~ Chapter Five

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General pov*

Hailey has been on desk duty for a week and it's going great. Her morning sickness still hasn't subsided but Jay is always there for her. They both can't wait for their baby to come.

Jay pov*

"Jay, Jay wake up." I heard a voice say. However, the only voice it could of been was Hailey's.
"Hails what's wrong? Is it the baby?" I asked, obviously worried.
"No the baby's fine. I just want cuddles but your arm is to heavy to lift." She laughed.
"Babe. As much as I love you, please don't scare me like that again." I laugh back.
"I won't I promise."

I open up my arms for her to lay ontop of my chest. Once she was comfy I wrapped my arms around her, not too tight, and held her close.

Hailey has become alot more cuddly since she's been pregnant. I think it's because she still thinks that i'm going to leave. I could never do that to her. Or our baby. She can't get rid of me that easy.

Hailey pov*

I woke up at 6:30am which is when we usually start getting ready for work. I woke Jay up since he was still asleep. More thoughtful this time, trying not to worry him.
"Baby, time to get up." I whispered softly.
"5 more minutes." He groaned, pulling me back and flipping me over. He was now ontop cuddling me.
"Jay, you're gonna crush the baby" I couldn't help but giggle.
"Sorry I forgot." He said, getting off of me pulling me onto him instead.
"Baby, stop." I said, still laughing.
At this point he had a firm hold on me. He definitely wasn't giving in easily.
"We can have all the cuddles you want later but we have to get ready." I promised, more seriously this time.
"Fine." He replied.

Once we were ready for work I was stood by the kitchen island, reading through some emails on my phone. None of them were important. I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and rub my still tiny bump. He kissed my head and leaned his head on my shoulder.

We stayed like that for 5 minutes, just enjoying the moment and feeling loved and safe in eachothers embrace.

At the district*
Jay pov*

Once Hailey and I entered the district we walked up to the bullpen, her hand in mine. When we made it up the stairs Kim came rushing over to us, mainly Hailey.
"Hailey, Hailey, Haileyyy." Kim said excitedly.
"Kim?" She asked, a smile pulling at her lips.
"I know you don't want any gifts but I couldn't help myself. It was just too cute!" Kim said, even more excited.
"What is this really cute thing that has you all excited?" I asked.
Kim pulled out a box and gave it to Hailey. Hailey opened it and revealed two onesies. One said ' Me + My mummy love daddy' the other said ' Of course I'm cute haven't you seen my mummy'.

"Oh my god Kim your gonna make me cry." Hailey said, already tearing up.
"Hormones." I said, rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"You did this to me." She snapped back.
"It takes two." I said, standing my ground.
"Whatever." She replied, laughing at how childish I was acting.
"Thank you so much Kim." Hailey said, still tears forming.
"Your so welcome! I just had to get them." Kim replied, tears slowly slipping from her eyes aswell.
"I'm gonna go do some work." I said, cheekily.
"Shut up Jay." Hailey rolled her eyes.
I couldn't help but smile and laugh.

Hailey pov*

I walked to the locker room to put away the gift that Kim had gotten us for the baby. I started to feel a little light headed but just assumed it was another pregnancy symptom. I walked back out to the bullpen and sat at my desk with my head in my hands. Jay threw me a concerned look but I gave him an 'I'm fine' one back. We had no case today which helped since I wasn't feeling great. Voight let us go home early since there really wasn't anything to do. As Jay and I were walking down the stairs to leave the Bullpen, I felt light headed again but it was alot more intense this time. I lost my balance and Jay caught me just in time, as I grabbed onto the railing.
"Hailey! Hails!" Was all I could hear until my vision went back to normal.
"Jay?" I whispered slightly confused.
"Im here baby, it's all fine." He reassured me.
"What happened?" He asked.
"I don't know. I've been feeling light headed all day." I replied.

At this point the whole team was either stood or sat on the stairs. None of them were leaving until they knew I was okay.
"I'm taking you to med babe." Jay said, clearly it wasnt a question. Even if it was I would have said yes because I can't put our baby at risk.
"Okay." I said.

At med*

Once we got to med Jay had Kim wait with me in the car since she insisted on coming with us. I was starting to panic when Jay came back out to the car. All I could think about was the baby. What if something was wrong with the baby. Mine and Jay's baby.
"Hails it's gonna be fine. Just breathe for me." Jay said, keeping a calm voice to reassure me. I steadied my breathing and Jay helped me out of the car since I was still uneasy on my feet.

When we made it into the hospital I was set up in a room straight away and Will was taking care of me. I had an ultrasound as soon as we got there and everything looked fine with the baby. He had nurses keeping an eye on my vitals and they were giving me fluids to ease my symptoms.

After 30 minutes Will came into my room with a smile on his face.
"You're all good to go." He said, still smiling.
"Really? Do you know what caused this?" Jay asked.
"It's actually quite common in the early stages of pregnancy. Your blood pressure might of just dropped but there is nothing that causes concern."
Will explained.
"Thank you so much Will." I said, so grateful.
"Thanks man." Jay said, giving his brother a thankful hug.

At home*
Jay pov*

When we got home Hailey got changed into a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. I changed into a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. We both got comfy on the sofa with a movie playing on the TV. I motioned for Hailey to come and lay on my lap and she did just that. She sat on my lap and curled into my chest. I didn't ever want to let her go. We sat there in each others arms until she fell asleep with me rubbing her growing belly. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and drifted off into a sleep myself.

Author's Note: Chapter 5 is finally out! Sorry it took a while I couldn't really think of anything. There will probably be a time skip in the next one. Only by about 1 or 2 months. I hope you liked ittt!

Chapter 5 word count: 1,166
(Not including authors note)

Love Carls <3

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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