of her hand.
  She licked her lips lowering her head wrapping her lips around his tip. Taking her time to use her tongue to taste him and lick every inch of him. Quinn's hand shot down gathering her hair in a makeshift ponytail in his fist. He didn't push down her head, not yet at least.
  She was going agonizingly slow. To the point Quinn couldn't take it anymore. He pushed her head down till he was completely inside of her mouth. She struggled for a moment forcing her throat to relax so she wouldn't be gagging to much. Once she got used to him being completely in her mouth she took back control pulling off of him and going back down a few times.
  She pulled off and smiled innocently. "I think that's it for the day." She said softly moving to get off of the bed but felt something slip in the back of her pants yanking her back on the bed. She giggled seeing Quinn hovering above her. "Awh is huggy bear needy?"
  Quinn let out a groan. "Please don't call me that in the bedroom." He said moving to her neck. She let out a moan as he left marks all the way up her neck and down her chest. Before she realized what was going on he had her completely undressed.
  She moved to take his shirt off. Her nails gently scratching down his chest. "I should just watch you workout. See how these muscles are made." She whispered softly her hands running up his arms.   
   Quinn lowered his head kissing her deeply. His love for her showing as he lifted one of her legs high up on his waist. "Are you ready?" He asked her gently as he kissed down her neck. She nodded her head bringing her bottom lip between her teeth. "Yes please. I want you inside of me before your family gets home." She said softly pulling her other knee up to make it a better angle for both of them.
He nodded slowly pushing himself in. He whimpered digging his nails in Haley's thigh. "Fuck Hal. You are always so tight." He whimpered bringing her in closer. He pulled out slowly pushing back inside whimpers from both of them leaving their mouths at the same time,
Haley tan her hands up his back grabbing ahold of his hair holding onto it for dear life. Her back arched off of the bed pressing into Quinn's chest making him gasp. His hips thrusted forward in a hard manner. "Fuck I'm sorry," he whispered his hand landing on her hip. "I just couldn't help it."
"I know. It's our bodies reacting to each other. You can do it again. You won't hurt me." She whispered softly making Quinn sit up straight. He pulled both of her legs up pushing them against her body. "Is this okay?" He asked giving her one thrust then stopping to see if she liked it. "I didn't know I was this flexible but yes keep going please."
Quinn let out a laugh but kept pushing his hips forward. He reached over pulling out a small purple bullet. "Let's make this more interesting." He smirked turning it on the lowest setting it laying it against her clit holding it in place as he kept his thrusting at a steady pace.
  Her mouth fell open her hips jerking already. "Quinn! That will make me cum to quickly!" She said softly biting on her lip as another wave of pleasure pushed through her body.
  "It's okay baby. You cum as many times as you can. Maybe you can keep count." He smirked looking down at her. She knew this was punishment for what she did to him earlier.
  "If you cum less then five times then you get punished. Or, next time I won't let you cum at all." He said looking down at the beautiful mess spread infront of him.
  "Fuck- I guess that's- one." She croaked out as she felt herself release all over his cock. Quinn smirked pulling out laying behind her. He pushed her on her side pulling her right against his chest. "Line me up babygirl." He whispered as he bit down on her neck. Haley nodded her body very shaky as she reached down lining him up with her. She gave him a nod saying that he could start up again.
  Quinn pushed his hips forward hooking her leg over his arm. He grabbed the toy again putting it on the second setting. "One orgasm for every setting on this toy babygirl. You can do it." He said gently pushing his hips forward as he held the toy on her clit again.
  She let out a Yelp pushing her ass against him. But he just pushed the toy against her again. "Listen to me princess. You move away again and I'll add another orgasm to the toll. And knowing you, you will pass out before you get to the sixth one so try to behave." He whispered as his lips found their way on her neck.
She let out a whimper her voice low on gas. She didn't know if she would be able to make it to 2 let alone 5. But the Magic in Quinn's hand and the help of his penis two came up rather quickly. She knew that Quinn loved when she came when he was inside of her. So it was a mystery why he hasn't cum yet. She felt Quinn pull out and whimpered.
"Don't give me that look. You know the rule. Different position per orgasm. Not changing now. So get on ur knees and push your face against the mattress" he ordered making Haley give him a look.
"Aye aye, captain Hughes." She whispered softly moving to her new position.

(This is making it obvious i favor Quinn so imma skip to make sure there's less evidence)

Haley felt like she was going to pass out. She had one more to go and then Quinn would be satisfied. She could tell that Quinn himself was getting closer with each thrust. The toy was now turned all the way up. She was pretty sure she couldn't even feel her clit anymore.
She was way past the point of even moaning. She laid there. Her hips jerking every now and then her body feeling like it was dead or on fire. She looked up at Quinn's sweat covered body and thought that there was no other person on earth that was as perfect as that man right there.
Her body was brought back to life when she felt him start twitching inside of her. A few more thrusts and they came together at the same time. She met his eyes, his smug looking eyes.
Quinn pulled out slowly taking his beautiful girlfriend into his arms. "I'll run you a bath then go downstairs and help bring in the bags. Jack made them go shopping." He explained softly running the water a little on the hot side like she liked it. He scooped her back into his arms lowering her into the bathtub.
Haley let out a groan as the water hit her body. She automatically relaxed into her bath watching Quinn get dressed and head downstairs. She let out laugh. She would never admit it to Quinn but she loved when he did those things.

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