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Florence was still resting in Daryl's arms, he was cooing gently into her ear, Florence didn't want to come to terms with what would happen shortly. She knew she was not in any shape to go out with the Dixon brothers, however, she didn't want him to leave but knew that it was his brother and family matters more than anything else. 

"When you go, please take care of yourself." She whispered against his chest, frowning as he sighed against her skin, the brunette took a deep breath and stared into his eyes. Florence rested a kiss on his cheek, staring at him numbly as he brushed away her tears. 

"I need ya to get better." He whispered back, rubbing her face, trying his best to comfort her. She nodded, sucking in another breath, Florence kissed his lips softly and tried to hold back her tears. Florence took a step back, hugging herself, glancing away from Daryl as he stared at her briefly for a moment. 

"I love ya, Flo." She stared at him as he rested a small kiss on her lips, she opened her mouth to say something but he walked away with Merle before she could say anything else. After returning back to the prison, Florence was given some care by Hershel, after that the girl laid in her prison cell, staring at a wall as she searched for some sleep. 

A few days passed, and Florence just stayed in bed, hardly doing anything, everyone was concerned for her and everyone was worried. They were all unsure of how to approach the situation, Florence fiddled with the bracelet Daryl gave her, the braided fabric gave her comfort and she felt nice having a piece of him with her. Mason gave her food, sharing a few words with her, he wanted to help but he didn't know how he could offer his support. 

She jumped up hearing bullets firing, she stayed in her cell, frozen as she realised exactly who it was. The brunette was scared, scared of having to see that man again, scared of having to face him again and what he did to her. She laid back in her bed, Florence kept her hands over her ears, waiting for it all to disappear. She wanted to fade away into nothing, wanted to disappear, she couldn't take it anymore, she was done. 

"Flo." The girl froze, she slowly turned around, her eyes landing on Daryl as he stood in her cell, she sobbed quietly and grabbed onto him. Florence was buried in his arms, she felt safe under his arms, he was back and he wasn't going anywhere. Daryl stood on the balcony with Florence in her arms, she wasn't even listening to the debate happening, her mind still hadn't come to terms with reality and she could only focus on what had happened to her. 

Daryl sat in Florence's cell, he held her tightly, holding her in his arms and whispered words into her ears that she could barely focus on. Daryl kissed the side of her forehead, taking a breath as she curled into his side. 

"Do you want to talk about it?" 

"No." She whispered, shaking her head, taking a deep breath and smiling faintly as he sat on the bed, lying down with her and allowing her to rest her head on his chest. She fell asleep to Daryl rubbing her arm, allowing Daryl to chat with Carol as she entered the cell. After Carol left, Mason stood by the entrance, he glanced at his sister in the man's arms and took a shaky breath. 

"I don't know how to talk to her, she hasn't spoken since she returned. I want to help but I don't know what to do." Daryl glanced at his girl for a moment, he looked at Mason and nodded lightly. 

"She'll get there eventually." Daryl didn't really know what to do either, yet holding her and actually being there seemed to help. Mason took a nervous breath, if Florence knew about what he was telling Daryl he knew she'd kill him, even if he had no right telling Daryl... he figure he had the right to know. 

"Merle spoke to me- said that the Governor took this off of Flo." Mason handed him the pregnancy test box, Daryl looked at Mason and then at the box.

"She didn't get to see if she is or isn't. Got taken before she could bring herself to do it." Daryl barely nodded, Mason nodded awkwardly, he left the man to ponder the situation and glanced at the girl who slept in her arms. He watched as she jumped lightly in his hold, she glanced around dazed for a moment before rubbing her eyes. 

"Bad dream?" He asked, Florence nodded and crawled out of his arms, she sat on the floor and stretched her limbs and stared at him dazed. She took a breath as she saw the box in his hands, she frowned and glanced away from him. 

"If I am, it would be yours." Daryl nodded lightly, she fiddled with her hands, finding it all a little too much. Daryl sat on the ground beside her, she stared at him confused as he took her hands into his, gave her a small smile and handed her a test. 

"I ain't gonna go anywhere this time." 

"You wanna look after the baby with me?" Daryl nodded, a shy smile on his lips. 

"Lil Ass-Kicker has grown on me, what do ya think gonna happen when my own blood comes into the world." Florence smiled softly, he rested a kiss on her forehead, finding it easier to be all PDA with her when they weren't being watched. 

"I'll be back." Daryl nodded, he watched her walk out with that little stick in her hands, the man waited and shook his head. Was he in over his head? No- he wasn't. Florence is his entire world, whether or not there's a child, that won't change anything. 

Florence came back, he glanced at her as she sat down, and he joined in counting with her. Wanting to give her any comfort that he could. Once the countdown finished, Florence shakily glanced at the stick and sighed. 

Daryl carefully took it from her hands, he didn't react once he saw the stick indicate that Florence was pregnant. Daryl kissed the side of her head, he watched as she threw the stick in the box and buried her face in her hands. Daryl took her hands, he ran his thumb over his knuckles, the brunette girl took a deep breath and placed her hand on her belly. 

"I don't want to die giving birth to my baby." She whispered, Daryl gently grabbed her face in his hands, getting her to face him and took a deep breath as he kissed her lips with a gentleness she didn't expect from him. 

"I ain't gonna let you die, you're gonna get to live to see the baby." 

Later that night, they listened to Beth sing, it was peaceful and nice to listen to. Florence was happy that Daryl finally moved into her cell,  she sat on her bed, glancing at Daryl as he walked into the room. 

"Ya wanna it to be a boy or a girl?" Daryl questioned, Florence glanced at him with a brief smile and stared at her hands. 

"A girl." Daryl smiled, thinking about having his own little girl felt like a dream, having a family that he started felt like a dream. Florence got ready to sleep, she stared at Daryl for a moment and smiled as she wiggled into her spot on the bed. 

"Good night Daryl. Sweet dreams." 

"Sleep well, Flo." 

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