~ Chapter Three

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Hailey pov*

Natalie left my hospital room a while ago to give me some time to process that i'm going to be a mother. Jay has been in for a little bit since im still under observation until tomorrow. I can't find the courage to tell him yet, because what if he isn't happy? What if he leaves me?

The case of the little girls murder is now closed and Logan Daniels will be in prison for the rest of his life. Hopefully.

Jay pov*

Hailey seems to be doing okay, which helps ease my nerves a bit. I hate when she's ill or hurt, no matter how minor it is. I feel like there is something she isn't telling me but i'm sure it's all fine. She still seems a little nauseous. I can tell. I just hope she's okay.

The next day*
Hailey pov*

When Jay and I got to our apartment building, he helped me out of the car since I was a little wobbly on my feet. Once we made it to the front door of our apartment, Jay unlocked the door and helped me inside, with one arm around my waist helping hold me up straight.

I soon had a wave of nausea hit me out of nowhere, so I rushed to the bathroom running as best as I could and started vomiting. I knew Jay came running after me, and I could hear him enter the room. I suddenly felt a hand on my back and my hair being held back for me.
"It's alright babe, bring it all up." Jay said, trying to comfort me.
"You've been sick for a while, why don't you go get checked out?" He asked.

General pov*

Once Hailey had finished throwing up, Jay sat down on the cold, tiled floor, and pulled Hailey onto his lap. She felt so safe in his embrace. Yet she still had guilt and worry, weighing down on her. 'I need to tell him. I can't hide it forever.' Hailey thought to herself. Jay knew something was up, as he felt her body tense.
"You're hiding something. I know you are, Hails." Jay suddenly spoke up.
"I don't need a doctor. I know what's wrong." Hailey said, still scared.
"Talk to me. What's going on in that head of yours?"
"Please promise me that you won't leave, or do anything crazy." Hailey slightly chuckled at the last part of her sentence.
"I promise. I'll never leave you Hailey. I love you, and I always will." Jay reassured her. Making Hailey smile.
"Im pregnant Jay." Hailey said in a whisper.
"What?" Jay asked confused.
"Jay i'm pregnant." Hailey said, a little louder this time.

Jay stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say.
"Please say something" Hailey said, her tears starting to spill. She started to get up and move away from Jay to give him some space. When she did, an arm pulled her back.
"Are you sure?" Jay asked.
"Im sure Jay." Hailey replied.
Jay gently pulled her down to the floor, smothering her in a hug. She felt so relieved, although she still didn't know what this meant.
"Are you okay with it?" Hailey asked.
"Of course I am Hails, why wouldn't I be?" Jay asked, confused.
"I don't know. We've never really discussed having kids. I just thought you'd freak out." Hailey replied, tears still rolling down her face.
"No matter what happens, I'll be here with you and our baby, I'm not going to leave or freak out or anything like that." Jay smiled, giving Hailey all of the reassurance that she needed.

20 minutes later*

Jay and Hailey were still on the bathroom floor, cuddling, and enjoying the moment. Hailey had her head nuzzled into Jay's chest, listening to his heartbeat, she still couldn't believe that he was still here.

Jay pov*

I could see Hailey was tired, so I lifted her up from my lap, like before, wrapping her legs around my waist, her arms draping over my shoulders, her hands softly gripping the back of my neck.

I carry her over to the living room and lay her down on the sofa, putting a pillow behind her head. I decided to give the shower a miss for tonight, I can have one in the morning. All I want to do is snuggle up to my wife. I lay down on the sofa next to her and she pulls me close. We lay in eachothers embrace for the rest of the night.

In the morning*
Jay pov*

I woke up on the sofa without Hailey next to me, and the blanket was on the floor. I was still quite tired so I wasn't sure what was going on. Then I saw Hailey come out of the bathroom and I understood right away.
"Morning sickness is a bitch." Hailey said, not at all imperessed.
"It's all worth it though right." I said to her. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of holding our baby in my arms for the first time.
"Oh definitely." She threw me a smile, looking the happiest she has ever been.

Hailey pov*

I sit down on the sofa next to Jay, climbing onto his lap, melting into him. He started playing with my hair, brushing it softly between his fingers.
"Your so beautiful, you know that?" Jay whispered in my ear.
"Of course I know, you tell me all the time." I laugh.
He stops playing with my hair, wrapping both arms around my body and hugs me tightly. We stay like that for a few minutes until he asks, "When should we tell the team?"
"Im not sure. I want to tell them soon, just not right now." I replied.
"Just promise me you'll be careful. You have to think about the baby."
"I promise. I'll never do anything to put me or the baby in danger."

General pov*

Jay and Hailey had today off work so they watched some movies and ordered some deep dish.
"How many weeks?" Jay asked, randomly.
"What do you mean?" Hailey asks.
"The baby, how many weeks?"
"5 weeks."
"We got married 5 weeks ago." Jay said with a smirk on his face.
Hailey smiled, and kissed him on the lips. Jay deepened the kiss, then moved down to her somach and gave the baby a sweet kiss too.

Author's note: I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCH!! I hope you liked itt. Chapter 4 coming soon!

Chapter 3: 1,068 words :)
(Not including authors note)

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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