"I really do love you"

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y/n age: 17

Natasha found you on a mission just a few months back. Yet she never did expect to keep you around, and it's safe to say you were equally surprised when she asked to adopt you. This was 1 month ago, and Natasha despite wanting you to be a part of her family, is still struggling to show you her love, the red room literally programmed her into thinking 'love is for children'. She didn't know how to be affectionate and be there for you and she was feeling honestly like she shouldn't have taken you in. She couldn't give you what you needed, love.

It was currently Friday night which in the compound became movie night, it was nice to just relax with the intensity everyone faces on a daily basis. Everyone was laying on the couches in the living room when you came downstairs. Tony and Pepper sitting in the corner together, another couch with Natasha, Clint and Steve. Then Wanda laying in visions lap on the last couch. You stood kind of awkwardly in the door way, not quite knowing if you should join them or not, considering the lack of space. It's been a new experience living with somewhat of a family compared to your past with hydra. But you and Natasha aren't exactly that close, I mean she adopted you, but she doesn't really feel like your mother yet. Though, in this moment of uncomfortable silence, you still find comfort in her being there, which is why you glance over to her in a slight panic. To your surprise she turns her head and avoids eye contact, an instant frown on your face. Now you really feel awkward.

You're just about to turn around and go back upstairs when wanda pats the space in front of her, "come here honey" while opening an arm for you to slide in front of her. When you settle down, your back against her front she wraps her arm tightly around your waist and kisses the back of your head. You've not really gotten close to anyone during your time here, but you've always felt much safer and warmer around Wanda, she radiates comfort, which is clearly you've been lacking. So despite the slightly uncomfortable new feeling, you quickly melt into Wanda as the movie progresses, feeling protected as your breaths become a lot slower.

After the first movie finishes, Steve and Clint decide to head to bed, while the rest of you choose another movie. As Tony and Pepper go to get more snacks, Natasha goes to get drinks, and you decide to go grab some blankets. You pass one to Tony who's already returned, you leave one on Natasha's couch and you throw one over to Wanda. You put on the other movie and return to your seat by Wanda, who instantly snuggles you back into her.

As the film is playing, you feel glances from Natasha towards you, which Wanda also catches onto. She'd noticed recently that you had both been craving each others love, but neither of you had the courage to initiate it. So she gently taps your leg, whispering "why don't you go sit with Nat, I think she'd appreciate it honey". You glance back at her, with a weary yet longing look, where she gives you a reassuring smile, cupping your cheek and kissing your forehead. "Just go sit next to her sweetheart, I can tell you want to", you give a soft nod, standing up and wandering over, sitting on the opposite side of the sofa to Natasha. You quickly notice your mistake as you're sat in shorts and a vest top, and after leaving the warmth of Wanda and your blanket, you start to shiver after 15 minutes of moving. Nat catches your looks to her and noticed you were shivering, when she cautiously lifted the blanket laying over her lap while keeping her eyes glued to the screen. She wants to give you comfort she just doesn't know how to, but she's really trying her best. You look over at her trying to hide your surprise as you slowly shuffle closer to her so she can put the blanket over you too. You mutter a quiet "thanks" receiving an unexpected soft smile from Natasha. Despite Natasha being completely unaware of you're own desire, you've caught onto her hesitance in physical touch and affection, so you're careful to not get too close to her, to ensure she's still comfortable. You want to respect her boundaries, as everyone here has been so patient with you during your time here so far. But you do also crave that motherly love, and so you're grateful that you've bonded with Wanda, hopefully until Natasha's comfortable enough to share that part of herself with you.

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