Girls day

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I roll over in bed this morning, trying to prolong getting up.. well.. because I'm lazy, when I hear a soft chuckle from beside me. I open my eyes, curious as to if I'm hearing things or not, but when I do I see my mom laying in front of me, also on her side.

My eyebrows scrunch together, showing my confusion, not used to waking up with her beside me. She just laughs again pressing a kiss to my nose before whispering "good morning baby love", making me let out a smile and respond with a soft "hi momma".

She moves her forehead to gently rest against mine before she mutters "guess what" and a mumble back a "what". "I've got the whole day free, to spend with you". I jump basically on top of her in response and cuddle into her, making her laugh and wrap her arms around me.

"How about we eat some breakfast in bed then get dressed so we can head out?", as she reaches to the bedside table to get the tray she brought up. While we're eating I find myself kind of just staring at her, she's an avenger, 'the black widow', so she's a pretty busy person. Yet I've never felt like she doesn't have time for me, she always makes sure we have days like these every so often to spend time just with each other.

Interrupting my staring, I feel a gentle stroke on my cheek, before my mom presses a kiss to my forehead. "You okay honey?", I just nod with a wide smile, finishing off my breakfast.

Once I'm done I find myself admiring her once again, while she's still eating, although as soon as she's done she jokingly jumps to me exclaiming "what are you looking at, you cheeky monkey", making me giggle before squirming away from her as she starts to tickle me. She doesn't stop until I'm practically gasping for air and begging "mamaaa stoppp please!", to which she finally stops and gets up.

I look at her and tilt my head wondering why she left me, with a slight pout on my face. She reaches out and strokes under my chin, "I've got to go get ready baby, so do you!", I nod but still keep the pout on my face, unhappy I can't just stay in bed any longer. Nat shakes her head in amusement, keeping a hold of my chin as she presses a quick kiss to my already pouting lips, making the pout disappear, as a smile then breaks out on my face. She presses another quick peck to my cheek before saying "get ready!" And leaving to go to her own room and get dressed for the day.

I rush to get dressed, quite excited for the day, since it's not every day I get to spend the WHOLE day with my mom, just me and her.

Once I'm downstairs I see my mom standing with a picnic basket and quite frankly almost start dancing out of excitement. I love picnics soooo much. It's something we've done since I was little; we go to the beach: we read, we swim, and my personal favourite when it gets late we lay and stargaze.

She reached a hand out towards me, while the other holds the basket and I jump towards her grabbing her hand and follow her lead to walk to the beach. It's not too far, and it's a really peaceful walk actually. I decided to grab my airpods so we can listen to music as we walk, and I just shuffle the 'break up' album since it's my favourite at the moment.

I notice my mom shake her head in amusement when she hears the first song, let's just say I've definitely overplayed this album lately and forced her to listen to it with me. I just give her a cheeky smile in response, where she ruffles my hair and wraps her arm around my shoulder.

Once we reach the beach we dump the stuff we have before I run off towards the sea hearing my mom shout "Y/N HOLD ON!", but I'm just running as fast as my little legs will take me while giggling away to myself. To nobody's surprise my mom catches up with me, I mean she's much fitter than me of course, and I'm abruptly stopped from my running when she picks me up and chucks me over her shoulder.

"MAMA AHHH" she just laughs swinging me around. She moves closer to the sea and just as I think she about to throw me in I squeal, and land in the water.

As soon as I get up I throw her a glare shaking my head. Until I get an idea. A smirk grows on my face, the one that would always make my aunt Wanda say "yes, she's definitely a Romanoff", as I notice hers switching to concern, "no y/n, don't!", just as I run towards her and jump on top of her, both of us ending up on the floor, me laying on top of her.

She pretends to be annoyed shoving me off and then standing up. But then I see her smile and sprint towards the sea again so I laugh at her and follow, just swimming and splashing around without a care in the world. It's so nice to see my mom so care free and not thinking about work, it's taken her a long time to get to this point.

After a while we get tired of running around so we lay out our blankets and and enjoy our food we packed while admiring our views. I find myself gazing at the sea and the sky, always loving how calm it makes me, it's a nice change from the stress life brings.

I feel eyes on me and I catch my mom staring at me, even when I look at her she doesn't lessen her intense gaze. I blush hard at her looking at me, and shift to focus on the blanket below me instead. She reaches forward and pulls me to sit just in front of her, between her legs, while my back rests against her front. She presses a long kiss to my temple, whispering "I love spending time with you, my baby". I blush again at this, making her chuckle, pressing more kisses to my face, anywhere she can reach.

She only stops when I let out a gasp. "What honey?", I just point at the sky, seeing the stars start to cloud our vision seeing as we've been here a long time.

She shifts from behind me so we're both laying on our backs looking at the sky

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She shifts from behind me so we're both laying on our backs looking at the sky. Our bodies are touching as my mom intertwines our fingers together. Holding our hands to her lips to press kisses there.

I mutter "it's so beautiful" to which she hums in agreement. After about 10 minutes of admiring the stars, I say "thank you mama", making her turn on her side to face me. "What for y/n/n?", "thank you for always making time for me, I love spending days like this with you, they're my favourite". She awwws at my words and shifts to rest her forehead against mine, much like this morning. She holds eye contact with me, pressing a gentle kiss to my nose. I notice tears in her eyes as she says "you're the best thing that ever happened to me, my love. I love you more than life itself".

"I love you lots and lots mama, you're my favourite", as I move my head closer to rest my forehead against hers again and close my eyes to savour the moment; already very much looking forward to the next day that we get to spend just with each other.

A/N hey guys!! if anyone have any suggestions they wanna see let me know :)

Hope everyone's doing well!!

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