Part 6

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"This is it! Last round and you're in the finals! Unless you think the counter-spell is ready to be played now" Sunset Shimmer said as we all stood backstage. I'm so proud of them, they worked really hard to get to this point. 

"Don't worry, Twilight. Finals aren't until tonight. We'll get in a little more practice before we're supposed to hit the stage. We won't let you down!" Apple Jack said and everyone agreed. I heard Twilight mumble something under her breath.

"You won't let me down..." I lightly punched her arm and gave her a thumbs up. All the girls were preparing to get on the stage. Trixie's band was on right now, it was between her and us to see who would get to the finals. Suddenly, Fluttershy spoke up. 

"Um, I was just wondering. We haven't played any of my songs yet, and..." She said only to be cut off by Rainbow Dash. 

"It's the semifinals. We gotta do Awesome As I Wanna Be" Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

"Don't know why I even asked..." Fluttershy said with a small huff. Don't get me wrong, I love Rainbow Dash but sometimes she forgets to give other people a chance. Trixie's song was finishing up as me and Sunset Shimmer wished the girls good luck. 

"Hmph. You're never gonna top that performance, "Rain-goons". You shouldn't be allowed to when you have such a big advantage over the rest of us." Trixie said as her and her band walked off stage. 

"My superior guitar playing and off-the-charts awesome singing voice?" Rainbow Dash asked smugly.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous. I mean her! If you were really all that, Rainbow Dash, you wouldn't have needed to bring in some magical ringer to have half a chance. Everyone's talking about it." Trixie pointed towards Twilight as she spoke. 

"Ha! Puh-leeze! I could win this thing as a solo act and everybody knows it!" I look over at Rainbow Dash and give her a hand signal telling her to stop. 

"I love you but you need to be quiet for now" I whisper to her. Trixie threw down a smoke bomb to make an "amazing" exit. 

"SHE'S GONE!" Pinkie Pie gasped. 

"Oh wait, There she is!" Pinkie continued as she pointed towards her drum set on stage. Trixie then ran away as fast as she could. 

"Next up, The Rainbooms" Principal Celestia spoke into the microphone. 

"Knock 'em dead, Rainbooms!" Spike said and I picked him up in my arms. 

"We'll be here... just... watching." Sunset Shimmer said as she looked down. The girls all walked on stage, plugged in their guitars and set up. 

"WOO GO RAINBOW DASH!" I shouted from backstage. She turned to look at me and blushed a little bit. She made a heart with her hands and then got ready to start playing 

I gasped when I saw Sunset Shimmer run onto stage. My hand covered my mouth and I almost dropped Spike. 

"Now that's the bad girl we love to hate!" Flash yelled from the audience. 

"The real Sunset Shimmer is back!" Another person yelled and everyone was cheering. 

We all went backstage and I ran up to hug Rainbow Dash. She hugged me back while her head was on my shoulder but she was facing Sunset Shimmer. 

"What was that?!" She asked angrily as she let go of our hug. 

" You were showing them your magic. I-I didn't know what else to do." Sunset Shimmer stuttered over her words. 

"Close the curtains? Unplug her amp? Give us a chance to deal with the situation?" Rarity said with all her sass. 

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to help." Sunset Shimmer said with guilt. 

"Yeah, well you didn't" Rainbow Dash said as she grabbed my hand and was about to walk off until she heard Apple Jack speak 

"None of this would've happened if you weren't tryin' to show off – as usual." Trixie started walking up to us with a smirk on her face. 

"What do you want Trixie, don't you know to not stick your nose in other peoples business." I said with a glare. 

"Good show, "Rain-brooms". I especially liked the part where Sunset Shimmer, in a fit of jealous rage, knocked out Rainbow Dash mid-guitar solo!" Trixie spoke with an evil giggle. 

"It wasn't a fit of jealous rage!" Sunset seemed embarrassed about her sudden outburst, as her face turned red. Trixie then turned around and saw Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna speaking. 

" If you say so. Ooh! Looks like they've already decided who'll be moving on to the finals! I'm guessing it wasn't too difficult a decision." She flipped her hair as she strutted away. Sunset and I noticed the Dazzlings had started vocalizing to Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna and her and I looked at each other with skeptical looks. 

"What can we do? There isn't gonna be another opportunity for us to play. And I had the most gorgeous outfit for the finals!" Rarity whined as she began to pout. 

"Yup, 'cause that's the real tragedy here, Rarity – that you won't get to play dress-up!" Apple Jack crossed her arms and looked unimpressed with Raritiy's current "dilemma"

"You know perfectly well that is not what I meant!" She exclaimed as she pointed her finger at Apple Jack angrily. 

"You guys wanna keep it down? They're about to announce who's moving on" Rainbow Dash said as she squeezed my hand in anticipation. 

"Who are you kidding? You know it isn't gonna be us." Fluttershy said with a mellow tone. We all listened carefully and crossed our fingers. 

"The band that will be joining the Dazzlings in tonight's finals... The Rainbooms!" Principal Celestia said. 

"WHAT! THIS ISN'T OVER!" Trixie said sounding distraught. 

"Congratulations, girls. You deserve it." Principal Celestia congratulated us while we all stood there in shock.

"Seriously?! We didn't even finish our—!" Pinkie Pie was cut off by Apple Jacks hand slapping over her mouth while she tried to force a sweet smile.

"See you at tonight's big show, Rainbooms. We are really looking forward to it." Adagio said with a smirk. 

"Yeah, well... not as much as we are!" Rainbow Dash tried to think of a comeback but failed. We all tried to walk off the stage only to get booed by everyone in the gymnasium. 

"This is a travesty! A travesty!" We heard Trixie yell. I noticed she was talking to the Dazzlings, when a smug look came across Trixie's face. 

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