~ Chapter Seven

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General pov*
Hailey and Jay have known the gender of the baby for 2 days and they are finally planning on sharing it with the unit. They aren't quite sure how they are going to reveal the news but they are sure they will find a way. Hailey's nausea has finally started to subside which works in her favour. Jay has started to talk about baby names and Hailey seems to shut him down everytime he does so. He doesn't know why she does this but he doesn't really think anything of it either.

Hailey pov*
When I wake up, I turn over in bed and hope to see my husband. However, he isn't there and I am starting to smell waffles. I pull the duvet back from off of me and put on one of Jay's shirts, that just about fits me.

When I walk into the kitchen, Jay's back is turned and he is cooking. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. I can instantly sense the smile that has grown on his face, he turns down the heat of the stove, and he turns around to face me. He moves my arms around his neck and places his around my waist instead. He leans his face closer to mine and rests his forehead against mine. We stay there for a moment until he leans in closer, making our noses touch, and he brushes his lips against mine. He kisses me sweetly and I kiss him back. He tightens his grip on my waist and pulls me closer to his body. He pulls me as close as he can until my bump gets in the way. I pull away from the kiss and rest my head against his chest. He strokes my cheek with his thumb in continuous circular motions. After a few minutes he creates some distance between us and kisses my temple.
"Breakfast will be ready soon. Why don't you go put your feet up for a bit." He says in the most caring tone.
"I've only just got out of bed." I laugh a little.
He smiles at me and points to the sofa, signalling for me to just do as he says, and I give in and make my way over there.

After just 5 minutes, Jay comes over with two plates of waffles. One for me and one for himself.
"Thanks babe." I smile at him. He doesn't give me a response, instead he leans over to me and places another kiss on my temple.
"I love you." He says with the brightest smile on his face.
"I love you too." I reply, stroking his arm. "Now let me eat. Im starving." I laugh.

We both ate within 10 minutes and Jay took our plates over to the counter. I got up off of the sofa and walked over to where Jay was. He was stood at the kitchen island, leaning against it with his hands. I move closer to him, lifting his hands and move infront of him so that my back is leant against the island. Jay plants a kiss on my lips and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me in, making my bump touch his stomach. After a long, loving kiss, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I gasp out of shock from the sudden pain and Jay looks at me in concern.
"What's wrong? Is it the baby? Hailey what's wrong?" He asks at a fast pace.
"I think our daughter just kicked for the first time." I smile brightly at him. He smiles right back at me and leans down to my stomach. He lands a kiss ontop of my bump and comes back up to meet eyes with me again.
"She's the size of a pear this week." He smiles.
"She's growing too fast." I say. He gives me another kiss and we finally start to get ready for work.


Jay pov*
When we arrived at work, Hailey and I walked past Trudy's desk, and motioned for her to follow us upstairs. Once we were upstairs and everyone was there, we both nodded at eachother. "Hey you guys, can we talk to you for a second?" I asked, raising my voice so everyone could hear. "Go for it." Kevin replied. I looked over at Hailey, who was sat at her desk with her hands on her belly, and she stood up. She walked over to me and she stood infront of me so I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my head on her shoulder. "So we know how you guys have been making bets on whether the baby is a boy or a girl, so Adam, you owe Kim a 20." Hailey smiled. "Oh my god! It's a girl!" Kim shouted and stood up in excitement. She ran over to Hailey and gave her a hug. The rest of the team came over to us one by one and Adam passed Kim his owed 20 bucks. "I would just like to say, I told you so." Kim chuckled. "Yeah whatever." Adam playfully rolls his eyes.

General pov*
After a few hours there was still no case and everyone was bored since they had ran out of things to talk about. "So have you guys thought about any names yet?" Kim asked, trying to spark a conversation. "No not yet." Is all Hailey said, and she left it at that. Jay looked at Hailey concerned since she does this to him everytime he brings up the topic of names.

TW: baby loss

Hailey pov*
Once Jay and I get home I am exhausted. I take off my shoes and my jacket and head straight for the sofa.
"We need to talk." Jay says.
"Sure, about what?" I ask, confused.
"Baby names. Everytime someone mentions baby names, you shut down. Why Hailey?" He asks. I froze, not knowing what to say. 'I should just tell him' I thought to myself.
I move my head up from the floor and meet his gaze.
"I've been pregnant before." I say. I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.
"I was so excited. We both were. Before Garrett disappeared, I got pregnant. I got to four months and we found out that we were having a baby boy. We immediately started talking about names that we liked and we just couldn't seem to agree on one. A few weeks later" I paused, trying to hold back my tears, "A few weeks later, I started bleeding. I lost my baby. So this parts hard for me. Really hard. I can't lose another child. I can't handle that again." At this point I was in tears. Jay pulled me onto his lap and I buried my head into his chest.
"I'm so sorry Hailey. I really am." He whispered into my ear. I lift my head up and lock my eyes with his.
"I can't wait to do this with you. I really can't. But can we just not talk about names for now." I ask, desperate for him to say yes.
"Whatever works for you. We're in this together. Always. If you don't feel ready then that's fine. We still have 5 months." He smiles.
I don't say anything. Instead, I give him a quick kiss and he lies down on the sofa with me ontop of him. We both fall into a much needed sleep and enjoy eachothers presence.

Author's Note: I finally wrote the next chapter!! I am so so so so so so so so sorry that it took so long. I just completely ran out of ideas. AND IT'S A BABY GIRL! Please let me know any name suggestions in the comments. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It might actually be my favourite one yet!

Love Carls <3

Chapter 7 word count: 1,252
(Not including authors note)

Written by Uptonsfilm ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14 ⏰

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