~ Chapter Four

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3 weeks later*
General pov*

Hailey is now 8 weeks pregnant and the team still don't know. She has kept her promise to Jay, by being more careful on the job and so far so good.

Hailey had just woken up and turned over, where she buried herself into Jay's side, her head resting on his chest. Jay wrapped an arm around her waist and lowered his head to rest on Hailey's.

Hailey pov*

"I'm ready." I said.
"For?" Jay replied, slightly confused.
"I'm ready to tell the team." I smile.
"Yeah?" Jay asked, smiling back.
"Yeah. I just don't want to wait to long just in case something happens on the job."
"I can't wait." Jay couldn't stop smiling at the fact that this was real. They were going to have a baby. He was starting a family with the love of his life.

Me and Jay both woke up early today, so we had more time in bed to just snuggle up to each other and think about the future. This was all starting to feel real.

Jay pov*

Once me and Hailey had our showers and finished our breakfast, we made our way down to my truck. On our way to the district we caught every red light. But that just gave me more time to glance over at Hailey, who hadn't seemed to stop smiling since our conversation this morning. I can't blame her. I can't wait to start this new chapter with her. And our baby. I know the team will be excited too because they have been asking us for a while if we plan on having any kids. I guess they have their answer. Kim is the worst out of them all. She is obsessed with baby's. She is also very good at nagging.

Hailey pov*

Once we got to the district I did start to feel a little nauseous which I wasn't surprised about. I didn't realise how bad morning sickness really was. But it's more like all day sickness. I hate it so much. Jay must of realised that I wasn't feeling to good because he placed a hand on my lower back, rubbing his thumb in circles.
"You okay?" He asked, the concern clearly evident in his voice.
"Just morning sickness." I send him a smile to reassure him.
Jay has always made sure I'm okay. Even before I was pregnant. He's just become a little more clingy than usual. But to be honest so have I and I couldn't be happier.

As me and Jay walked into the district we were greeted by a smiling Trudy. I was very confused because it takes alot to get Sargent Trudy Platt to smile. I thought nothing of it and continued to walk upstairs with Jay.

When we were walking up the stairs everyone was already there, which was unusual. The whole team are glaring at us and I don't know why.
"Hey guys." Kim said, emphasising the guys part.
"Hey Kim." I said, still confused.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Why don't you tell us." Vanessa said with a smirk.
"Well I'm not sure what I'm supposed to tell." I said, shrugging.
I walk over to my desk and sit down.
"Tired are we?" Kim muttered.
"I can hear you. And yes I am actually, you should be a Detective." I laughed.
"Haha very funny." Kim replied, in a sarcastic tone.
"Now leave me alone, I'm tired."

A few minutes later I look over at Jay to see that he is already staring at me. He gives me a nod so I stand up and walk into Voight's office.
"Hey sarge, you got a minute?" I asked respectfully.
"Sure, Have a seat. What's up?"
"Can I work desk duty for the next 7 months?" I ask, hoping he would catch on.
"Because?" He asked, clearly not understanding.
"Sarge I-"
"I can't lose my best Detective for 7 months." Voight says, cutting me off.
"Sarge. Im pregnant." I say, worried for what he might say.
Instead he doesn't say anything. He pulls me into a hug, which I wasn't expecting at all.
"That's amazing Hailey." He says, pulling away from the hug, still smiling.
"Thanks Sarge." I say, relieved.
"Are you going to tell the team?" He asks.
"Yeah. Me and Jay decided that it's best to keep the baby safe." I reply.
"And of course you can work desk duty."
"Thanks alot Sarge." I smile while walking out of his office.

Jay pov*

I saw Hailey walking out of Voight's office with a smile plastered across her face. She looks at me and gives me a nod.
"Hey guys." I say, gaining their attention.
"What's up man." Kev asks.
"Hailey and I have something we wanna share with you guys."
"Your getting a cat?" Adam says, sarcastically. But knowing Adam he was probably being serious.
"Funny Ruz." Hailey says back.
"Will you just tell us." Kim pleads.
"Hailey and I found out 3 weeks ago that we are going to have another member of intelligence." I said. They all looked at me confused.
"When?" Vanessa asks.
"Well it usually takes around nine months but-" before I could even finish Kim had me smothered in a hug. She was hugging me so tight, I could barely breathe.
"Im so happy for you guys!" Kim said, still latched onto me.
"I need to breathe Kim." I said.
"Oh yeah sorry." Kim replied, making me laugh.
Vanessa came and hugged me next, while Adam and Kevin gave Jay a fist bump and a pat on the back. They then came over to me and gave me a hug that lasted for quite a while.
"I didn't even get a hug." Jay complained.
"I'm clearly the favourite." I said, smirking at him and giving him a smile.

At home*
Hailey pov*

Once we finally got home I went straight to the sofa, Jay following right behind me. I sat down when he pulled me back up. He sat down himself and pulled me onto his lap. We sat watching TV for a while, one of his hands holding one of mine, the other stroking my tiny bump.

Author's Note: Chapter 4 is doneee! I love ittt. (ESPECIALLY THE END. ITS SO CUTE) Chapter 5 coming soon.

Chapter 4: 1,032 words
(i kinda forgot 😬)

Love carls <3

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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