Part 5

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Snips and Snails were the first group to go up on stage and lets just say they were definitely interesting to say the least. 

The whole time they were on the stage I was trying to control my laughter as to not make too much noise. 

"In your face, Rainbooms!" Snips said as him and Snails walked off the stage. We all looked at each and giggled a bit. 

"Least we know one group who won't stand in the way of us gettin' to the finals." Apple Jack said with a hint of relief in her voice. Rainbow Dash seemed so pumped up and ready to go on stage.

"Let's get ready to rock!" She yelled.

"Wait! Where's Rarity?" Pinkie pie asked when suddenly we heard metal jangling and a bit of panting. 

"Oh! Here! I'm here!" Rarity said as she continued panting. She must've changed pretty fast and ran back here which makes sense why she's panting. She was wearing a long purple skirt with her usual white shirt, though, she was wearing a beige cardigan that had metal fringe on the sleeves and the bottom of it. Her shoes seemed to match with the metal fringes and she also had a headband. We all kind of gave her a weird look and she lightly scoffed. 

"We will be performing in front of an audience. I'm not going to wear something fabulous? Hmph." Apple Jack faced palmed and groaned. 

The girls patiently waited on stage while me and sunset shimmer stayed backstage when suddenly we heard Pinkie counting in the song. 

"ONE! TWO!" 

Rainbow Dash was nervously sweating as they all walked off the stage. Fluttershy looked as though she wanted to cry while Rarity was actually crying

"Ruined! Absolutely ruined!" Rarity cried out with mascara running down her face.

"Rarity, were you tryin' to make us lose out there?!" Apple Jack asked angrily as she glared at Rarity. 

"Wh- Oh! This was not my fault! This was an act of sabotage!" Rarity said as she crossed her arms and scoffed. I handed her some makeup wipes to clean up her mascara and walked over to Rainbow Dash and wrapped my arm around her. 

"Yeah, well, whoever did this couldn't have done this if you didn't insist on dressin' like... like... this!" Apple Jack said, almost shouting as she pointed at Rarity's outfit. 

"We need to sound good! Is there some reason that concept seems to escape you?" Apple Jack finished her sentence.

"And what was with the confetti, Pinkie Pie? How am I supposed to shred if there's paper stuck in my frets?!" Rainbow Dash said as she wrapped her arm around my waist and angrily sighed. 

" It was pretty distracting..." Fluttershy quietly added on.

"Ugh! Says the girl who was running from a light the whole time! A light!"  Pinkie Pie shrieked at Fluttershy. 

"Pinkie don't yell at my sister, you know full and well she hates being in the spotlight!" I retorted as Rainbow Dash played with my hair to try and calm me down. 

"You still sounded much better than most of the other bands. I'm sure you'll make it to the next round. But it won't matter if you don't have that counter-spell ready. You all find a place to practice where the sirens can't hear you. I'll keep an eye on things around here." Sunset Shimmer finally cut into the fight and stopped our argument from getting any further. 

We all left the gym and were talking about a place where we could practice. 

"I don't think we should use a classroom-" Twilight got cut off when she suddenly bumped into Flash. She let out a nervous laugh and played with her hair a bit.

"We really need to stop bumping into each other like this" Twilight said as a blush appeared on her face. Flash turned to face his bandmates.

" Uh, you guys hear something?" He asked them as he rolled his eyes. 

"I said, we have to stop—" Twilight tried to repeat herself only to get cut off by Flash.

"There it is again. So annoying." He said with a small glare. I think we all understood what he was doing. It's not fair for him to do this to Twilight. She was always nice to him and she would never be rude to him at all. 

"Why are you acting like this? I thought we were friends." Twilight said quietly with tears forming in her eyes. 

"Yeah, and then you decide to come back here just so you can beat me in the Battle of the Bands. I want this, Twilight, and you're trying to take it from me! Some friend." I don't know why Flash felt the need to be so rude. It's all the Dazzlings fault with their stupid Battle of The Bands. Twilight tried to explain to Flash that she wasn't trying to ruin things for him, but she only stumbled over her words. 

"Come on Twi, we have things to do" I say with a sympathetic smile as i wrap my arm around her and glare at Flash. 

"You really think you're gonna help them?! Ha! I bet you have no idea what you're even doing!" Flash yelled at Twilight and she then started to cry. I handed Twilight a small packet of tissues I had in my pocket and went to go follow Sunset Shimmer who was staying behind. 

"Sunset, where are you going?" I asked as I quickly caught up wither her walking pace.

"I'm going to find The Dazzlings, they've done enough damage." She said with a stern expression and her fists balled up. We found The Dazzlings talking in a dark part of the hallway. 

"You're never gonna get away with this." Sunset Shimmer said as she stood with her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Suddenly a smug look appeared on Adagios face

"Why? Because you didn't? Oh, we know all about you, Sunset Shimmer. You've got quite the reputation at Canterlot High." She said with her eyebrows raised and an evil grin. She turned to look at me. 

" I've changed! I'm in a much better place now!" Sunset Shimmer shouts. The three girls let out a laugh in disbelief. 

"Waiting in the wings while your friends have all the fun?" Aria says as she circles around me and Sunset Shimmer. 

"And you Y/n" Adagio says as she takes a step closer to me. 

"I'm surprised you still decided to be friends with Sunset Shimmer, considering she almost ruined your reputation" She said with an evil laugh.

"I can forgave her! Like she said, she's in a better place now and our friends are here to look out for us." I said, standing my ground. 

"Oh, yes, you girls are so tight. And yet... they didn't ask you to be in the band Sunset Shimmer, and didn't you get kicked out Y/n, hmm?" Adagio says smugly.

"Probably afraid no one would want to see them play if they were in the group." Aria says as her and Adagio continue to slowly circle around us. 

"I gladly let go of my spot so we could make room for Twilight!" I said. However, I looked down. Did I really want to give up my spot as the singer? I wasn't so sure then. 

"Too bad! So sad!" Sonata said as she popped up around us. 

"If it's any consolation, no one is going to remember you at all by the time we're done." Adagio said as she gave us a sweet but sickening smile while her, Aria and Sonata walked away. I look over at Sunset Shimmer and her and I both seemed to have upset expressions, though, she looked as though she had just been told the worst insult ever. She didn't deserve this. The Dazzlings will go down, no matter the cost. 

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