Meeting her

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*your dad is dating Natasha and this is the first time you're meeting her.

From y/n's pov this time :)

So, my dad has yet another girlfriend he wants me to meet. Honestly it's getting to be a bit of a joke. Like I meet them, don't like them at first, fall in love with the idea of them being my mother figure and then they split up, and I'm left heartbroken. You see all I've wanted is a proper mother. My biological mother left me with my dad when I was born, so I've really never had one. But I'm tired of being attached to my dads girlfriends who end up leaving pretty quickly. His last one lasted literally 2 weeks before they called it off so thankfully I wasn't too attached but she was very sweet to me.

Im currently upstairs, and I've just heard the doorbell go so I know that she's now here and I really do not want to come down. But I hear my dad shout "Y/n, come downstairs please", and I'd rather not make him angry at me so I comply, I do let out a groan though, and trail my way down the stairs.

I stop at the doorway, before I actually enter the room and just observe the two of them. I must admit they seem happy, for now.. and she's very pretty. She has short red hair and she's wearing a beautiful white and black dress, which is a little fancy for this if you ask me, considering here I am with jeans and a little top but oh well. I see my dad lean closer to her realising he's about to kiss her so after a quick disgusted look I quickly enter the room giving a knock so they realise I'm here.

My dad pauses and turns around "ahh y/n, so this is Natasha, my girlfriend. And Natasha this is y/n, my daughter." She turns to me and gives a smile "hi y/n it's so nice to finally meet you", she seemed nervous so instead of giving my sarcastic answer that instantly went through my head of 'wish I could say the same', a gentle "it's nice to meet you too, Natasha" is replaced and I give a small smile.

You see I'm aware I always get hurt in these situations so this time I'm just not going to let myself get attached. I'll see her as my dads girlfriend and nothing to me, can't be that hard right? But that also doesn't mean I have to be nasty to her, like I can respond and be kind and not get attached.. can't I?

Just as we're finishing quite a nice dinner actually, we chatted a little and it wasn't too awkward, the doorbell goes again. My dad looks at me surprised as if to say 'are you expecting anyone' so I just shake my head because I'm not, but still get up and go answer the door.

What I didn't expect to see was my dads best friend, Adam, to be at the door. I've known Adam basically all my life, he's been my dads best friend since they were my age. So when I see him I utter "Uncle Adam! What are you doing here?", and he responds giving me a pat on my shoulder, well just decided to fly over and spend the weekend with my favourite people. Where's your dad?". Adam had been over seas for his job at the minute so we hadn't seen him in a little while. "Oh um he's just in the kitchen, his girlfriend is here, I'll go get him for you". So he steps into the house as I return to the kitchen "Dad, Uncle Adam is here", he turns to me, and his smile widens "wait really?" And he runs off, reminding me of a little kid, to go find him.

Though, now that he's gone, I notice Natasha seems to have gotten a lot more uncomfortable when he left her in here. She's now fidgeting with her fingers and gently tapping her foot against the chair. Now I don't really know what to do. Dads girlfriends in the past are usually quite confident and outgoing, never struggling to spark a conversation.

Before I can even say anything to her, those two come back into the kitchen, grab some beers and tell us all to head into the lounge so we can watch a movie. Their behaviour always makes me giggle, I mean they're grown men but in each other's presence they really could be mistaken for teenagers. So as they hurry into the other room, Natasha seems hesitant to follow, I see her kind of look around as I'm grabbing myself a drink as to be like what can I do and where can I go.

"Hey Natasha would you like a drink?",
She shakes her head and quietly responds "no thank you, I'm alright". Her voice trembles a little as she responds so I turn to her and say "is everything okay? I can't help but notice you've been a little anxious tonight." That seems to shock her a little, not expecting me to pick up on it. "Oh um yeah I'm alright". I just hum at her answer and say "look I know those two together can be a bit much, believe me I've been dealing with it my whole life, but you can stick with me for the rest of the night if you want? I know it's not ideal the first time you being here, my dad being busy with my uncle but we had no clue he was coming and well he really missed him, not that I think that justifies him just leaving you in here". She just nods at me "I'd like that thank you", as she shifts to her feet and follows me into the living room too.

When we get there my dad and Adam are sat on one couch so I just wander over to the other giving Natasha a reassuring smile as I pat the space next to me. She hesitantly sits by me and honestly it's weird for me to be the one who's comfortable in this situation. Quite frankly I see a lot of me in her if that makes sense, since usually I'm a pretty anxious person and for once I don't think this is going to be the same as all of the other times with my dads girlfriends.

I gently nudge her shoulder and whisper "hey is there anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable", she thinks for a moment before slowly shaking her head but she does shuffle a bit towards me. "Okay, just let me know if that changes", to which she nods and smiles.

Turns out the film that neither of us had yet paid attention to was a horror film. Now I don't really like these either, and by the way I can physically see the fear on Natasha's face I'm guessing she doesn't like them much either. I place my hand down, palm up, giving her a questioning look before saying "I hate these movies, I always do better when I know someone's near...", she in response softly grabs my hand and holds it on her lap telling me "I hate them too, they always make me jumpy", giving a slight chuckle. "Well at least we're both in the same boat".

After a jump scare, Natasha is still gently squeezing my hand, Im scared and tired so I slowly and cautiously in case she's uncomfortable move to rest my head on her shoulder. I feel her glance down at me before questioning "is this okay?", and I get an "of course" from her.

We stay like this the rest of the film, at one point I even scream and I hear her laugh at me before kissing the top of my head and whispering "it's okay honey" , her actions putting a wide smile on my face.

Eventually the boys are still just chatting and so are me and Natasha until we both fall asleep still laying with each other. After my dad says goodbye to Adam for today he comes back into the living room to find us both asleep and is thrilled that we're already getting on.

He carefully walks over to us, kissing my head and then Natasha's, before whispering a goodnight, deciding to just leave us to sleep and go up to bed if we wake up before morning.

It's safe to say, the plan of not getting attached didn't quite work. Although, something tells me it's definitely gonna be different this time.

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