Chapter two

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    About a year ago I had a headache and an absent seizure that had changed my life forever. My husband had given me my meds and they often make me feel sleepy, so I took a nap. Waking up I felt good as new but bone tired..When I had started to talk to my husband and my children, they had noticed that I spoke differently than before. They thought I was playing a joke on them but at that time I had no idea what they were talking about. I had gone to the store with my daughter. ( My son had dropped us off because my head was still fuzzy).
People were asking me where I was from because my “accent” was wonderful. Thinking that people were just plain crazy or just was strange I answered tired truthfully. You know blah, blah, Georgia not really understanding what was going on.  I was getting the strangest looks, but I am a bit weird to begin with, so I really didn’t pay too much attention to it. It was crazy when I got home my accent had become thicker and boy was, I tired. Plain worn out.  My youngest had my husband really listen to me. He freaked out. He thought there was a huge problem  and told me that I should go to the hospital to be checked out.  After speaking with the Doctor, he relaxed some because they didn’t find evidence about a stroke or heart problem other than the pacemaker and we went about our day.

  We made sure that we told our older children that I had an issue with my speech. I had called my doctor and tried to set up normal speech therapy. When my insurance wouldn’t pay for it, I knew I was on my own. I had to figure out how to get control of my own voice and I knew it wasn’t going to be easy. 

  So, now I am going to tell you what led me down the path of waking up Irish and what my journey has been like having a permanent change to my life, and that’s how I woke up in this Irish pickle. See growing up I had always wanted to be one of those people who could mimic other accents but never knew how to even approach it.

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