Interview with Lizzie & Paul

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Y/n age: 18

You were currently in an interview with Lizzie and Paul for the new avengers movie, you were all new for this film and so it made sense to pair you together. However you didn't have that many scenes with either of them specifically, you still enjoyed their company.

The interview had been going well, and currently you were talking about who you were most excited to film with, where the others couldn't really answer as it would be a spoiler but it was a given that you would film with Scarlett so you took that question, while Paul declined shouting about how "SNITCHES END UP WHERE LIZZIE", "IN DITCHESSS" she finished off. You giggle to their words as the interviewer starts to ask how they made vision red on screen "So Paul was it just all programming now or were you actually painted red", "oh yeah I was painted, took such a long time everyday", Lizzie adds "yeah and after every kiss we had to wipe red paint off my face otherwise it didn't work on camera, super difficult".

As the interview progresses the interviewer turns to Lizzie and says "Elizabeth, you've talked a bit about your anxiety and how public speaking and social situations make you anxious, how do you manage that?" We all turn to Lizzie who seems to answer fine "well I suppose it's just something Im getting used to, I'm usually always with people I'm comfortable with and so I just get what needs to be done, done. I mean I don't think anxiety just goes away, we just learn how to manage it and take small steps". The interviewer nods and starts to ask "how does it affect your life personally would you say?". You notice lizzies breath catch at the question and her fidgeting with her fingers, clearing not liking that the focus was solely on her "um well I.." awkwardly laughs.

You reach over to grab her hand to hopefully give her some comfort, you quickly press a kiss to her hand that your now holding in your lap and you stroke your thumb over her fingers to let her know you're there. You understand what she's going though and so you just do what you wish someone would do for you. When you notice her still not able to answer, you clear your throat and say "I know you didn't ask me this question but, from what I know about anxiety, there's good days and bad days like everything, and honestly it affects a lot of daily activities for some people. But I think once you have a reliable support system and know some ways of keeping yourself calm it becomes a lot more manageable." You continue to stroke lizzies hand throughout but you can tell her breathing is still too fast so you tap your shoulder and encourage her to lay her head there. "I get why celebrities are asked these kind of questions so that you know the public can relate and feel less alone, and I do think that's amazing. However I think it's so important for them to choose when they're ready to talk about it, not only are we not um well experts, on the topics but it can damage our own mental health too if we're not open and ready to talk about it." The interviewer just nods in response sending a quick "im so sorry" and moves on to ask Paul a question. You keep comforting Lizzie the best you can, you turn to kiss her on the head and whisper "you okay?", where she looks up and smiles at you nodding but resting her head back down on your shoulder. You wrap your other arm around her as Paul finished up his question.

The interviewer finally asks "so Lizzie, y/n, you guys seem pretty close, have you spent a lot of time out of work together?". You laugh and respond "actually not really, I barely worked with these two but we did talk and stuff on set. It might sound weird but even though we don't know each other that well, the whole cast kinda feels like a big family and so when you see someone needing some help, you know...I didn't hesitate" as I kiss lizzies head again. She lifts it up to add " you know I feel like me and Paul are the teenagers right now, as y/n said though yeah we didn't spend that much time together but I definitely hope we can now." She looks at you and says "that was so sweet of you, thank you" kissing your cheek a few times. You smile in response and you guys finish up the interview.

When you get out of the room, you feel arms wrap tightly around you " thank you y/n I don't know what I would've done in there without you, you're so mature and wise for your age babe", you laugh and squeeze her tighter "don't thank me liz! I'm always here for you, okay?"

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