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You always hate when your mom goes on missions, particularly the long ones. She's been gone for 2 months and is getting back tonight and you absolutely can't wait.

You've hated time without her, yes you're old enough to be okay without her, but that doesn't mean you want or miss her any less. You've been sleeping in her bed since she's been gone. And often Wanda has had to drag you out of bed to get you to school and anywhere you needed to be. It's hard to explain but you just felt safe knowing your mom was in the compound, and so when she's not you always feel a bit on edge.

When Wanda told you your mom would be back in a few minutes all you wanted was to run downstairs and greet her as soon as she came in. But you've been really lacking energy lately and honestly feeling really down and struggling to actually show your emotions. So even when you heard the door and your mother being greeted by the others you still stayed cooped up in your moms blanket laying in bed.

Wanda popped her head in again because she noticed you weren't downstairs and when she realised you were still feeling down she decided to just stay with you. She knew your mom would come upstairs to see you so she kept you company till then. She sat down on the edge of the bed next to you, leant down to press some kisses to your face and then just stroked your hair until your mom got here.

You hear a gentle knock on the door before it slowly opens, and you see Wanda give your mom a smile, staying right by your side. Your mom crawls into the other side of the bed spooning you since you're facing Wanda, and she wraps her arm around you tightly. She rests her lips on your head after pressing a kiss there and then whispers "hi baby", you just snuggle back into her as a response.

Your mom senses you're not in the mood to talk right now so she directs her question at Wanda "how have things been?", to which Wanda replies "they've been okay, we've missed you though, haven't we y/n/n?". You just grab your moms hand and wrap it around you tighter signalling you don't want her to leave. Your mom presses long kisses to your temple, before saying "I've missed you guys so so much, how about we just spend the rest of the day here cuddled up in bed, huh?".

You in response just move as close to your mom as possible before reaching out a hand to Wanda as you noticed her standing up seemingly ready to leave so you two can cuddle up together, but wanting her to join you both. She's looked after you while your mom was on the mission and you really are grateful for her and you want her to know that.

She just grabs your hand looking at you in surprise, usually when your mom gets home you don't acknowledge the others for a little while, you just want to spend time with your mom. But you didn't just want to hold her hand so with you other hand you pat the space in front of you. She looks at you again asking "you want me to lay with you honey?", as she strokes your hair out of your face. You give a little pull on her hand and nod slightly, and a massive smile crosses her face as she lays down beside you both.

Your mom shifts slightly to rest her head on top of where yours is rested, intermittently pressing kisses to your shoulder. Wanda seems to hesitate to lay closer to you, you're not usually as touchy with her, and Nat is also only really good with touch with you so she's hesitant in making you both uncomfortable.

But you both soon pick up on it and the way your gripping Wanda's hand makes your mom sure you agree with what she's about to say "hey wands you can cuddle with us if you want to, im sure y/n would love that", and you do give a nod to show you agree. Wanda hums at the offer and slowly shifts to place an arm around your waist but quickly removes it when it then also rests around Nat because of how close you are. Nat chuckles and reaches for Wanda's hand uttering "it's okay wands I don't mind" and places her hand back over her waist.

As soon as wandas somewhat cuddled into you, you can tell she's still unsure because you're not acting like you usually do. So shuffle your face so your foreheads are resting against each other as you reach an arm around her to play with her hair. You mutter a quiet "I love you both" before closing your eyes.

You all melt into each other as you're all quite tired and eventually you fall asleep all cuddled together. Little did any of you know this would be the first step to your mom and Wanda falling for each other.

does anyone have anything they'd like to see? I feel like all of these are turning out the same but just wrote this for a little bit of comfort tonight!

Hope everyone's doing well! <3

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