~ Chapter Six

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2 months later*
Jay pov*

I woke up at 7am with Hailey's back pushed up against my chest. My arms cradling her 4 month belly. She was fast asleep, which was fine since today was our day off. I stayed in the same position for another 10 minutes until she stirred awake.
"Hey baby." She said turning to face me, my hands now on her back and our foreheads touching.
"Hey." I replied, smiling.
I got lost in her baby blue eyes. We layed there just staring at eachother, soaking up the moment. I broke the comfortable silence we were in.
"I love you." I said, moving one hand onto her bump, the other onto the side of her head playing with her hair. I moved my hand down to her cheek, stroking it softly. She lowered her head into the crook of my neck, making herself comfortable. I pushed our bodies closer together, loving the contact that we had. Being in eachothers presence is all that we have ever needed. We eventually fell asleep for another hour.

Hailey pov*

When I woke up Jay was still asleep. We were still in the same position that we were in an hour ago. Jay had his hand on my bump, he made me feel so loved. So safe. He made me feel like there was nothing that could go wrong.

After a few minutes of staring at a sleeping Jay, thinking about how amazing of a dad he would be, he woke up and pulled me an impossible closer.
"You know what today is right?" He asked.
"How could I forget." I said back, not able to stop smiling.
"You excited?" He asked, smiling straight back.
"Definitely. I wanna know if I'm gonna have a mini Jay running around this apartment." I said, laughing a little.
"Well I want a mini Hails to wake up to every morning." He replied.
"I guess we'll have to wait and see." I said, placing a loving kiss on his lips.

Jay pov*

Once Hailey and I had gotten out of bed, I made her some waffles and placed some crackers beside them just incase she didn't feel like eating much. Her morning sickness had really been playing up lately. I called Hailey down for breakfast and as suspected she only ate the crackers and one bite of her waffle. I was just glad that she managed to eat something and be able to hold it down.

Me and Hailey were both ready for our appointment which is at 10:15. We left the apartment by 10 and got to the hospital by 10:05. We didn't live to far which was helpful.

When we sat down in the waiting room, Hailey's name was called right away.
"Hailey Upton." The nurse said, popping her head out of the room.
As Jay and I started walking into the room the nurse gave us a sweet smile.

5 minutes later*
Hailey pov*

"So is this baby number one?" She asked kindly.
"Yeah. A big surprise actually." Jay replied, laughing.
"Well I'm sure you'll be great parents." She reassured us.
Jay and I looked at eachother and smiled lovingly at one another.

Just then Natalie came into the room.
"Hey guys." She said.
"Hey Nat. What are you doing here? I asked.
"I asked her if she could do the ultrasound since you can get a little nervous around new people." Jay said, making me smile at how caring he is.
"Thanks babe." I said.
"Right then, let's get this show on the road." Natalie said, clearly very excited.

I pulled up my top to reveal my 4 month baby bump. Natalie squeezed the gel onto my belly and started the ultrasound.
"You're past 12 weeks so we should be able to tell what you are having if you would like to know." Natalie said.
"I really want to know." I said, waiting for Jay's approval.
"Me too. I can't wait any longer." He said, smiling at the screen where we could see our baby. Seeing Jay look at our baby with so much love made my heart flutter. He was so inlove with the baby that he hadn't even met yet.
"Ok. So it looks like your having a..."

At home*

Once we got home Jay and I couldn't stop looking at eachother and smiling. We walked up to our front door and he unlocked it.

When we were inside Jay locked the door behind us and lifted me onto the kitchen island. He gently rested his head on my bump and held me close. He stayed there for a minute and gave the baby a kiss. He then moved up to my lips and placed an everlasting kiss on them. His touch made me feel so cared for. He picked me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He layed me down on the sofa and shuffled down next to me. We shared a long, passionate kiss until I snuzzled my head into his chest. He placed a hand on the back of my head, the other on my lower back. He held me tightly as if someone was going to rip me away. We fell asleep in eachothers arms and felt so safe doing so.

Author's Note: This is a shorter chapter but I hope you still like it. This is an Upstead centric chapter which I love. I hope you liked it and I'm very sorry about leaving you all on a cliffhanger about the gender of the baby. I just wanted you to find out when the team does so that it creates more suspense. Chapter 7 coming soon!

Chapter 6 word count: 885
(Not including authors note)

Love Carls <3

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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