Chapter 7: Darling

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"Did he touch you?"
"No" I respond
"Did he talk to you?"
"No" I respond again.

"Hm...did he even look at you"
"No, he was on his phone" I rolled my eyes leaning back on my seat while the nurse had fear in her eyes while she removed Aarons's cask, "Hm okay good, what about Ace-"
"Stop, Ace is just a friend" I sighed glancing up at him, he gave me a slight smile before nodding and dropping the subject.

Of course, Ace and I aren't friends, but it's best if Aaron believes that (Even tho he doesn't)

After detention had ended I was the first one out the door, being in detention was pure torture being in a room for an hour with my ex and enemy is not something I wish my parents on!

Especially after Greyson and Mr. Hawkins were arguing back and forth meanwhile Ace wouldn't take his eyes off me.

It was very traumatic.

I took a deep breath while the nurse replaced Aaron's cask, "I'll be back I'm getting a bottle of water" I slightly smile while Aaron nods and watches me leave the room, That was a lie too.

I just needed some fresh air from being stuck in there for half an hour, of course, our parents couldn't make it too busy with the Mayor shit-

That's when I froze in the end of the hallway, sat Greyson and his brothers, I gulped not being able to move an inch, I notice one with tattoos who had been playing with what looked like a nine-year-old boy, that must be Liam, beside Greyson sat a young teenage girl, with long brown hair and a sad smile on her lips.

They all had a frown on them, not an angry frown more like a sad one, I groaned as my head told me to fuck them and walk off but my heart was saying to check up.

I let out a sigh, I hate you, Alice.

I start making my way up to them, checking behind me-

To fucking see Aaron flirting with the nurse after I had left, whatever at least he won't see me, I froze in place after I had made it to them, they all in sync turned to look at me, triplets of course.

"Hi..." I slightly waved, beside Greyson, Conrad, and Liam waved back with a smile, "Just noticed you guys seem pretty upset so I decided to check up-"

"She's okay...her knee and arm along with her jaw on the other hand is not so good"


My eyes widen in shock, "Okay thanks" Greyson stood up while picking up what I think is his little sister by the shoulder, he hasn't looked at me since I came up to them, is everything okay? who's in there?

"Does she have to stay the night?" Conrad asked looking back and forth between the nurse and I, "That's up to the doctor but my guessing yes she's in pretty bad condition"

I couldn't help but feel pity for them, whoever is in there must be really important, just by their faces I knew it broke their hearts like a bitch-

"Alice?!" I twirled around to see Aaron only a few inches away ready to head out, I glance back at the boys who all had bitch faces.

And finally, Greyson looked me in the eye, "Thanks for checking up but we're fine, you should get going your fathers calling you"

"Your welcome," I spoke through gritted teeth, what was up with me checking up on them? I didn't do this for Greyson I did this for...Liam and Conrad and his siblings too, Greyson doesn't deserve my sympathy

That's when suddenly I felt a brick wall behind my chest.

Oh for fucks sake not again, "What did you just say?" Aaron said, Greyson then dropped his sister to her feet and took a step closer, but before he could close the gap between us two, Conrad shoved him back by the shoulder, "Fuck off Mayfield," He made it sound like a gentleman, pretty impressive.

"Don't fucking talk to my sister Graham's or there will be problems-"
"I was the one who came up to them, but I shouldn't have,"

I gave Greyson a last death stare before heading out with Aaron.

What a dick.

I lay in bed while reading my favorite book Intoxicate Me, only having one little lamp beside my bed, I couldn't fall asleep after what Greyson did and said about me, "Thanks for checking up but we're fine, you should get going your fathers calling you"

This is what I get for being a nice fucking person, I should have slapped him again, and what he said to our teacher?! Is he insane-

I suddenly jump when I overhear my window creak, I quickly toss my book across my bed and dug under my mattress pulling out a blade I always have just in case an intruder walks in.

I jump from my bed and kept my distance from my window, when suddenly black hair peaks out my window, my heart was pounding and my breaths got heavier-

"Love?" He pops his head inside, and I dropped my blade nearly stabbing my big toe, "Ace? What the hell are you doing here?!" I loudly whisper locking my door so nobody walks in.

He jumps into my bed like he owns the place and suddenly starts flipping page by page in my book, probing himself on his elbows as he read a line out loud.'

"What... ZEN? No this can't be I killed him, I felt my heart drop to my stomach "Yes love I'm alive too bad you had a child with Lorenzo we could have made a better one ;)"

This has to be a joke, "Really? And who said I would have ever slept with you?" I text back, Gosh men just can't handle my sexy face

"You're body said everything" Zen texted back "Hahaha so you're saying me trying to kill you was me saying I wanted to fuck? oh Tesoro"

He spoke in a taunting voice, but before he could notice I had punched and tossed my pillow over his head, he groans and tries catching my pillow but failed miserably, "Wow there tiger" he laughed, "Get out you fucking-"

Suddenly he grasped my wrist and pulled me into him, I laid over his chest while he held onto my waist, "I missed you too Darling"

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