Chapter 36: Crush

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I release my fifth dramatic sigh, Greyson arches a brow at me while a young nurse patches his forehead up, I roll my eyes and lean against the wall, and watch as she is practically all over him.

His hands were on his thighs only an inch away from touching her, and there wasn't even a gap between them, I swallowed as he said an inside joke and she dramatically laughed, I rolled my eyes and glared right through her.

How old even is she? She seemed to be in her twenties or so, but still! he was still a minor...and he shouldn't provoke her. "Hey princess" I beam without even trying.

I nod and smile as I watch her smile drop, Ha take that I'm his princess-

I snap out of it and straighten my back, "What?" I rolled my eyes and gazed him in the eyes, "Can you bring her beside me, She's too far from my liking" he smirked at me while speaking to the nurse, he hadn't even looked at her his eyes were just on me.

And I couldn't help but feel my ego grow, "Uh sure" Once the young nurse glanced in my direction I gave her a big smile, and she grasped my hand as I did little jumps to get to Greyson's hospital bed.

"I got her," Greyson says suddenly sitting up from his seat, I frown confused by-

Suddenly Greyson grasped my waist, pulling me up to sit on the bed, "You can go now" he smirked forcing my legs apart while he stood in between my thighs, My heart was pounding against my chest as he stared at me with a smile.

Even with a black eye, messed up hair, and stitches he looked incredibly handsome, more than I'd like to admit.

My thighs felt like they were on fire as his hands were firmly over them, he would not take his eyes off me, or my lips. 

What was he doing to me...

"Dollface there's no need to be jealous" he grins, I scoff and roll my eyes, "I wasn't jealous"

He suddenly sighed and forced my chin to gaze him in the eye, "Baby I can see that cute little pout from a mile away"

I shove my chin away from his grasp and ignore eye contact, "Don't call me that"
"Fine, my love?"

I glanced back at him, glaring at him as a warning, "Fine, my wife...." he mumbled the last part under his breath, I couldn't quite catch "What was that?"

"You said something what did you say?" I asked arching a brow at him, "Oh nothing, just thinking about something to eat, hm How would you like dessert?"


"Sundays could be good"
"No, I want something else, tastier, sweet as sugar, lick-able and wet"

I swallowed the lump in my throat as he leaned into my ear and whispered, My breathing heaving as his hand gripped my thighs tighter

"How does chocolate chip ice cream sound" My heart drops to my stomach, oh this dick head!

"Come on you have to try it," He begs while releasing my thighs and taking a step back, "Fine! but only this time"


I basically swayed my feet back and forth while I watched Alice take a lick of the mint chocolate chip ice cream, For once in my life I'm dying for someone to like something I do.

I watch as her tongue slides down the melting ice cream, I gulp and lean against the seat, hiding my growing erection.

"So how is it?" I cleared my throat, as she hymned and ticks, "Hm" she hymns taking another kick, "Come on just admit you were wrong and In right"

"It's shit" she beams, I roll my eyes and fold my arms across my chest, "Fine give it to me-" Before I could grasp the ice cream from her hand she snatched it away
"NO IT'S MINE!" she shouts.

I smiled and dug my bottom teeth under my lip, "Fine I love it so what! leave me alone" Her cute little pout forms into her mouth while her cheeks go rosy pink while she purposely positions herself to look out the window as if she were an upset little girl.

Fuck she's adorable.

I laugh to myself and take a bite out of my cone, watching her every move, her eyes viewing every car that passed by the small ice cream shop, while her messy ponytail exposed her defined side view.

She was the most perfect girl I've ever seen.

Her skin looked smooth as butter, her pale skin showing off her break blush, "Why do you wear makeup to sleep?" I break the silence, She jerks toward me and lets out a slight smile she obviously was trying her best to hide.

"I don't wear makeup to sleep"
"Hm guess your that beautiful" I shrug and glance away, Very slick Graham, so proud of myself I should give myself a pat on the back.

But seriously, she's fucking perfect and I did think she was wearing makeup to bed, until she completely fell asleep and snored her ass off, I had to see to myself and took a light piece of part and rubbed it gently over her cheek.

Nothing came off.

"Why did you sleep on the floor?" I chicken on my own ice cream and glance back at her, fuck I knew I should have taken off the blankets from the goddamn floor but I couldn't since Merle broke into the fucking house.

"Thought I would be a gentleman and let you take the whole bed" I slightly smiled at her while she gazed at me with her soft green eyes.

After what felt like hours of her staring back at me she broke her silence, "But I didn't want you to sleep on the floor, I wanted you to sleep beside me" She smiled, her smile that made my fucking heart skip a beat.

I gaze back at her, shocked yet fully in love with her response, "Didn't know you liked me that much-"
"I don't like you! Just thought it would be uncomfortable but whatever takes the floor I don't care!" she snaps glancing back at the road.

For once in my life, I release a genuine smile, that it hurt my goddamn face, she likes me that much huh? why else would she throw a tantrum over a little joke.

Suddenly cockroaches weren't fluttering in my stomach.

That's not funny Stop laughing.

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