~ Chapter One

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Hailey's pov*

I woke up at around 4am to a wave of nausea passing over me. I got up as quickly as i could and ran to mine and Jay's bathroom. I must of made it just in time because as soon as i got into the room I started vomiting with my body hunched over the toilet. 'I hope im not being to loud' , Hailey thought to herself. Through all of this, all she was worried about was waking her husband.
She had always been this way. Always putting others before herself, no matter what she had going on or how ill she really was.

After 5 minutes or so hailey had been able to sit up on the floor against the wall. She gained a sense of comfort from the cold surface against her back. She sat there for another 3 minutes waiting for the nausea to pass.

Jay's pov*

I roll over from my side of the bed hoping to find the small body of my wife. However, all i felt was the cold, crinkled bed sheets. That's when I heard movement coming from mine and Hailey's bathroom. I must of assumed that it was hailey in there because I got up and ran in there with no hesitation.

Once I reached the doorframe of the bathroom, she must have finished whatever it was she was doing and propped herself up against the wall.

General pov*

"Hails, you good?" Jay mumbled, still half asleep. Hailey let out a groan in response. She still felt somewhat nauseated, just not as much.

Jay realised hailey's lack of response and his face grew concerned. Hailey has never been one to catch 'the common cold' let alone be sick.

"Hails, whats up babe?" Jay asked, the concern clear in his voice.
"I dont know" Hailey whispered back, having no energy at all.
"How long have you been like this?"
"Not long. About 10 minutes."
"Do feel well enough to come back to bed for a while. Maybe sleep it off?"

Just as Jay asked, she started vomiting into the toilet again. This time alot less. Once Hailey had finished Jay gently pulled her onto his lap and Hailey melted at his touch. She felt so safe with him and she always has. Jay was stroking the back of hailey's head with his hand, playing with her hair to sooth her. His other wrapped around her waist giving her the comfort she desperately needed. Hailey hid her head further into the crook of his neck.

"Let's get you back in bed." Jay said, wrapping Hailey's legs around his waist, as her arms fell over his shoulders, her hands softly gripping the back of his neck.

Jay gently placed Hailey back in bed and tucked her in. He then got into his side of the bed and Hailey found the energy to turn over and lay on his chest. Not long after she drifted off to a calm sleep.

General pov*

Hailey managed another 3 hours or so of sleep without interruptions. She woke up at 6:27 feeling a little better than she did at 4am. Jay was still sound asleep under her small body as Hailey had only just realised that she was on top of him. She felt at ease feeling Jay's chest moving up and down, listening to his heartbeat. She lays there for a few minutes until Jay starts to wake up himself.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling?" Jay aked, still concerned.
"I feel a bit better than I did" Hailey replied, with a slight smile on her face.
"We have work today, you sure your up to it? Im sure Voight won't mind you taking one sick day." Jay suggested.
"Im sure. I feel okay right now so hopefully it was just something I ate. I told you that you can't cook." Hailey slightly chuckled at her own comment.
"Im glad to see your feeling better." Jay said in a sarcastic tone.

They layed in bed for another 20 minutes, just cuddling eachother and making the most of each others presence until they have to get ready for work.

Hailey's pov*

As I was getting ready I did start to feel a little light headed but didnt think much of it. Jay made waffles for breakfast, which was the one thing he is actually good at making. I was really craving them today for some reason, but i usually do everyday to be honest.

Jay's pov*

Hailey seems to be better this morning. Hopefully she'll be fine now. We ate our waffles and headed out to my truck. On our way to work, Hailey was starting to look a little paler than usual, but I didnt say anything and left her alone since she clearly wasn't well.

At the district*

"Hey chuckles, get over here will ya!" Trudy shouted from her desk as we walked through the door.
"Hey Sarge, what's up?" I asked.
"I have a package for you."
"Thanks Sarge. I better get going or Voight will have my head on a stick."
"You're right, sorry Detective Chuckles."
Trudy said, raising her hand as if she was surrendering.

In the bullpen*
Hailey's pov*

As we got to the top of the stairs, Voight came out of his office looking miserable as always.
"We've got shots fired at 23rd West Wollcott" Voight stated worriedly.
Everyone headed out of the district and to the scene.

Author's note: Chapter 1 done! I hope you liked itttt. Chapter 2 coming sooooonnn.

911 words in this chapter :)
(Not including authors note)

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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