Hi! Bye?

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As Leorio was talking, Gon suddenly ran after the white-haired boy. "Hey Gon! Where you going?~" Leorio whined.

Gon skidded into a corner, making himself bash into a locker giving some stares from people around him, also from the white-haired boy.

Gon stopped and placed his hands on his knees and panted heavily.

"Killua?!" He suddenly shouted, Killua blushed from embarrassment, he eyed the students looking at them, he then suddenly took Gon by his wrist and pulled him away from the crowd into the bathroom.

Killua slammed the door and leaned against it, making Gon a little frightened.

"Do I know you?" Killua raised an eyebrow, scanning Gon up and down. He noticed the boy has spiky raven hair with amber eyes and gorgeous tanned skin.

Killua caught himself blushing but shook his head, leaving Gon confused at his sudden head shake.

"Come on Killua stop joking around hehe!" Gon said nervously, "I'm not joking, I seriously don't know who you are" Killua said with a more serious tone.

Gon frowned , "Alluka" was all he said, Killua pulled a stunned face "w-what?"
"Your sister's name, is Alluka" Gon says with a serious look.

Killua's eye twitched, "are you stalking me?" He suddenly yelled "w-what ? No! Ugh don't you remember me at all?!" Gon yelled in frustration and stamped his foot.

Killua looked at him once more, he came to his realisation. "Gon? Is that....you?" He said, a bit quietly. Gon looked at him with shock, but nodded "mhm! It's me, Gon" he beamed at Killua.

"When? But how?"  "I know you probably have a lot of questions right now, so maybe at lunch we can sit down and talk? I've actually really missed you Killua" Gon said as he shyly fidgeted with his fingers and a tiny blush crept on his face.

Killua looked down for a moment, hesitating. "Gon I-" the bell rang meaning next period is starting, "see you at lunch?" Gon looked up at Killua once more with sparkles in his eyes "maybe" was all Killua said and walked out the bathroom.

Lunch time rolled around so fast, Gon was excited! He was gonna meet up with his friend Killua, well that is, if Killua even counts him as a friend anymore, maybe he won't show up? Gon pushed all his negativity away and skipped towards the cafeteria.

At the entrance, he bashed into Kurapika and Leorio. "Ohh hey guys" he chirped, "hey Gon. Wanna come sit with us?" Kurapika offered "yeah, you didn't let me finish my sentence earlier" Leorio huffed with his hands on his hips. "Sorry guys I have other plans, but maybe next time?" Gon said, and the other two nodded in agreement.

Gon got his food which was Mac and cheese and sat at an empty table. Waiting patiently for a certain white-haired to come through.

About 5 minutes later, Killua came through the door. Gon spotted him and waved at him, Killua was hesitant at first but sat down anyway, on the opposite side of the table.

Gon kept smiling at him. "Sooooo~how's life?" Gon chirped, Killua gave him a weird look, and went back to eating "alright" he said with a piece of chicken in his mouth, Gon furrowed his eyebrows, "whatcha been up to lately?" Gon said, trying to change the subject "lots of art exams" Killua said, stabbing a piece of chicken.

"You do art? That's cool! I remember we use to paint a lot for our parents, but I never knew you were into it" Gon says, patting his hands on the table "yeah, I guess it's something to do" Killua shrugged.

The bell rang meaning it was time for third period. Killua shot up first and took his tray to the bin , with Gon follows suit.

"Can I have your number? Maybe we can"-

"Look Gon! Just stop following me alright! It's a weird coincidence we ended up in the same school, but it doesn't mean I wanna be friends with you, just take a hint. I've moved on, and so should you" Killua said a bit harshly, and walked off with his hands in his pockets.

Gon's mouth quivered, tears were threatening to break but Gon refused and kept on moving.

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