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follow up from "I really do love you"

It was a couple days after the movie night and things hadn't changed that much between you and Natasha, sure you were nice to each other but there hadn't been any moments to make you particularly closer. You were trying, but you felt she was uncomfortable whenever you did try, so you decided to give her some space until she was comfortable to initiate any contact.

You came down the stairs for breakfast this morning, where Wanda and Natasha were both sitting in the kitchen. As you passed you wrapped your arms around Wanda for a hug and she kissed your cheek. You neared Natasha intending to peck her cheek, to not leave her out, but she turned back to continue eating, so you hesitate and just place your hand on her back as you pass by. "Hey you two, got any plans today?", Wanda gives an excited nod saying "Vis is taking me out to lunch, that's all for today though!", "Aw that's sweet, have fun, what about you Nat?", she shakes her head "Nope, no plans". You respond "Neither, you wanna just have a lazy day, maybe watch some movies with me?". She just nods at you, "just gonna go get ready".

You look over at Wanda and say "I'm trying", responds "I know you are honey, come here" opening her arms for you, where you stand between her legs and rest your head on her chest as she holds you for a bit. You stay like this even when Natasha comes back into the kitchen grabbing some snacks and hesitantly turning to ask you "You want to come to my room when you're ready? I thought that would be more comfortable for us..", surprised you nod in response "Yeah that sounds nice, I'll head up in a minute". As she walks up the stairs you squeeze Wanda a little more before pulling away and mouthing a 'thank you', she just cups your cheeks and kisses your nose is response, as you start to follow Nat up the stairs.

When you get there you notice she's already sat up against the headboard, trying to not seem uncomfortable but you can tell, and you just want her to be comfortable around you. "Hey Natty", you sit down on the bed next to her giving her a smile and snuggling under the covers, "so what we watching?", she responds "well I was thinking maybe the new Barbie movie? Tony got it set up so we can watch it here if you want to", you smile "oo put it on please!", she laughs at your reaction and puts it on.

It gets to the parts where it shows moments of Gloria and Sasha bonding/ arguing when you notice Natasha shifting and eyes glazing over. You grab her hand and stroke your thumb across her fingers to show her you're there. "Y/n", "yes Nat", she doesn't respond so you look over at her. She looks anxious but she pats the space in front of her, between her legs, wanting you to sit with her. "You sure?", she just nods and pats the space again. You cautiously sit in the space between you two, not wanting to make her uncomfortable but you are pleasantly surprised when she wraps both arms around you and pulls you against her chest uttering "is thi-" she cuts herself off at the sight of your growing smile, making her smile widen also.

You fall asleep like this and Wanda later knocks and walks in, gushing at the sight she's welcomed with, sneaking a quick photo before she leaves you both to sleep.


When you wake up, Natasha is no longer there, so you get up and wander down into the kitchen. You're greeted by both Natasha and Wanda again, this time hugging them both when you pass, and pleasantly surprised when Nat grabs your hand and pulls you to sit on her lap. You smile and snuggle into her "I love you mama, thank you for trying for me",, she responds "I l-love you too detka".


The next night was movie night at the compound again.. and in what felt like a complete repeat of events, you walked into the room last, all space filled once again, this time Wanda sitting with Vision of course. Tony, pepper, Clint and Steve sat in the large sofa. And Natasha sat alone in a small armchair with the footrest up. To your surprise as soon as you entered the room she smiled in your direction and ushered you over to her. She pulled you to sit between her legs, like she did in her room the other night, as your back snuggled into her front. You grabbed hold of her hands, interlocking your fingers together.

You noticed the glances from others but honestly you were both too content to care about their surprise. Half way through the movie you just stared up at Natasha admiring her, when she looks down at you, you blush and squeeze your eyes shut embarrassed. You hear her giggle and feel her put her hands on your red cheeks, there's a pause, then she quickly pecks your nose then lips. You open your eyes in surprise, she's smiling "there's my baby girl, I love you sweetheart". You smile widely, cuddling into her chest responding "I love you to space and back, mama". You feel her chest vibrate as she laughs "space?", you laugh with her "yes mama, space", you both continue in your own little world forgetting the fact that the other avengers are currently also in the room.

That's until you hear a cough and "right guys as cute as this is and everything, you're kinda ruining the film" from Tony, you mutter a "right, sorry guys", when you catch eyes with Wanda- who's eyes are glazing over- she's happy for you both. You mouth an "I love you aunt wan", where she lets out a sob and everyone turns to her in surprise. Vision holds her tighter asking "what's wrong, honey?", she just shakes her head "I'm happy, I just love you all so much", where we all start laughing and eventually settle down to watch the movie, you still comfortably snuggled into your mama <3

A/N didn't love this🙃 but wanted to post anyway!

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