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Hi guys! I was thinking about writing a new book about Hailey and her life a few months before she joined intelligence. I want her to have a child that she keeps hidden from the unit as best as she can for their safety. Of course I will still write this since I also love this story!

Basically it would be about 5 or so months before Hailey joined intelligence. Maybe longer but I'm not sure yet. She has a baby that she has recently given birth to with her partner Garrett. Obviously I would stick with the storyline of his disappearance and how she has become a single parent and how she deals with it whilst juggling being a Detective. Once she joins intelligence she keeps her baby a secret from the unit for as long as she can for her baby's safety. Obviously they end up finding out but how? And what will they think......

Just let me know if this would be something that you would be interested in and I will get started right away! I'm not very good at explaining so I hope you understand what I mean :)

Love Carls <3

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