Panic attack

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It was dinner time and all the avengers were piling into the dining room to eat, you being one of them. After about 10 minutes you notice someone is missing, your mom. She's never usually late so you're worried somethings up. "Hey guys, anyone know where my mom is?", and you're met with the others shaking their heads or no's, so you decide to go check up on her. "Okay I'm just gonna go try find her".

As you walk up the stairs you're thinking, you haven't really seen your mom at all today, you'd been busy.

When you reach her room you hear sniffles and sobs and you instantly panic, you've never heard your mom cry, she's very private about her vulnerability even with you.

But you don't hesitate to open the door, and rush over to her. She's huddled on the bed, hand on chest, struggling to get any air in.. you've never seen her have a panic attack, let alone know how best to calm her down. But she always helps you in any situation and there's no way you're leaving her like they even though you know she'd hate you to witness this.

You move over to her calmly, as to not scare her "hey hey you're okay", she looks up at you with surprise and you see her panic a little more at the idea of you seeing her like this so you reassure her "mama it's okay, I wanna help you alright? Can I touch you?". She pauses for a moment before nodding, so you sit in front of her grabbing her hand off of her chest and placing it on your own demonstrating deep breaths "follow my breathing mama", she's still panicking not able to follow your heartbeat.

So you try something else "hey how about can you tell me five things you can see?", she just looks at you. "Mama what can you see? Come on you can do it", you say as you reach out to tuck her hair behind her ear and stroke her face, but she shakes her head, opening her mouth but just closing it after nothing comes out as her eyes widen clearly upset that nothing is working.

"Okay okay don't worry I've got you alright, can you try blow on my face?" You show her by blowing on hers "just like this mama". She tries and does get a little bit of air out, "yes just like that, you've got it mama". As much as it helps a little her breathing still isn't back to normal and the only other thing you can think to do, you're worried she might be uncomfortable with.

You see your mom has always been a bit more hesitant with physical touch because of her background. Your aunt Wanda is a lot more affectionate naturally, and so one time when your mom was on a mission and your aunt was looking after you, you had one of your worst panic attacks. The only thing that worked to calm you down was skin to skin, and it helped you so so much. But it's not something you've ever done with your mom, and your aunt pointed out that it's not something your mom would've ever had from a parent and so maybe she's not aware of how much it can help.

Right now you find yourself out of options so you ask your mom "hey mama, you trust me?", she nods quickly making you smile. So you take off your shirt and reach to take off hers too, she looks to you surprised but you just kiss her forehead "just trust me mama, it helps so much" as you finally get her top off too. You sit back gesturing for her to move towards you, which she does hesitantly do. Once you're able to reach her you pull her to sit between your legs resting her head on your chest as you hold the back of her head, and wrap your other arm tightly around her.

You can feel her calming down at the touch so you continue to hold her close and press kisses to her head. Then after about 15 minutes you whisper "you alright now?" Which seems to startle her as she rushes to get up, clearly embarrassed that you, her daughter, had to comfort her instead of the other way around. But you calmly shush her as you pull her to lay back against you.

"Hey it's alright, shhh", she replies with "I'm so sorry, so sorry baby, you shouldn't have to worry about me like this". "Mama stop, I love you. I care about you. If I can help you I want to help you. I'm sorry if this makes you uncomfortable, I didn't know what else to do to calm you down so if you don't want to do this again I get it..". She just shakes her head "no it's okay, I um.. never thought about it.. how did you know to do this though?", you kiss her head again "aunt Wanda did it once with me when you were on a mission and she couldn't calm me down.. it really helped so I thought it may help you too".

She moves her head briefly to kiss the skin below where her head is resting, clearly too exhausted to move anymore "well thank you baby, I love you". "I love you too mama, close your eyes, you deserve to rest", as you stroke her back and hold her tight.

A/N didn't intend to write this so quickly but thought I may as well post since I've written it🫶

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