"We'll always be here, okay?"

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y/n age: 18

tw: ed

Growing up with the avengers, you were no stranger to training. Whether that be three year old you mimicking your mama with your juice carton instead of her dumbbell, or eighteen year old you sparing with your aunts and uncles. It's just been a constant in your life.

That's why when you started training more regularly and more extreme, nobody really noticed. Nor did anyone notice when you started eating less and less each meal times.

This behaviour had been going on for months now.. and you actually were surprised that nobody noticed still. You thought they cared but this had you questioning that. I mean you knew they were busy but surely not that busy to notice your presence was missing each meal time. You just stopped going altogether, you don't remember the last time you actually ate.

Well Tony had organised a barbecue for the whole team tonight, and you were all currently sitting outside relaxing. I mean the team were. For you, this is the first time you've spent a night with the people you consider your family in what feels like forever. You wanted to be happy that you finally got to spend time with them, but instead you were holding a numb empty feeling. You didn't feel any more comforted by them actually being here, perhaps because they weren't really here to you, they didn't know you, or what you were going through. So as they all laughed and joked you did your best to keep up with their excitement and joy and masked your inner turmoil the best you could.

The team were all drinking and it's fair to say they were a bit tipsy, so you weren't surprised when they started getting excited and dancing along to the obnoxiously loud music they put on. Because of your habits lately, you seem to get irritated way quicker, which hasn't been much of a problem considering you hasn't seen everyone in a while, but was really proving to me an issue right now. When your mom came over to you, grabbing your hands, trying to dance with you, she was met with resistance and you physically pushing her hands away from your body. She seemed hurt for a moment, but quickly moved on to dance with Bruce instead.

After a while, they all got tired and gathered around the living room, all laying/sitting across the couches. You were sat closest to the door, hoping you could sneak out and just go to bed honestly, your body was exhausted. Your aunt Wanda noticed your longing looks at the door, she hadn't been drinking tonight, she figured someone shouldn't and she made sure to sit next to you and place a comforting hand on your back. This caused you to look at her, where she just gave you a sweet smile and kissed your head. You didn't push her away, and actually let out a smile at her actions. You loved Wanda, but she wasn't as close to you, you didn't expect her to understand what you were going through, and so fortunately for her you didn't hold it against her.

Though the same could not be said for your mom, when she came and sat on the other side of you to where Wanda was, she wrapped an arm around your shoulders and leaned her head down on your shoulder. You begrudgingly let her do this, you felt a bit silly for holding something against her that she wasn't aware was happening but you wanted your mama to just know something was wrong. Didn't she miss you at meal times? Didn't she notice your figure was smaller?

It wasn't until she started gushing about 'how cute her little baby was' while pinching your cheeks and attacking your face with kisses, when you pushed her away. You knew she was drunk but you weren't and it still annoyed you. You turned to look at the others, saying "I'm gonna head to bed, I'm exhausted, goodnight everyone", giving Wanda a kiss on her cheek as a thanks for looking out for you and you headed upstairs to your room.

They decided to leave you be, let you have some time on your own. Despite what you thought both your mama and aunt Wanda had an idea of what was going on, they'd noticed you missing from meal times but assumed you were just a 'normal teenager' out with your friends instead. They had decided to talk to you tomorrow, which is why they wanted to give you some time on your own right now.

However when Wanda finally got your mom into bed as she's definitely drank too much, she heard sobs coming from your room and she didn't want to leave you alone. Silently she knocked, just reaching a hand out to you and leading you into Natasha's room, you were far too exhausted to protest. She ushered you to lay down in the middle next to your mom as she lay on the other side. She kissed your head, saying "goodnight baby" and you all fell asleep in each others embraces.

The next morning you woke up and you were laying on your moms chest as she ran her fingers through your hair, you were quite surprised she wasn't hungover to be honest. You only moved when your aunt Wanda came into the room with a tray of food and drinks, causing your heart rate to already speed up. You sat up against the headboard and shifted uncomfortably as you noticed them both staring at you.

You look at your mom who sighs and utters "y/n I first wanted to apologise, I feel like I've been too distant recently without even noticing and I'm so sorry for not being here for you. That being said, baby I'm here now and I want you to talk to me about anything, so if there's anything going on, please trust me my love." Your mouth opens but you don't respond so your aunt jumps in "we both noticed you've been missing meal times sweet girl, and we thought it might be easier if you try eat a little something in here, just with us?". You look back at her in surprise that they actually noticed "we know baby, and we're going to help you, okay?" I look at them anxiously, I haven't eaten in a little while and I've grown to like the control it gives me.

My mom moves to sit against the headboard and pats the space in front of her between her legs, but I just shake my head in response. She looks at me confused "please sweetheart", I just shake my head again. "Mama I'm so sorry, I was so mean to you yesterday I shouldn't have pushed you away and I-", she cuts me off " sh sh don't apologise, everything's okay just come here" pats the space in front of her again. I move towards her where my head rests on her chest and she wraps her arms around me kissing my head "you're okay detka".

I see Wanda coming to sit beside us with the tray of food, she has croissants because they used to be my favourite and also some fruit. As soon as she places my plate in front of me I start to sob and shake my head "I can't... I cant.. please no..", she shushes me "shh shh sweet girl it's okay, we're gonna eat with you alright. What feels easiest to start with baby?". My shaky hand reaches out to point at the apple slices, so Wanda picks two up, handing one to me and keeping one for her. She begins to eat hers encouraging me to do the same but I'm shaking and panicking so much I can't bring myself to do it. My mom holds me tighter and places a hand on my stomach under my shirt to try to comfort me, which surprisingly works really well. She reaches out for the apple and takes it into her own hand, kissing my head, then takes a small bite herself "see detka, that's all we're asking of you right now, you can do it my brave girl", she brings her hand back towards my face as she placed another kiss on my temple and then brings the apple slice to my mouth. I cry but allow her to feed me.

They both continue this until I've eaten enough, and my mom just holds me tighter as Wanda lays her head on Natasha's shoulder so that she's gave to face with me, where she smiles and kisses me on the nose. I let out a smile at the action. I hear mamas "aw" at the cute scene in front of her as she then says "baby girl we're both here for you, always. Please come to one of us if you ever need anything at all", Wanda continues "and we mean anything sweet girl, whether you need help eating, need to talk, want a hug, or just don't want to be alone, we'll always be here, okay?" I smile at their words "I love you both so so so much", they giggle, mama responds "we love you so so so much more detka".

If anyone is reading these and has any ideas/ requests please let me know! And if anyone ever needs to talk, feel free to send me a message <3

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