~ Chapter Two

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Jay pov*

Hailey and I were on our way to the crime scene and she seemed a little better. However, still not great. She was more herself than early hours this morning, which gave me some closure.

Once we got to the scene, Voight started giving out his orders.
"I want a 10 block perimeter, and a grid search. Burgess, Ruzek start with knock and talks. Rojas, Atwater search for the gun. Chances are they left it behind. Halstead, Upton go to med and get the parents statement. These guys shot a little girl. Lets get to work!" Voight shouted.

Kim pov*

We had knocked on 4 houses before this one and no one knew anything. We made it to the door and knocked on the 5th house. A young girl answered the door. She looked around the same age as our victim.
"Hey sweetie, are mummy or daddy home with you?" I asked.
"My mummy is here." She replied.
"What's your name sweetie?"
"That's a sweet name. Can you go get your mummy for me Lilly?" I asked her, hoping that she would.

As Lilly ran away, Adam was looking at me weirdly.
"You're great with kids, you know that?"
He told me.
I gave him a smile in response.

Once we finished our conversation with Layla, Lilly's mother, we headed back to the district.

Vanessa pov*

Me and Kev were searching high and low for the gun, but it was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon a drain. I ran over to it and tried to lift it. Kevin came over and helped me out and to our surprise, there it was. The weapon.
"I want this gun bagged and tagged." I said to some patrol officers.

Hailey pov*

Once we got to the hospital, we saw the parents of the young girl with puffy eyes and the mother was in pieces. Will came over to us and informed us that the young girl had sadly passed away. Me and Jay decided that it would be better to talk to them later, so the parents had time to process the loss of their daughter.

Back at the district*
3 hours later*
General pov*

"We have a lead, Logan Daniels, 34 year old male" Jay said.
"Do you have an address?" Kim asked.
"45 angler road" Jay stated.
"Hit it." Voight ordered.

At the location*
Hailey pov*

Burgess and Ruzek were at the front of the house, Atwater and Rojas were at the side, and me, Jay and Voight were out back.
"CHICAGO PD!" Ruzek shouted, whilst kicking down the door.
The suspect went fleeing straight out the back, where he managed to escape. The whole team went in different directions chasing after him, hoping to cut him off.
I went down an alleyway, while the others split. I caught a glimpse of Daniels and then lost eyes. That's when i heard gunshots, and saw bullets flying past my head.
"10-1! 10-1! Shots fired at the police!" I shouted over the radio.
"Chicago PD stop!"

At this point I had lost eyes completely. That was until I saw him across the street. I ran after him, when I tripped and fell. I was in so much pain. That's when I saw Jay tackle him to the ground and slap the cuffs on him.

Jay pov*

I saw Daniels and tackled him to the ground before he could even think about running. I put the cuffs on him and the team came running behind me.
I saw them all, but Hailey. 'Where's Hailey?' I thought to myself. That was when I heard a woman shouting from across the street.
"Help! This woman needs help!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, barely able to breathe.

The whole team went running over there, apart from Adam who stayed with Daniels.

As we got closer I saw a small body lying on the floor. It was Hailey. It was my wife.

I got down to her level and lay her head on my lap. She had a laceration just above her eyebrow, which probably needed stitches. Other than that she looked fine. She was conscious but barely. She was probably going to have one hell of a concussion.

At the hospital*
Hailey pov*

I sat up in bed when the doctor walked in. It was Natalie.
"Hey Nat." I said, smiling.
"Hey Hails, how are you feeling?" She asked, smiling back.
"I feel fine. A little nauseous but fine."
"Well there is something that I wanted to talk to you about." She said in a worried tone.
"What's up?" I asked.
"Well, we had to run a few tests as standard protocol and I just want you to take a look at this." She said, handing me her tablet.
"I dont understand. What's going on?" I asked, very confused.
"Well you have elevated levels of beta HCG."
"Natalie, you know I dont understand all of those medical terms." I said, slightly laughing.
"Hailey, you're pregnant. You're 5 weeks."
I sat there in shock for a moment.
'How am I going to tell Jay, what if he leaves. We've never even discussed having kids. I don't know what he wants.'
All of these thoughts rushing through my head at once.
"Hailey, it's fine. Don't worry about it. Just talk to Jay and you'll be fine." Natalie said, trying to reassure me, clearly picking up on the worried look plastered across my face.

Author's note: Chapter 2 done! I hope you liked it! What do you think will happen next?? Chapter 3 coming soon...

Chapter 2: 917 words :)
(Not including the authors note)

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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